Using Symbiflow to upload your own designs =========================================== This section describes how you can upload you're own designs to an FPGA from start to finish using only open source tools. Prepareing your environment ---------------------------- Before building any example, set the installation directory to match what you set it to earlier, for example: .. code-block:: bash :name: export-install-dir export INSTALL_DIR=~/opt/symbiflow Select your FPGA family: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Artix-7 .. code-block:: bash :name: fpga-fam-xc7 FPGA_FAM="xc7" .. group-tab:: EOS S3 .. code-block:: bash :name: fpga-fam-eos-s3 FPGA_FAM="eos-s3" Next, prepare the environment: .. code-block:: bash :name: conda-prep-env export PATH="$INSTALL_DIR/$FPGA_FAM/install/bin:$PATH"; source "$INSTALL_DIR/$FPGA_FAM/conda/etc/profile.d/" Finally, enter your working Conda environment: .. code-block:: bash :name: conda-act-env conda activate $FPGA_FAM File pre-requisits ------------------- Creating the Makefile ---------------------- Building your personal projects ------------------------------- Before you begin building your design navigate to the directory where you have stored your Makefile, virilog, and .xdc files: .. code-block:: bash :name: your-directory cd Then, to build your design, simply run make on your current dirrectory: .. code-block:: bash :name: run-make make -C . If your design builds withought error, the bitstream can be found in the following location: .. code-block:: bash cd build/ Finaly, for **Arty and Basys3**, you can upload the design with: .. code-block:: bash openocd -f ${INSTALL_DIR}/${FPGA_FAM}/conda/envs/${FPGA_FAM}/share/openocd/scripts/board/digilent_arty.cfg -c "init; pld load 0 top.bit; exit" .. tip:: Many of the commands needed to build a project are run many times withought deviation. You might consider adding a few aliases or even a few bash functions to your .bashrc file to save yourself some typing or repeated coppy/paste. For example, instead of using the cumbersome command used to upload the bitsream to arty or basys3 every time, you could just add the following lines to your bashrc file: .. code-block:: bash :name: bash-functions symbi_bit() { #Creates and downloads the bitstream to Basys 3 or Arty boards: openocd -f /home/chem3000/opt/symbiflow/xc7/conda/envs/xc7/share/openocd/scripts/board/digilent_arty.cfg -c "init; pld load 0 top.bit; exit" } Now whenever you need to download a bitstream to the arty or basysis you can simply type ``symbi_bit`` into the terminal and hit enter.