! function(e, t) { for (var n in t) e[n] = t[n] }(window, function(n) { var r = {}; function i(e) { if (r[e]) return r[e].exports; var t = r[e] = { i: e, l: !1, exports: {} }; return n[e].call(t.exports, t, t.exports, i), t.l = !0, t.exports } return i.m = n, i.c = r, i.d = function(e, t, n) { i.o(e, t) || Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: !0, get: n }) }, i.r = function(e) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, i.t = function(t, e) { if (1 & e && (t = i(t)), 8 & e) return t; if (4 & e && "object" == typeof t && t && t.__esModule) return t; var n = Object.create(null); if (i.r(n), Object.defineProperty(n, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }), 2 & e && "string" != typeof t) for (var r in t) i.d(n, r, function(e) { return t[e] }.bind(null, r)); return n }, i.n = function(e) { var t = e && e.__esModule ? function() { return e.default } : function() { return e }; return i.d(t, "a", t), t }, i.o = function(e, t) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) }, i.p = "", i(i.s = 13) }([function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = { Listener: function() { function e(e, t, n) { var r = this; this.els_ = Array.prototype.slice.call("string" == typeof e ? document.querySelectorAll(e) : [].concat(e)), this.handler_ = "function" == typeof n ? { update: n } : n, this.events_ = [].concat(t), this.update_ = function(e) { return r.handler_.update(e) } } var t = e.prototype; return t.listen = function() { var n = this; this.els_.forEach(function(t) { n.events_.forEach(function(e) { t.addEventListener(e, n.update_, !1) }) }), "function" == typeof this.handler_.setup && this.handler_.setup() }, t.unlisten = function() { var n = this; this.els_.forEach(function(t) { n.events_.forEach(function(e) { t.removeEventListener(e, n.update_) }) }), "function" == typeof this.handler_.reset && this.handler_.reset() }, e }(), MatchMedia: function(e, t) { this.handler_ = function(e) { e.matches ? t.listen() : t.unlisten() }; var n = window.matchMedia(e); n.addListener(this.handler_), this.handler_(n) } }, i = { Shadow: function() { function e(e, t) { var n = "string" == typeof e ? document.querySelector(e) : e; if (!(n instanceof HTMLElement && n.parentNode instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; if (this.el_ = n.parentNode, !((n = "string" == typeof t ? document.querySelector(t) : t) instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; this.header_ = n, this.height_ = 0, this.active_ = !1 } var t = e.prototype; return t.setup = function() { for (var e = this.el_; e = e.previousElementSibling;) { if (!(e instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; this.height_ += e.offsetHeight } this.update() }, t.update = function(e) { if (!e || "resize" !== e.type && "orientationchange" !== e.type) { var t = window.pageYOffset >= this.height_; t !== this.active_ && (this.header_.dataset.mdState = (this.active_ = t) ? "shadow" : "") } else this.height_ = 0, this.setup() }, t.reset = function() { this.header_.dataset.mdState = "", this.height_ = 0, this.active_ = !1 }, e }(), Title: function() { function e(e, t) { var n = "string" == typeof e ? document.querySelector(e) : e; if (!(n instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; if (this.el_ = n, !((n = "string" == typeof t ? document.querySelector(t) : t) instanceof HTMLHeadingElement)) throw new ReferenceError; this.header_ = n, this.active_ = !1 } var t = e.prototype; return t.setup = function() { var t = this; Array.prototype.forEach.call(this.el_.children, function(e) { e.style.width = t.el_.offsetWidth - 20 + "px" }) }, t.update = function(e) { var t = this, n = window.pageYOffset >= this.header_.offsetTop; n !== this.active_ && (this.el_.dataset.mdState = (this.active_ = n) ? "active" : ""), "resize" !== e.type && "orientationchange" !== e.type || Array.prototype.forEach.call(this.el_.children, function(e) { e.style.width = t.el_.offsetWidth - 20 + "px" }) }, t.reset = function() { this.el_.dataset.mdState = "", this.el_.style.width = "", this.active_ = !1 }, e }() }, o = { Blur: function() { function e(e) { this.els_ = "string" == typeof e ? document.querySelectorAll(e) : e, this.index_ = 0, this.offset_ = window.pageYOffset, this.dir_ = !1, this.anchors_ = [].reduce.call(this.els_, function(e, t) { var n = decodeURIComponent(t.hash); return e.concat(document.getElementById(n.substring(1)) || []) }, []) } var t = e.prototype; return t.setup = function() { this.update() }, t.update = function() { var e = window.pageYOffset, t = this.offset_ - e < 0; if (this.dir_ !== t && (this.index_ = this.index_ = t ? 0 : this.els_.length - 1), 0 !== this.anchors_.length) { if (this.offset_ <= e) for (var n = this.index_ + 1; n < this.els_.length && this.anchors_[n].offsetTop - 80 <= e; n++) 0 < n && (this.els_[n - 1].dataset.mdState = "blur"), this.index_ = n; else for (var r = this.index_; 0 <= r; r--) { if (!(this.anchors_[r].offsetTop - 80 > e)) { this.index_ = r; break } 0 < r && (this.els_[r - 1].dataset.mdState = "") } this.offset_ = e, this.dir_ = t } }, t.reset = function() { Array.prototype.forEach.call(this.els_, function(e) { e.dataset.mdState = "" }), this.index_ = 0, this.offset_ = window.pageYOffset }, e }(), Collapse: function() { function e(e) { var t = "string" == typeof e ? document.querySelector(e) : e; if (!(t instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; this.el_ = t } var t = e.prototype; return t.setup = function() { var e = this.el_.getBoundingClientRect().height; this.el_.style.display = e ? "block" : "none", this.el_.style.overflow = e ? "visible" : "hidden" }, t.update = function() { var e = this, t = this.el_.getBoundingClientRect().height; this.el_.style.display = "block", this.el_.style.overflow = ""; var r = this.el_.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling.checked; if (r) this.el_.style.maxHeight = t + "px", requestAnimationFrame(function() { e.el_.setAttribute("data-md-state", "animate"), e.el_.style.maxHeight = "0px" }); else { this.el_.setAttribute("data-md-state", "expand"), this.el_.style.maxHeight = ""; var n = this.el_.getBoundingClientRect().height; this.el_.removeAttribute("data-md-state"), this.el_.style.maxHeight = "0px", requestAnimationFrame(function() { e.el_.setAttribute("data-md-state", "animate"), e.el_.style.maxHeight = n + "px" }) } this.el_.addEventListener("transitionend", function e(t) { var n = t.target; if (!(n instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; n.removeAttribute("data-md-state"), n.style.maxHeight = "", n.style.display = r ? "none" : "block", n.style.overflow = r ? "hidden" : "visible", n.removeEventListener("transitionend", e) }, !1) }, t.reset = function() { this.el_.dataset.mdState = "", this.el_.style.maxHeight = "", this.el_.style.display = "", this.el_.style.overflow = "" }, e }(), Scrolling: function() { function e(e) { var t = "string" == typeof e ? document.querySelector(e) : e; if (!(t instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; this.el_ = t } var t = e.prototype; return t.setup = function() { this.el_.children[this.el_.children.length - 1].style.webkitOverflowScrolling = "touch"; var e = this.el_.querySelectorAll("[data-md-toggle]"); Array.prototype.forEach.call(e, function(e) { if (!(e instanceof HTMLInputElement)) throw new ReferenceError; if (e.checked) { var t = e.nextElementSibling; if (!(t instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; for (; "NAV" !