Counter test ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This example design features a simple 4-bit counter driving LEDs. To build the counter example, depending on your hardware, run: .. code-block:: bash :name: example-counter-a35t-group TARGET="arty_35" make -C counter_test .. code-block:: bash :name: example-counter-a100t-group TARGET="arty_100" make -C counter_test .. code-block:: bash :name: example-counter-nexys4ddr-group TARGET="nexys4ddr" make -C counter_test .. code-block:: bash :name: example-counter-basys3-group TARGET="basys3" make -C counter_test .. code-block:: bash :name: example-counter-nexys_video-group TARGET="nexys_video" make -C counter_test .. code-block:: bash :name: example-counter-zybo-group TARGET="zybo" make -C counter_test At completion, the bitstreams are located in the build directory: .. code-block:: bash counter_test/build/ Now, for **Arty and Basys3**, you can upload the design with: .. code-block:: bash TARGET="" make download -C counter_test The result should be as follows: .. image:: ../../docs/images/counter-example-arty.gif :align: center :width: 50% For **Zybo**, please follow the `guide on how to load a bitstream from U-boot `_. Once the bitstream is loaded, the result should be as follows: .. image:: ../../docs/images/counter-example-zyboz7.gif :align: center :width: 50% On the picocom terminal, you can control the counter behaviour to stop it, or let it count backwards, by toggling values of the EMIO pins of the ARM Processing System (PS). You can control the counter enable signal with: .. code-block:: bash gpio set 54 gpio clear 54 If GPIO 54 is set, the counter is disabled. It is enabled if the GPIO 54 is cleared. The result should be as follows: .. image:: ../../docs/images/counter-example-zyboz7-clken.gif :align: center :width: 50% You can control the counter direction with: .. code-block:: bash gpio set 55 gpio clear 55 If GPIO 55 is set, the counter goes backwards. It goes forwared if the GPIO 54 is cleared. The result should be as follows: .. image:: ../../docs/images/counter-example-zyboz7-reverse.gif :align: center :width: 50%