Using Symbiflow to upload your own designs =========================================== This section describes how you can upload you're own designs to an FPGA from start to finish using only open source tools. Prepareing your environment ---------------------------- Before building any example, set the installation directory to match what you set it to earlier, for example: .. code-block:: bash :name: export-install-dir export INSTALL_DIR=~/opt/symbiflow Select your FPGA family: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Artix-7 .. code-block:: bash :name: fpga-fam-xc7 FPGA_FAM="xc7" .. group-tab:: EOS S3 .. code-block:: bash :name: fpga-fam-eos-s3 FPGA_FAM="eos-s3" Next, prepare the environment: .. code-block:: bash :name: conda-prep-env export PATH="$INSTALL_DIR/$FPGA_FAM/install/bin:$PATH"; source "$INSTALL_DIR/$FPGA_FAM/conda/etc/profile.d/" Finally, enter your working Conda environment: .. code-block:: bash :name: conda-act-env conda activate $FPGA_FAM Preparing Your Design ---------------------- Building a design in symbiflow requires three simple parts, the HDL files for your design, a constraints file, and a Makefile. For simplisity, all three of these design parts should be moved to a single directory. HDL files ++++++++++ Symbiflow provides support for both Varilog and systemVarilog HDL code. Use whichever methode you perfer and add your design files to the directory of choice. If you are using the provided Makefiles to build your design, your top level module should be declared as ``module top (...``. Constraint file ++++++++++++++++ The Symbiflow toolchain suports both .XDC and .PCF+.SDC formates for constraint files. Use whichever methode you perfer and add your constraint file(s) to the design directory. .. warning:: In its current state, symbiflow-examples does not provide support for dictionaries within XDC files by default. To support this functionality you will need to use the `XDC-plugin `_ from ``symbiflow-yosys-plugins.`` Failure to install the plugin beffore attempting to use dictionaries within your XDC file may result in a faulty bitstream. Makefile +++++++++ To learn about how the Makefiles in symbiflow work see the `Understanding the Makefile in Symbiflow `_ page. If you have used varilog as your HDL and an XDC as your constraint, you can add this :download:`Makefile ` to your design directory instead of building your own. Building your personal projects ------------------------------- Before you begin building your design navigate to the directory where you have stored your Makefile, HDL, and constraint files: .. code-block:: bash :name: your-directory cd Then, depending on your board type run: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Arty_35T .. code-block:: bash :name: example-counter-a35t-group TARGET="arty_35" make -C . .. group-tab:: Arty_100T .. code-block:: bash :name: example-counter-a100t-group TARGET="arty_100" make -C . .. group-tab:: Nexus4 .. code-block:: bash :name: example-counter-nexys4ddr-group TARGET="nexys4ddr" make -C . .. group-tab:: Basys3 .. code-block:: bash :name: example-counter-basys3-group TARGET="basys3" make -C . If your design builds withought error, the bitstream can be found in the following location: .. code-block:: bash cd build/ Finaly, for **Arty and Basys3**, you can upload the design with: .. code-block:: bash openocd -f ${INSTALL_DIR}/${FPGA_FAM}/conda/envs/${FPGA_FAM}/share/openocd/scripts/board/digilent_arty.cfg -c "init; pld load 0 top.bit; exit" .. tip:: Many of the commands needed to build a project are run many times. You might consider adding a few aliases or even a few bash functions to your .bashrc file to save yourself some typing or repeated coppy/paste. For example, instead of using the somwhat cumbersome command used to upload the bitsream to arty or basys3 every time, you could just add the following lines to your bashrc file: .. code-block:: bash :name: bash-functions symbi_bit() { #Creates and downloads the bitstream to Basys 3 or Arty boards: openocd -f /home/chem3000/opt/symbiflow/xc7/conda/envs/xc7/share/openocd/scripts/board/digilent_arty.cfg -c "init; pld load 0 top.bit; exit" } Now whenever you need to download a bitstream to the arty or basysis you can simply type ``symbi_bit`` into the terminal and hit enter.