== t.tagName && t.nextElementSibling;) t = t.nextElementSibling; if (!(e.parentNode instanceof HTMLElement && e.parentNode.parentNode instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; var n = e.parentNode.parentNode, r = t.children[t.children.length - 1]; n.style.webkitOverflowScrolling = "", r.style.webkitOverflowScrolling = "touch" } }) }, t.update = function(e) { var t = e.target; if (!(t instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; var n = t.nextElementSibling; if (!(n instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; for (; "NAV" !== n.tagName && n.nextElementSibling;) n = n.nextElementSibling; if (!(t.parentNode instanceof HTMLElement && t.parentNode.parentNode instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; var r = t.parentNode.parentNode, i = n.children[n.children.length - 1]; if (r.style.webkitOverflowScrolling = "", i.style.webkitOverflowScrolling = "", !t.checked) { n.addEventListener("transitionend", function e() { n instanceof HTMLElement && (r.style.webkitOverflowScrolling = "touch", n.removeEventListener("transitionend", e)) }, !1) } if (t.checked) { n.addEventListener("transitionend", function e() { n instanceof HTMLElement && (i.style.webkitOverflowScrolling = "touch", n.removeEventListener("transitionend", e)) }, !1) } }, t.reset = function() { this.el_.children[1].style.webkitOverflowScrolling = ""; var e = this.el_.querySelectorAll("[data-md-toggle]"); Array.prototype.forEach.call(e, function(e) { if (!(e instanceof HTMLInputElement)) throw new ReferenceError; if (e.checked) { var t = e.nextElementSibling; if (!(t instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; for (; "NAV" !== t.tagName && t.nextElementSibling;) t = t.nextElementSibling; if (!(e.parentNode instanceof HTMLElement && e.parentNode.parentNode instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; var n = e.parentNode.parentNode, r = t.children[t.children.length - 1]; n.style.webkitOverflowScrolling = "", r.style.webkitOverflowScrolling = "" } }) }, e }() }, a = { Lock: function() { function e(e) { var t = "string" == typeof e ? document.querySelector(e) : e; if (!(t instanceof HTMLInputElement)) throw new ReferenceError; if (this.el_ = t, !document.body) throw new ReferenceError; this.lock_ = document.body } var t = e.prototype; return t.setup = function() { this.update() }, t.update = function() { var e = this; this.el_.checked ? (this.offset_ = window.pageYOffset, setTimeout(function() { window.scrollTo(0, 0), e.el_.checked && (e.lock_.dataset.mdState = "lock") }, 400)) : (this.lock_.dataset.mdState = "", setTimeout(function() { void 0 !== e.offset_ && window.scrollTo(0, e.offset_) }, 100)) }, t.reset = function() { "lock" === this.lock_.dataset.mdState && window.scrollTo(0, this.offset_), this.lock_.dataset.mdState = "" }, e }(), Result: n(9).a }, s = { Position: function() { function e(e, t) { var n = "string" == typeof e ? document.querySelector(e) : e; if (!(n instanceof HTMLElement && n.parentNode instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; if (this.el_ = n, this.parent_ = n.parentNode, !((n = "string" == typeof t ? document.querySelector(t) : t) instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; this.header_ = n, this.height_ = 0, this.pad_ = "fixed" === window.getComputedStyle(this.header_).position } var t = e.prototype; return t.setup = function() { var e = Array.prototype.reduce.call(this.parent_.children, function(e, t) { return Math.max(e, t.offsetTop) }, 0); this.offset_ = e - (this.pad_ ? this.header_.offsetHeight : 0), this.update() }, t.update = function(e) { var t = window.pageYOffset, n = window.innerHeight; e && "resize" === e.type && this.setup(); var r = this.pad_ ? this.header_.offsetHeight : 0, i = this.parent_.offsetTop + this.parent_.offsetHeight, o = n - r - Math.max(0, this.offset_ - t) - Math.max(0, t + n - i); o !== this.height_ && (this.el_.style.height = (this.height_ = o) + "px"), t >= this.offset_ ? "lock" !== this.el_.dataset.mdState && (this.el_.dataset.mdState = "lock") : "lock" === this.el_.dataset.mdState && (this.el_.dataset.mdState = "") }, t.reset = function() { this.el_.dataset.mdState = "", this.el_.style.height = "", this.height_ = 0 }, e }() }, c = n(6), l = n.n(c); var u = { Adapter: { GitHub: function(o) { var e, t; function n(e) { var t; t = o.call(this, e) || this; var n = /^.+github\.com\/([^/]+)\/?([^/]+)?.*$/.exec(t.base_); if (n && 3 === n.length) { var r = n[1], i = n[2]; t.base_ = "https://api.github.com/users/" + r + "/repos", t.name_ = i } return t } return t = o, (e = n).prototype = Object.create(t.prototype), (e.prototype.constructor = e).__proto__ = t, n.prototype.fetch_ = function() { var i = this; return function n(r) { return void 0 === r && (r = 0), fetch(i.base_ + "?per_page=30&page=" + r).then(function(e) { return e.json() }).then(function(e) { if (!(e instanceof Array)) throw new TypeError; if (i.name_) { var t = e.find(function(e) { return e.name === i.name_ }); return t || 30 !== e.length ? t ? [i.format_(t.stargazers_count) + " Stars", i.format_(t.forks_count) + " Forks"] : [] : n(r + 1) } return [e.length + " Repositories"] }) }() }, n }(function() { function e(e) { var t = "string" == typeof e ? document.querySelector(e) : e; if (!(t instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)) throw new ReferenceError; this.el_ = t, this.base_ = this.el_.href, this.salt_ = this.hash_(this.base_) } var t = e.prototype; return t.fetch = function() { var n = this; return new Promise(function(t) { var e = l.a.getJSON(n.salt_ + ".cache-source"); void 0 !== e ? t(e) : n.fetch_().then(function(e) { l.a.set(n.salt_ + ".cache-source", e, { expires: 1 / 96 }), t(e) }) }) }, t.fetch_ = function() { throw new Error("fetch_(): Not implemented") }, t.format_ = function(e) { return 1e4 < e ? (e / 1e3).toFixed(0) + "k" : 1e3 < e ? (e / 1e3).toFixed(1) + "k" : "" + e }, t.hash_ = function(e) { var t = 0; if (0 === e.length) return t; for (var n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) t = (t << 5) - t + e.charCodeAt(n), t |= 0; return t }, e }()) }, Repository: n(10).a }, f = { Toggle: function() { function e(e) { var t = "string" == typeof e ? document.querySelector(e) : e; if (!(t instanceof Node)) throw new ReferenceError; this.el_ = t; var n = document.querySelector("[data-md-component=header]"); this.height_ = n.offsetHeight, this.active_ = !1 } var t = e.prototype; return t.update = function() { var e = window.pageYOffset >= this.el_.children[0].offsetTop + (5 - this.height_); e !== this.active_ && (this.el_.dataset.mdState = (this.active_ = e) ? "hidden" : "") }, t.reset = function() { this.el_.dataset.mdState = "", this.active_ = !1 }, e }() }; t.a = { Event: r, Header: i, Nav: o, Search: a, Sidebar: s, Source: u, Tabs: f } }, function(t, e, n) { (function(e) { t.exports = e.lunr = n(24) }).call(this, n(4)) }, function(e, f, d) { "use strict"; (function(t) { var e = d(8), n = setTimeout; function r() {} function o(e) { if (!(this instanceof o)) throw new TypeError("Promises must be constructed via new"); if ("function" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("not a function"); this._state = 0, this._handled = !1, this._value = void 0, this._deferreds = [], u(e, this) } function i(n, r) { for (; 3 === n._state;) n = n._value; 0 !== n._state ? (n._handled = !0, o._immediateFn(function() { var e = 1 === n._state ? r.onFulfilled : r.onRejected; if (null !