language: scala notifications: email: on_success: never # See 'project/Version.scala' scala: - 2.11.6 sbt_args: -no-colors -J-Xss2m script: - sbt -jvm-opts travis/jvmopts.compile compile - sbt -jvm-opts travis/jvmopts.test test jdk: - oraclejdk8 # - oraclejdk7 # - openjdk7 secure: "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" before_install: # JDK fix - cat /etc/hosts # optionally check the content *before* - sudo hostname "$(hostname | cut -c1-63)" - sed -e "s/^\\(127\\.0\\.0\\.1.*\\)/\\1 $(hostname | cut -c1-63)/" /etc/hosts | sudo tee /etc/hosts - cat /etc/hosts # optionally check the content *after* - cd .. # Verilator #- sudo apt-get install git make autoconf g++ flex bison -y # First time prerequisites #- git clone # Only first time #- unset VERILATOR_ROOT # For bash #- cd verilator #- git pull # Make sure we're up-to-date #- git checkout verilator_3_916 #- autoconf # Create ./configure script #- ./configure #- make -j$(nproc) #- sudo make install #- cd .. - echo $BINTRAY_KEY - cd VexRiscv - sbt compile before_cache: # Tricks to avoid unnecessary cache updates - find $HOME/.ivy2 -name "ivydata-*.properties" -delete - find $HOME/.sbt -name "*.lock" -delete cache: directories: - $HOME/.ivy2/cache - $HOME/.sbt/boot/