Obtaining nightly version of the tools ====================================== Sometimes it may be preferable to get the latest versions of the tools even before the full Toolchain is validated and upgraded. These tools **are not guaranteered to be bug free**, but they enable users to take advantage of the latest fixes available. Updating Yosys SystemVerilog plugin ----------------------------------- **Warning**: the expected usage of the plugin by using the :code:`read_systemverilog` command (used by default in F4PGA flow) should work. When using the plugin by calling :code:`read_uhdm` command, take additional care to use the same Surelog and UHDM version for creating and reading the UHDM file - updating only the plugin can create a mismatch in this case. Make sure :code:`curl`, :code:`jq`, :code:`tar` and :code:`wget` are installed (used to automatically download newest version): .. code-block:: bash :name: activate-xc7 apt install curl jq tar wget Activate the conda repository for the correct family: .. code-block:: bash :name: activate-xc7 conda activate xc7 Obtain the latest release of the plugin from `here `_: .. code-block:: bash :name: get-plugin curl https://api.github.com/repos/antmicro/yosys-uhdm-plugin-integration/releases/latest | jq .assets[1] | grep "browser_download_url" | grep -Eo 'https://[^\"]*' | xargs wget -O - | tar -xz Install the plugin using provided installation script. It will use the `yosys-config` from conda, so it will install into the conda environment. .. code-block:: bash :name: install-plugin ./install-plugin.sh