== e) { var t; try { t = e(n._value) } catch (e) { return void s(r.promise, e) } a(r.promise, t) } else(1 === n._state ? a : s)(r.promise, n._value) })) : n._deferreds.push(r) } function a(t, e) { try { if (e === t) throw new TypeError("A promise cannot be resolved with itself."); if (e && ("object" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e)) { var n = e.then; if (e instanceof o) return t._state = 3, t._value = e, void c(t); if ("function" == typeof n) return void u((r = n, i = e, function() { r.apply(i, arguments) }), t) } t._state = 1, t._value = e, c(t) } catch (e) { s(t, e) } var r, i } function s(e, t) { e._state = 2, e._value = t, c(e) } function c(e) { 2 === e._state && 0 === e._deferreds.length && o._immediateFn(function() { e._handled || o._unhandledRejectionFn(e._value) }); for (var t = 0, n = e._deferreds.length; t < n; t++) i(e, e._deferreds[t]); e._deferreds = null } function l(e, t, n) { this.onFulfilled = "function" == typeof e ? e : null, this.onRejected = "function" == typeof t ? t : null, this.promise = n } function u(e, t) { var n = !1; try { e(function(e) { n || (n = !0, a(t, e)) }, function(e) { n || (n = !0, s(t, e)) }) } catch (e) { if (n) return; n = !0, s(t, e) } } o.prototype.catch = function(e) { return this.then(null, e) }, o.prototype.then = function(e, t) { var n = new this.constructor(r); return i(this, new l(e, t, n)), n }, o.prototype.finally = e.a, o.all = function(t) { return new o(function(r, i) { if (!t || void 0 === t.length) throw new TypeError("Promise.all accepts an array"); var o = Array.prototype.slice.call(t); if (0 === o.length) return r([]); var a = o.length; function s(t, e) { try { if (e && ("object" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e)) { var n = e.then; if ("function" == typeof n) return void n.call(e, function(e) { s(t, e) }, i) } o[t] = e, 0 == --a && r(o) } catch (e) { i(e) } } for (var e = 0; e < o.length; e++) s(e, o[e]) }) }, o.resolve = function(t) { return t && "object" == typeof t && t.constructor === o ? t : new o(function(e) { e(t) }) }, o.reject = function(n) { return new o(function(e, t) { t(n) }) }, o.race = function(i) { return new o(function(e, t) { for (var n = 0, r = i.length; n < r; n++) i[n].then(e, t) }) }, o._immediateFn = "function" == typeof t && function(e) { t(e) } || function(e) { n(e, 0) }, o._unhandledRejectionFn = function(e) { "undefined" != typeof console && console && console.warn("Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection:", e) }, f.a = o }).call(this, d(21).setImmediate) }, function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { var n = document.createElement(e); t && Array.prototype.forEach.call(Object.keys(t), function(e) { n.setAttribute(e, t[e]) }); for (var r = arguments.length, i = new Array(2 < r ? r - 2 : 0), o = 2; o < r; o++) i[o - 2] = arguments[o]; return function t(e) { Array.prototype.forEach.call(e, function(e) { "string" == typeof e || "number" == typeof e ? n.textContent += e : Array.isArray(e) ? t(e) : void 0 !== e.__html ? n.innerHTML += e.__html : e instanceof Node && n.appendChild(e) }) }(i), n } n.r(t), n.d(t, "createElement", function() { return r }) }, function(e, t) { var n; n = function() { return this }(); try { n = n || new Function("return this")() } catch (e) { "object" == typeof window && (n = window) } e.exports = n }, function(e, t, n) { var r; r = function() { return function(n) { var r = {}; function i(e) { if (r[e]) return r[e].exports; var t = r[e] = { i: e, l: !1, exports: {} }; return n[e].call(t.exports, t, t.exports, i), t.l = !0, t.exports } return i.m = n, i.c = r, i.d = function(e, t, n) { i.o(e, t) || Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: !0, get: n }) }, i.r = function(e) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, i.t = function(t, e) { if (1 & e && (t = i(t)), 8 & e) return t; if (4 & e && "object" == typeof t && t && t.__esModule) return t; var n = Object.create(null); if (i.r(n), Object.defineProperty(n, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }), 2 & e && "string" != typeof t) for (var r in t) i.d(n, r, function(e) { return t[e] }.bind(null, r)); return n }, i.n = function(e) { var t = e && e.__esModule ? function() { return e.default } : function() { return e }; return i.d(t, "a", t), t }, i.o = function(e, t) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) }, i.p = "", i(i.s = 0) }([function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var i = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e }, o = function() { function r(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r) } } return function(e, t, n) { return t && r(e.prototype, t), n && r(e, n), e } }(), a = r(n(1)), s = r(n(3)), c = r(n(4)); function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e } } var l = function(e) { function r(e, t) { ! function(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, r); var n = function(e, t) { if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return !t || "object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t ? e : t }(this, (r.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(r)).call(this)); return n.resolveOptions(t), n.listenClick(e), n } return function(e, t) { if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t); e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t) }(r, s.default), o(r, [{ key: "resolveOptions", value: function() { var e = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; this.action = "function" == typeof e.action ? e.action : this.defaultAction, this.target = "function" == typeof e.target ? e.target : this.defaultTarget, this.text = "function" == typeof e.text ? e.text : this.defaultText, this.container = "object" === i(e.container) ? e.container : document.body } }, { key: "listenClick", value: function(e) { var t = this; this.listener = (0, c.default)(e, "click", function(e) { return t.onClick(e) }) } }, { key: "onClick", value: function(e) { var t = e.delegateTarget || e.currentTarget; this.clipboardAction && (this.clipboardAction = null), this.clipboardAction = new a.default({ action: this.action(t), target: this.target(t), text: this.text(t), container: this.container, trigger: t, emitter: this }) } }, { key: "defaultAction", value: function(e) { return u("action", e) } }, { key: "defaultTarget", value: function(e) { var t = u("target", e); if (t) return document.querySelector(t) } }, { key: "defaultText", value: function(e) { return u("text", e) } }, { key: "destroy", value: function() { this.listener.destroy(), this.clipboardAction && (this.clipboardAction.destroy(), this.clipboardAction = null) } }], [{ key: "isSupported", value: function() { var e = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : ["copy", "cut"], t = "string" == typeof e ? [e] : e, n = !!document.queryCommandSupported; return t.forEach(function(e) { n = n && !!document.queryCommandSupported(e) }), n } }]), r }(); function u(e, t) { var n = "data-clipboard-" + e; if (t.hasAttribute(n)) return t.getAttribute(n) } e.exports = l }, function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r, i = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e }, o = function() { function r(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r) } } return function(e, t, n) { return t && r(e.prototype, t), n && r(e, n), e } }(), a = n(2), s = (r = a) && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r }; var c = function() { function t(e) { ! function(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, t), this.resolveOptions(e), this.initSelection() } return o(t, [{ key: "resolveOptions", value: function() { var e = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; this.action = e.action, this.container = e.container, this.emitter = e.emitter, this.target = e.target, this.text = e.text, this.trigger = e.trigger, this.selectedText = "" } }, { key: "initSelection", value: function() { this.text ? this.selectFake() : this.target && this.selectTarget() } }, { key: "selectFake", value: function() { var e = this, t = "rtl" == document.documentElement.getAttribute("dir"); this.removeFake(), this.fakeHandlerCallback = function() { return e.removeFake() }, this.fakeHandler = this.container.addEventListener("click", this.fakeHandlerCallback) || !0, this.fakeElem = document.createElement("textarea"), this.fakeElem.style.fontSize = "12pt", this.fakeElem.style.border = "0", this.fakeElem.style.padding = "0", this.fakeElem.style.margin = "0", this.fakeElem.style.position = "absolute", this.fakeElem.style[t ? "right" : "left"] = "-9999px"; var n = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; this.fakeElem.style.top = n + "px", this.fakeElem.setAttribute("readonly", ""), this.fakeElem.value = this.text, this.container.appendChild(this.fakeElem), this.selectedText = (0, s.default)(this.fakeElem), this.copyText() } }, { key: "removeFake", value: function() { this.fakeHandler && (this.container.removeEventListener("click", this.fakeHandlerCallback), this.fakeHandler = null, this.fakeHandlerCallback = null), this.fakeElem && (this.container.removeChild(this.fakeElem), this.fakeElem = null) } }, { key: "selectTarget", value: function() { this.selectedText = (0, s.default)(this.target), this.copyText() } }, { key: "copyText", value: function() { var t = void 0; try { t = document.execCommand(this.action) } catch (e) { t = !1 } this.handleResult(t) } }, { key: "handleResult", value: function(e) { this.emitter.emit(e ? "success" : "error", { action: this.action, text: this.selectedText, trigger: this.trigger, clearSelection: this.clearSelection.bind(this) }) } }, { key: "clearSelection", value: function() { this.trigger && this.trigger.focus(), window.getSelection().removeAllRanges() } }, { key: "destroy", value: function() { this.removeFake() } }, { key: "action", set: function() { var e = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : "copy"; if (this._action = e, "copy" !== this._action && "cut" !== this._action) throw new Error('Invalid "action" value, use either "copy" or "cut"') }, get: function() { return this._action } }, { key: "target", set: function(e) { if (void 0 !== e) { if (!e || "object" !== (void 0 === e ? "undefined" : i(e)) || 1 !== e.nodeType) throw new Error('Invalid "target" value, use a valid Element'); if ("copy" === this.action && e.hasAttribute("disabled")) throw new Error('Invalid "target" attribute. Please use "readonly" instead of "disabled" attribute'); if ("cut" === this.action && (e.hasAttribute("readonly") || e.hasAttribute("disabled"))) throw new Error('Invalid "target" attribute. You can\'t cut text from elements with "readonly" or "disabled" attributes'); this._target = e } }, get: function() { return this._target } }]), t }(); e.exports = c }, function(e, t) { e.exports = function(e) { var t; if ("SELECT" === e.nodeName) e.focus(), t = e.value; else if ("INPUT" === e.nodeName || "TEXTAREA" === e.nodeName) { var n = e.hasAttribute("readonly"); n || e.setAttribute("readonly", ""), e.select(), e.setSelectionRange(0, e.value.length), n || e.removeAttribute("readonly"), t = e.value } else { e.hasAttribute("contenteditable") && e.focus(); var r = window.getSelection(), i = document.createRange(); i.selectNodeContents(e), r.removeAllRanges(), r.addRange(i), t = r.toString() } return t } }, function(e, t) { function n() {} n.prototype = { on: function(e, t, n) { var r = this.e || (this.e = {}); return (r[e] || (r[e] = [])).push({ fn: t, ctx: n }), this }, once: function(e, t, n) { var r = this; function i() { r.off(e, i), t.apply(n, arguments) } return i._ = t, this.on(e, i, n) }, emit: function(e) { for (var t = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), n = ((this.e || (this.e = {}))[e] || []).slice(), r = 0, i = n.length; r < i; r++) n[r].fn.apply(n[r].ctx, t); return this }, off: function(e, t) { var n = this.e || (this.e = {}), r = n[e], i = []; if (r && t) for (var o = 0, a = r.length; o < a; o++) r[o].fn !== t && r[o].fn._ !== t && i.push(r[o]); return i.length ? n[e] = i : delete n[e], this } }, e.exports = n }, function(e, t, n) { var d = n(5), h = n(6); e.exports = function(e, t, n) { if (!e && !t && !n) throw new Error("Missing required arguments"); if (!d.string(t)) throw new TypeError("Second argument must be a String"); if (!d.fn(n)) throw new TypeError("Third argument must be a Function"); if (d.node(e)) return u = t, f = n, (l = e).addEventListener(u, f), { destroy: function() { l.removeEventListener(u, f) } }; if (d.nodeList(e)) return a = e, s = t, c = n, Array.prototype.forEach.call(a, function(e) { e.addEventListener(s, c) }), { destroy: function() { Array.prototype.forEach.call(a, function(e) { e.removeEventListener(s, c) }) } }; if (d.string(e)) return r = e, i = t, o = n, h(document.body, r, i, o); throw new TypeError("First argument must be a String, HTMLElement, HTMLCollection, or NodeList"); var r, i, o, a, s, c, l, u, f } }, function(e, n) { n.node = function(e) { return void 0 !== e && e instanceof HTMLElement && 1 === e.nodeType }, n.nodeList = function(e) { var t = Object.prototype.toString.call(e); return void 0 !== e && ("[object NodeList]" === t || "[object HTMLCollection]" === t) && "length" in e && (0 === e.length || n.node(e[0])) }, n.string = function(e) { return "string" == typeof e || e instanceof String }, n.fn = function(e) { return "[object Function]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e) } }, function(e, t, n) { var a = n(7); function o(e, t, n, r, i) { var o = function(t, n, e, r) { return function(e) { e.delegateTarget = a(e.target, n), e.delegateTarget && r.call(t, e) } }.apply(this, arguments); return e.addEventListener(n, o, i), { destroy: function() { e.removeEventListener(n, o, i) } } } e.exports = function(e, t, n, r, i) { return "function" == typeof e.addEventListener ? o.apply(null, arguments) : "function" == typeof n ? o.bind(null, document).apply(null, arguments) : ("string" == typeof e && (e = document.querySelectorAll(e)), Array.prototype.map.call(e, function(e) { return o(e, t, n, r, i) })) } }, function(e, t) { if ("undefined" != typeof Element && !Element.prototype.matches) { var n = Element.prototype; n.matches = n.matchesSelector || n.mozMatchesSelector || n.msMatchesSelector || n.oMatchesSelector || n.webkitMatchesSelector } e.exports = function(e, t) { for (; e && 9 !== e.nodeType;) { if ("function" == typeof e.matches && e.matches(t)) return e; e = e.parentNode } } }]) }, e.exports = r() }, function(r, i, o) { var a, s; ! function(e) { if (void 0 === (s = "function" == typeof(a = e) ? a.call(i, o, i, r) : a) || (r.exports = s), !0, r.exports = e(), !!0) { var t = window.Cookies, n = window.Cookies = e(); n.noConflict = function() { return window.Cookies = t, n } } }(function() { function m() { for (var e = 0, t = {}; e < arguments.length; e++) { var n = arguments[e]; for (var r in n) t[r] = n[r] } return t } return function e(h) { function p(e, t, n) { var r; if ("undefined" != typeof document) { if (1 < arguments.length) { if ("number" == typeof(n = m({ path: "/" }, p.defaults, n)).expires) { var i = new Date; i.setMilliseconds(i.getMilliseconds() + 864e5 * n.expires), n.expires = i } n.expires = n.expires ? n.expires.toUTCString() : ""; try { r = JSON.stringify(t), /^[\{\[]/.test(r) && (t = r) } catch (e) {} t = h.write ? h.write(t, e) : encodeURIComponent(String(t)).replace(/%(23|24|26|2B|3A|3C|3E|3D|2F|3F|40|5B|5D|5E|60|7B|7D|7C)/g, decodeURIComponent), e = (e = (e = encodeURIComponent(String(e))).replace(/%(23|24|26|2B|5E|60|7C)/g, decodeURIComponent)).replace(/[\(\)]/g, escape); var o = ""; for (var a in n) n[a] && (o += "; " + a, !0 !== n[a] && (o += "=" + n[a])); return document.cookie = e + "=" + t + o } e || (r = {}); for (var s = document.cookie ? document.cookie.split("; ") : [], c = /(%[0-9A-Z]{2})+/g, l = 0; l < s.length; l++) { var u = s[l].split("="), f = u.slice(1).join("="); this.json || '"' !== f.charAt(0) || (f = f.slice(1, -1)); try { var d = u[0].replace(c, decodeURIComponent); if (f = h.read ? h.read(f, d) : h(f, d) || f.replace(c, decodeURIComponent), this.json) try { f = JSON.parse(f) } catch (e) {} if (e === d) { r = f; break } e || (r[d] = f) } catch (e) {} } return r } } return (p.set = p).get = function(e) { return p.call(p, e) }, p.getJSON = function() { return p.apply({ json: !0 }, [].slice.call(arguments)) }, p.defaults = {}, p.remove = function(e, t) { p(e, "", m(t, { expires: -1 })) }, p.withConverter = e, p }(function() {}) }) }, function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; n.r(t); var r = "function" == typeof fetch ? fetch.bind() : function(i, o) { return o = o || {}, new Promise(function(e, t) { var n = new XMLHttpRequest; for (var r in n.open(o.method || "get", i, !0), o.headers) n.setRequestHeader(r, o.headers[r]); function s() { var r, i = [], o = [], a = {}; return n.getAllResponseHeaders().replace(/^(.*?):[^\S\n]*([\s\S]*?)$/gm, function(e, t, n) { i.push(t = t.toLowerCase()), o.push([t, n]), r = a[t], a[t] = r ? r + "," + n : n }), { ok: 2 == (n.status / 100 | 0), status: n.status, statusText: n.statusText, url: n.responseURL, clone: s, text: function() { return Promise.resolve(n.responseText) }, json: function() { return Promise.resolve(n.responseText).then(JSON.parse) }, blob: function() { return Promise.resolve(new Blob([n.response])) }, headers: { keys: function() { return i }, entries: function() { return o }, get: function(e) { return a[e.toLowerCase()] }, has: function(e) { return e.toLowerCase() in a } } } } n.withCredentials = "include" == o.credentials, n.onload = function() { e(s()) }, n.onerror = t, n.send(o.body || null) }) }; t.default = r }, function(e, t, n) { "use strict"; t.a = function(t) { var n = this.constructor; return this.then(function(e) { return n.resolve(t()).then(function() { return e }) }, function(e) { return n.resolve(t()).then(function() { return n.reject(e) }) }) } }, function(e, n, r) { "use strict"; (function(f) { r.d(n, "a", function() { return t }); var e = r(1), d = r.n(e), h = function(e) { var t = document.getElementsByName("lang:" + e)[0]; if (!(t instanceof HTMLMetaElement)) throw new ReferenceError; return t.content }, t = function() { function e(e, t) { var n = "string" == typeof e ? document.querySelector(e) : e; if (!(n instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; this.el_ = n; var r = Array.prototype.slice.call(this.el_.children), i = r[0], o = r[1]; this.data_ = t, this.meta_ = i, this.list_ = o, this.message_ = { placeholder: this.meta_.textContent, none: h("search.result.none"), one: h("search.result.one"), other: h("search.result.other") }; var a = h("search.tokenizer"); a.length && (d.a.tokenizer.separator = a), this.lang_ = h("search.language").split(",").filter(Boolean).map(function(e) { return e.trim() }) } return e.prototype.update = function(e) { var t, a = this; if ("focus" !== e.type || this.index_) { if ("focus" === e.type || "keyup" === e.type) { var n = e.target; if (!(n instanceof HTMLInputElement)) throw new ReferenceError; if (!this.index_ || n.value === this.value_) return; for (; this.list_.firstChild;) this.list_.removeChild(this.list_.firstChild); if (this.value_ = n.value, 0 === this.value_.length) return void(this.meta_.textContent = this.message_.placeholder); var r = this.index_.query(function(t) { a.value_.toLowerCase().split(" ").filter(Boolean).forEach(function(e) { t.term(e, { wildcard: d.a.Query.wildcard.TRAILING }) }) }).reduce(function(e, t) { var n = a.docs_.get(t.ref); if (n.parent) { var r = n.parent.location; e.set(r, (e.get(r) || []).concat(t)) } else { var i = n.location; e.set(i, e.get(i) || []) } return e }, new Map), i = (t = this.value_.trim(), t.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.-]/g, "\\$&")).replace(new RegExp(d.a.tokenizer.separator, "img"), "|"), s = new RegExp("(^|" + d.a.tokenizer.separator + ")(" + i + ")", "img"), c = function(e, t, n) { return t + "" + n + "" }; this.stack_ = [], r.forEach(function(e, t) { var n, r = a.docs_.get(t), i = f.createElement("li", { class: "md-search-result__item" }, f.createElement("a", { href: r.location, title: r.title, class: "md-search-result__link", tabindex: "-1" }, f.createElement("article", { class: "md-search-result__article md-search-result__article--document" }, f.createElement("h1", { class: "md-search-result__title" }, { __html: r.title.replace(s, c) }), r.text.length ? f.createElement("p", { class: "md-search-result__teaser" }, { __html: r.text.replace(s, c) }) : {}))), o = e.map(function(t) { return function() { var e = a.docs_.get(t.ref); i.appendChild(f.createElement("a", { href: e.location, title: e.title, class: "md-search-result__link", "data-md-rel": "anchor", tabindex: "-1" }, f.createElement("article", { class: "md-search-result__article" }, f.createElement("h1", { class: "md-search-result__title" }, { __html: e.title.replace(s, c) }), e.text.length ? f.createElement("p", { class: "md-search-result__teaser" }, { __html: function(e, t) { var n = t; if (e.length > n) { for (; " " !== e[n] && 0 < --n;); return e.substring(0, n) + "..." } return e }(e.text.replace(s, c), 400) }) : {}))) } }); (n = a.stack_).push.apply(n, [function() { return a.list_.appendChild(i) }].concat(o)) }); var o = this.el_.parentNode; if (!(o instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; for (; this.stack_.length && o.offsetHeight >= o.scrollHeight - 16;) this.stack_.shift()(); var l = this.list_.querySelectorAll("[data-md-rel=anchor]"); switch (Array.prototype.forEach.call(l, function(r) { ["click", "keydown"].forEach(function(n) { r.addEventListener(n, function(e) { if ("keydown" !== n || 13 === e.keyCode) { var t = document.querySelector("[data-md-toggle=search]"); if (!(t instanceof HTMLInputElement)) throw new ReferenceError; t.checked && (t.checked = !1, t.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change"))), e.preventDefault(), setTimeout(function() { document.location.href = r.href }, 100) } }) }) }), r.size) { case 0: this.meta_.textContent = this.message_.none; break; case 1: this.meta_.textContent = this.message_.one; break; default: this.meta_.textContent = this.message_.other.replace("#", r.size) } } } else { var u = function(e) { a.docs_ = e.reduce(function(e, t) { var n, r, i, o = t.location.split("#"), a = o[0], s = o[1]; return t.text = (n = t.text, r = document.createTextNode(n), (i = document.createElement("p")).appendChild(r), i.innerHTML), s && (t.parent = e.get(a), t.parent && !t.parent.done && (t.parent.title = t.title, t.parent.text = t.text, t.parent.done = !0)), t.text = t.text.replace(/\n/g, " ").replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/\s+([,.:;!?])/g, function(e, t) { return t }), t.parent && t.parent.title === t.title || e.set(t.location, t), e }, new Map); var i = a.docs_, o = a.lang_; a.stack_ = [], a.index_ = d()(function() { var e, t = this, n = { "search.pipeline.trimmer": d.a.trimmer, "search.pipeline.stopwords": d.a.stopWordFilter }, r = Object.keys(n).reduce(function(e, t) { return h(t).match(/^false$/i) || e.push(n[t]), e }, []); this.pipeline.reset(), r && (e = this.pipeline).add.apply(e, r), 1 === o.length && "en" !== o[0] && d.a[o[0]] ? this.use(d.a[o[0]]) : 1 < o.length && this.use(d.a.multiLanguage.apply(d.a, o)), this.field("title", { boost: 10 }), this.field("text"), this.ref("location"), i.forEach(function(e) { return t.add(e) }) }); var t = a.el_.parentNode; if (!(t instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; t.addEventListener("scroll", function() { for (; a.stack_.length && t.scrollTop + t.offsetHeight >= t.scrollHeight - 16;) a.stack_.splice(0, 10).forEach(function(e) { return e() }) }) }; setTimeout(function() { return "function" == typeof a.data_ ? a.data_().then(u) : u(a.data_) }, 250) } }, e }() }).call(this, r(3)) }, function(e, n, r) { "use strict"; (function(t) { r.d(n, "a", function() { return e }); var e = function() { function e(e) { var t = "string" == typeof e ? document.querySelector(e) : e; if (!(t instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; this.el_ = t } return e.prototype.initialize = function(e) { e.length && this.el_.children.length && this.el_.children[this.el_.children.length - 1].appendChild(t.createElement("ul", { class: "md-source__facts" }, e.map(function(e) { return t.createElement("li", { class: "md-source__fact" }, e) }))), this.el_.dataset.mdState = "done" }, e }() }).call(this, r(3)) }, , , function(e, n, c) { "use strict"; c.r(n), function(o) { c.d(n, "app", function() { return t }); c(14), c(15), c(16), c(17), c(18), c(19), c(20); var r = c(2), e = c(5), a = c.n(e), i = c(0); window.Promise = window.Promise || r.a; var s = function(e) { var t = document.getElementsByName("lang:" + e)[0]; if (!(t instanceof HTMLMetaElement)) throw new ReferenceError; return t.content }; var t = { initialize: function(t) { new i.a.Event.Listener(document, "DOMContentLoaded", function() { if (!(document.body instanceof HTMLElement)) throw new ReferenceError; Modernizr.addTest("ios", function() { return !!navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g) }); var e = document.querySelectorAll("table:not([class])"); if (Array.prototype.forEach.call(e, function(e) { var t = o.createElement("div", { class: "md-typeset__scrollwrap" }, o.createElement("div", { class: "md-typeset__table" })); e.nextSibling ? e.parentNode.insertBefore(t, e.nextSibling) : e.parentNode.appendChild(t), t.children[0].appendChild(e) }), a.a.isSupported()) { var t = document.querySelectorAll(".codehilite > pre, pre > code"); 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t.hasAttribute("open") ? t.removeAttribute("open") : t.setAttribute("open", "") }) }) } var r = function() { if (document.location.hash) { var e = document.getElementById(document.location.hash.substring(1)); if (!e) return; for (var t = e.parentNode; t && !(t instanceof HTMLDetailsElement);) t = t.parentNode; if (t && !t.open) { t.open = !0; var n = location.hash; location.hash = " ", location.hash = n } } }; if (window.addEventListener("hashchange", r), r(), Modernizr.ios) { var i = document.querySelectorAll("[data-md-scrollfix]"); Array.prototype.forEach.call(i, function(t) { t.addEventListener("touchstart", function() { var e = t.scrollTop; 0 === e ? t.scrollTop = 1 : e + t.offsetHeight === t.scrollHeight && (t.scrollTop = e - 1) }) }) } }).listen(), new i.a.Event.Listener(window, ["scroll", "resize", "orientationchange"], new i.a.Header.Shadow("[data-md-component=container]", "[data-md-component=header]")).listen(), new i.a.Event.Listener(window, ["scroll", "resize", "orientationchange"], new i.a.Header.Title("[data-md-component=title]", ".md-typeset h1")).listen(), document.querySelector("[data-md-component=hero]") && new i.a.Event.Listener(window, ["scroll", "resize", "orientationchange"], new i.a.Tabs.Toggle("[data-md-component=hero]")).listen(), document.querySelector("[data-md-component=tabs]") && new i.a.Event.Listener(window, ["scroll", "resize", "orientationchange"], new i.a.Tabs.Toggle("[data-md-component=tabs]")).listen(), new i.a.Event.MatchMedia("(min-width: 1220px)", new i.a.Event.Listener(window, ["scroll", "resize", "orientationchange"], new i.a.Sidebar.Position("[data-md-component=navigation]", "[data-md-component=header]"))), document.querySelector("[data-md-component=toc]") && new i.a.Event.MatchMedia("(min-width: 960px)", new i.a.Event.Listener(window, ["scroll", "resize", "orientationchange"], new i.a.Sidebar.Position("[data-md-component=toc]", "[data-md-component=header]"))), new i.a.Event.MatchMedia("(min-width: 960px)", new i.a.Event.Listener(window, "scroll", new i.a.Nav.Blur("[data-md-component=toc] .md-nav__link"))); 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return (t = t || {}).bubbles = !!t.bubbles, t.cancelable = !!t.cancelable, (n = document.createEvent("CustomEvent")).initCustomEvent(e, t.bubbles, t.cancelable, t.detail), r = n.preventDefault, n.preventDefault = function() { r.call(this); try { Object.defineProperty(this, "defaultPrevented", { get: function() { return !0 } }) } catch (e) { this.defaultPrevented = !0 } }, n }; t.prototype = window.Event.prototype, window.CustomEvent = t } }() }, function(e, t, n) { window.fetch || (window.fetch = n(7).default || n(7)) }, function(e, i, o) { (function(e) { var t = void 0 !== e && e || "undefined" != typeof self && self || window, n = Function.prototype.apply; function r(e, t) { this._id = e, this._clearFn = t } i.setTimeout = function() { return new r(n.call(setTimeout, t, arguments), clearTimeout) }, i.setInterval = function() { return new r(n.call(setInterval, t, arguments), clearInterval) }, i.clearTimeout = i.clearInterval = function(e) { e && e.close() }, r.prototype.unref = r.prototype.ref = function() {}, r.prototype.close = function() { this._clearFn.call(t, this._id) }, i.enroll = function(e, t) { clearTimeout(e._idleTimeoutId), e._idleTimeout = t }, i.unenroll = function(e) { clearTimeout(e._idleTimeoutId), e._idleTimeout = -1 }, i._unrefActive = i.active = function(e) { clearTimeout(e._idleTimeoutId); var t = e._idleTimeout; 0 <= t && (e._idleTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() { e._onTimeout && e._onTimeout() }, t)) }, o(22), i.setImmediate = "undefined" != typeof self && self.setImmediate || void 0 !== e && e.setImmediate || this && this.setImmediate, i.clearImmediate = "undefined" != typeof self && self.clearImmediate || void 0 !== e && e.clearImmediate || this && this.clearImmediate }).call(this, o(4)) }, function(e, t, n) { (function(e, p) { ! function(n, r) { "use strict"; if (!n.setImmediate) { var i, o, t, a, e, s = 1, c = {}, l = !1, u = n.document, f = Object.getPrototypeOf && Object.getPrototypeOf(n); f = f && f.setTimeout ? f : n, i = "[object process]" === {}.toString.call(n.process) ? function(e) { p.nextTick(function() { h(e) }) } : function() { if (n.postMessage && !n.importScripts) { var e = !0, t = n.onmessage; return n.onmessage = function() { e = !1 }, n.postMessage("", "*"), n.onmessage = t, e } }() ? (a = "setImmediate$" + Math.random() + "$", e = function(e) { e.source === n && "string" == typeof e.data && 0 === e.data.indexOf(a) && h(+e.data.slice(a.length)) }, n.addEventListener ? n.addEventListener("message", e, !1) : n.attachEvent("onmessage", e), function(e) { n.postMessage(a + e, "*") }) : n.MessageChannel ? ((t = new MessageChannel).port1.onmessage = function(e) { h(e.data) }, function(e) { t.port2.postMessage(e) }) : u && "onreadystatechange" in u.createElement("script") ? (o = u.documentElement, function(e) { var t = u.createElement("script"); t.onreadystatechange = function() { h(e), t.onreadystatechange = null, o.removeChild(t), t = null }, o.appendChild(t) }) : function(e) { setTimeout(h, 0, e) }, f.setImmediate = function(e) { "function" != typeof e && (e = new Function("" + e)); for (var t = new Array(arguments.length - 1), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) t[n] = arguments[n + 1]; var r = { callback: e, args: t }; return c[s] = r, i(s), s++ }, f.clearImmediate = d } function d(e) { delete c[e] } function h(e) { if (l) setTimeout(h, 0, e); else { var t = c[e]; if (t) { l = !0; try { ! function(e) { var t = e.callback, n = e.args; switch (n.length) { case 0: t(); break; case 1: t(n[0]); break; case 2: t(n[0], n[1]); break; case 3: t(n[0], n[1], n[2]); break; default: t.apply(r, n) } }(t) } finally { d(e), l = !1 } } } } }("undefined" == typeof self ? void 0 === e ? this : e : self) }).call(this, n(4), n(23)) }, function(e, t) { var n, r, i = e.exports = {}; function o() { throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined") } function a() { throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined") } function s(t) { if (n === setTimeout) return setTimeout(t, 0); if ((n === o || !n) && setTimeout) return n = setTimeout, setTimeout(t, 0); try { return n(t, 0) } catch (e) { try { return n.call(null, t, 0) } catch (e) { return n.call(this, t, 0) } } }! function() { try { n = "function" == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : o } catch (e) { n = o } try { r = "function" == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : a } catch (e) { r = a } }(); var c, l = [], u = !1, f = -1; function d() { u && c && (u = !1, c.length ? l = c.concat(l) : f = -1, l.length && h()) } function h() { if (!u) { var e = s(d); u = !0; for (var t = l.length; t;) { for (c = l, l = []; ++f < t;) c && c[f].run(); f = -1, t = l.length } c = null, u = !1, function(t) { if (r === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(t); if ((r === a || !r) && clearTimeout) return r = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(t); try { r(t) } catch (e) { try { return r.call(null, t) } catch (e) { return r.call(this, t) } } }(e) } } function p(e, t) { this.fun = e, this.array = t } function m() {} i.nextTick = function(e) { var t = new Array(arguments.length - 1); if (1 < arguments.length) for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) t[n - 1] = arguments[n]; l.push(new p(e, t)), 1 !== l.length || u || s(h) }, p.prototype.run = function() { this.fun.apply(null, this.array) }, i.title = "browser", i.browser = !0, i.env = {}, i.argv = [], i.version = "", i.versions = {}, i.on = m, i.addListener = m, i.once = m, i.off = m, i.removeListener = m, i.removeAllListeners = m, i.emit = m, i.prependListener = m, i.prependOnceListener = m, i.listeners = function(e) { return [] }, i.binding = function(e) { throw new Error("process.binding is not supported") }, i.cwd = function() { return "/" }, i.chdir = function(e) { throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported") }, i.umask = function() { return 0 } }, function(i, o, a) { var s, c; /** * lunr - http://lunrjs.com - A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright - 2.3.6 * Copyright (C) 2019 Oliver Nightingale * @license MIT */ ! function() { var t, l, u, e, n, f, d, h, p, m, y, v, g, w, _, E, x, b, k, S, T, L, R, O, C, r, D = function(e) { var t = new D.Builder; return t.pipeline.add(D.trimmer, D.stopWordFilter, D.stemmer), t.searchPipeline.add(D.stemmer), e.call(t, t), t.build() }; D.version = "2.3.6", D.utils = {}, D.utils.warn = (t = this, function(e) { t.console && console.warn && console.warn(e) }), D.utils.asString = function(e) { return null == e ? "" : e.toString() }, D.utils.clone = function(e) { if (null == e) return e; for (var t = Object.create(null), n = Object.keys(e), r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { var i = n[r], o = e[i]; if (Array.isArray(o)) t[i] = o.slice(); else { if ("string" != typeof o && "number" != typeof o && "boolean" != typeof o) throw new TypeError("clone is not deep and does not support nested objects"); t[i] = o } } return t }, D.FieldRef = function(e, t, n) { this.docRef = e, this.fieldName = t, this._stringValue = n }, D.FieldRef.joiner = "/", D.FieldRef.fromString = function(e) { var t = e.indexOf(D.FieldRef.joiner); if (-1 === t) throw "malformed field ref string"; var n = e.slice(0, t), r = e.slice(t + 1); return new D.FieldRef(r, n, e) }, D.FieldRef.prototype.toString = function() { return null == this._stringValue && (this._stringValue = this.fieldName + D.FieldRef.joiner + this.docRef), this._stringValue }, D.Set = function(e) { if (this.elements = Object.create(null), e) { this.length = e.length; for (var t = 0; t < this.length; t++) this.elements[e[t]] = !0 } else this.length = 0 }, D.Set.complete = { intersect: function(e) { return e }, union: function(e) { return e }, contains: function() { return !0 } }, D.Set.empty = { intersect: function() { return this }, union: function(e) { return e }, contains: function() { return !1 } }, D.Set.prototype.contains = function(e) { return !!this.elements[e] }, D.Set.prototype.intersect = function(e) { var t, n, r, i = []; if (e === D.Set.complete) return this; if (e === D.Set.empty) return e; n = this.length < e.length ? (t = this, e) : (t = e, this), r = Object.keys(t.elements); for (var o = 0; o < r.length; o++) { var a = r[o]; a in n.elements && i.push(a) } return new D.Set(i) }, D.Set.prototype.union = function(e) { return e === D.Set.complete ? D.Set.complete : e === D.Set.empty ? this : new D.Set(Object.keys(this.elements).concat(Object.keys(e.elements))) }, D.idf = function(e, t) { var n = 0; for (var r in e) "_index" != r && (n += Object.keys(e[r]).length); var i = (t - n + .5) / (n + .5); return Math.log(1 + Math.abs(i)) }, D.Token = function(e, t) { this.str = e || "", this.metadata = t || {} }, D.Token.prototype.toString = function() { return this.str }, D.Token.prototype.update = function(e) { return this.str = e(this.str, this.metadata), this }, D.Token.prototype.clone = function(e) { return e = e || function(e) { return e }, new D.Token(e(this.str, this.metadata), this.metadata) }, D.tokenizer = function(e, t) { if (null == e || null == e) return []; if (Array.isArray(e)) return e.map(function(e) { return new D.Token(D.utils.asString(e).toLowerCase(), D.utils.clone(t)) }); for (var n = e.toString().trim().toLowerCase(), r = n.length, i = [], o = 0, a = 0; o <= r; o++) { var s = o - a; if (n.charAt(o).match(D.tokenizer.separator) || o == r) { if (0 < s) { var c = D.utils.clone(t) || {}; c.position = [a, s], c.index = i.length, i.push(new D.Token(n.slice(a, o), c)) } a = o + 1 } } return i }, D.tokenizer.separator = /[\s\-]+/, D.Pipeline = function() { this._stack = [] }, D.Pipeline.registeredFunctions = Object.create(null), D.Pipeline.registerFunction = function(e, t) { t in this.registeredFunctions && D.utils.warn("Overwriting existing registered function: " + t), e.label = t, D.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[e.label] = e }, D.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered = function(e) { e.label && e.label in this.registeredFunctions || D.utils.warn("Function is not registered with pipeline. This may cause problems when serialising the index.\n", e) }, D.Pipeline.load = function(e) { var n = new D.Pipeline; return e.forEach(function(e) { var t = D.Pipeline.registeredFunctions[e]; if (!t) throw new Error("Cannot load unregistered function: " + e); n.add(t) }), n }, D.Pipeline.prototype.add = function() { Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).forEach(function(e) { D.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(e), this._stack.push(e) }, this) }, D.Pipeline.prototype.after = function(e, t) { D.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(t); var n = this._stack.indexOf(e); if (-1 == n) throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn"); n += 1, this._stack.splice(n, 0, t) }, D.Pipeline.prototype.before = function(e, t) { D.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(t); var n = this._stack.indexOf(e); if (-1 == n) throw new Error("Cannot find existingFn"); this._stack.splice(n, 0, t) }, D.Pipeline.prototype.remove = function(e) { var t = this._stack.indexOf(e); - 1 != t && this._stack.splice(t, 1) }, D.Pipeline.prototype.run = function(e) { for (var t = this._stack.length, n = 0; n < t; n++) { for (var r = this._stack[n], i = [], o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { var a = r(e[o], o, e); if (void 0 !== a && "" !== a) if (Array.isArray(a)) for (var s = 0; s < a.length; s++) i.push(a[s]); else i.push(a) } e = i } return e }, D.Pipeline.prototype.runString = function(e, t) { var n = new D.Token(e, t); return this.run([n]).map(function(e) { return e.toString() }) }, D.Pipeline.prototype.reset = function() { this._stack = [] }, D.Pipeline.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this._stack.map(function(e) { return D.Pipeline.warnIfFunctionNotRegistered(e), e.label }) }, D.Vector = function(e) { this._magnitude = 0, this.elements = e || [] }, D.Vector.prototype.positionForIndex = function(e) { if (0 == this.elements.length) return 0; for (var t = 0, n = this.elements.length / 2, r = n - t, i = Math.floor(r / 2), o = this.elements[2 * i]; 1 < r && (o < e && (t = i), e < o && (n = i), o != e);) r = n - t, i = t + Math.floor(r / 2), o = this.elements[2 * i]; return o == e ? 2 * i : e < o ? 2 * i : o < e ? 2 * (i + 1) : void 0 }, D.Vector.prototype.insert = function(e, t) { this.upsert(e, t, function() { throw "duplicate index" }) }, D.Vector.prototype.upsert = function(e, t, n) { this._magnitude = 0; var r = this.positionForIndex(e); this.elements[r] == e ? this.elements[r + 1] = n(this.elements[r + 1], t) : this.elements.splice(r, 0, e, t) }, D.Vector.prototype.magnitude = function() { if (this._magnitude) return this._magnitude; for (var e = 0, t = this.elements.length, n = 1; n < t; n += 2) { var r = this.elements[n]; e += r * r } return this._magnitude = Math.sqrt(e) }, D.Vector.prototype.dot = function(e) { for (var t = 0, n = this.elements, r = e.elements, i = n.length, o = r.length, a = 0, s = 0, c = 0, l = 0; c < i && l < o;)(a = n[c]) < (s = r[l]) ? c += 2 : s < a ? l += 2 : a == s && (t += n[c + 1] * r[l + 1], c += 2, l += 2); return t }, D.Vector.prototype.similarity = function(e) { return this.dot(e) / this.magnitude() || 0 }, D.Vector.prototype.toArray = function() { for (var e = new Array(this.elements.length / 2), t = 1, n = 0; t < this.elements.length; t += 2, n++) e[n] = this.elements[t]; return e }, D.Vector.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.elements }, D.stemmer = (l = { ational: "ate", tional: "tion", enci: "ence", anci: "ance", izer: "ize", bli: "ble", alli: "al", entli: "ent", eli: "e", ousli: "ous", ization: "ize", ation: "ate", ator: "ate", alism: "al", iveness: "ive", fulness: "ful", ousness: "ous", aliti: "al", iviti: "ive", biliti: "ble", logi: "log" }, u = { icate: "ic", ative: "", alize: "al", iciti: "ic", ical: "ic", ful: "", ness: "" }, e = "[aeiouy]", n = "[^aeiou][^aeiouy]*", f = new RegExp("^([^aeiou][^aeiouy]*)?[aeiouy][aeiou]*[^aeiou][^aeiouy]*"), d = new RegExp("^([^aeiou][^aeiouy]*)?[aeiouy][aeiou]*[^aeiou][^aeiouy]*[aeiouy][aeiou]*[^aeiou][^aeiouy]*"), h = new RegExp("^([^aeiou][^aeiouy]*)?[aeiouy][aeiou]*[^aeiou][^aeiouy]*([aeiouy][aeiou]*)?$"), p = new RegExp("^([^aeiou][^aeiouy]*)?[aeiouy]"), m = /^(.+?)(ss|i)es$/, y = /^(.+?)([^s])s$/, v = /^(.+?)eed$/, g = /^(.+?)(ed|ing)$/, w = /.$/, _ = /(at|bl|iz)$/, E = new RegExp("([^aeiouylsz])\\1$"), x = new RegExp("^" + n + e + "[^aeiouwxy]$"), b = /^(.+?[^aeiou])y$/, k = /^(.+?)(ational|tional|enci|anci|izer|bli|alli|entli|eli|ousli|ization|ation|ator|alism|iveness|fulness|ousness|aliti|iviti|biliti|logi)$/, S = /^(.+?)(icate|ative|alize|iciti|ical|ful|ness)$/, T = /^(.+?)(al|ance|ence|er|ic|able|ible|ant|ement|ment|ent|ou|ism|ate|iti|ous|ive|ize)$/, L = /^(.+?)(s|t)(ion)$/, R = /^(.+?)e$/, O = /ll$/, C = new RegExp("^" + n + e + "[^aeiouwxy]$"), r = function(e) { var t, n, r, i, o, a, s; if (e.length < 3) return e; if ("y" == (r = e.substr(0, 1)) && (e = r.toUpperCase() + e.substr(1)), o = y, (i = m).test(e) ? e = e.replace(i, "$1$2") : o.test(e) && (e = e.replace(o, "$1$2")), o = g, (i = v).test(e)) { var c = i.exec(e); (i = f).test(c[1]) && (i = w, e = e.replace(i, "")) } else if (o.test(e)) { t = (c = o.exec(e))[1], (o = p).test(t) && (a = E, s = x, (o = _).test(e = t) ? e += "e" : a.test(e) ? (i = w, e = e.replace(i, "")) : s.test(e) && (e += "e")) }(i = b).test(e) && (e = (t = (c = i.exec(e))[1]) + "i"); (i = k).test(e) && (t = (c = i.exec(e))[1], n = c[2], (i = f).test(t) && (e = t + l[n])); (i = S).test(e) && (t = (c = i.exec(e))[1], n = c[2], (i = f).test(t) && (e = t + u[n])); if (o = L, (i = T).test(e)) t = (c = i.exec(e))[1], (i = d).test(t) && (e = t); else if (o.test(e)) { t = (c = o.exec(e))[1] + c[2], (o = d).test(t) && (e = t) }(i = R).test(e) && (t = (c = i.exec(e))[1], o = h, a = C, ((i = d).test(t) || o.test(t) && !a.test(t)) && (e = t)); return o = d, (i = O).test(e) && o.test(e) && (i = w, e = e.replace(i, "")), "y" == r && (e = r.toLowerCase() + e.substr(1)), e }, function(e) { return e.update(r) }), D.Pipeline.registerFunction(D.stemmer, "stemmer"), D.generateStopWordFilter = function(e) { var t = e.reduce(function(e, t) { return e[t] = t, e }, {}); return function(e) { if (e && t[e.toString()] !== e.toString()) return e } }, D.stopWordFilter = D.generateStopWordFilter(["a", "able", "about", "across", "after", "all", "almost", "also", "am", "among", "an", "and", "any", "are", "as", "at", "be", "because", "been", "but", "by", "can", "cannot", "could", "dear", "did", "do", "does", "either", "else", "ever", "every", "for", "from", "get", "got", "had", "has", "have", "he", "her", "hers", "him", "his", "how", "however", "i", "if", "in", "into", "is", "it", "its", "just", "least", "let", "like", "likely", "may", "me", "might", "most", "must", "my", "neither", "no", "nor", "not", "of", "off", "often", "on", "only", "or", "other", "our", "own", "rather", "said", "say", "says", "she", "should", "since", "so", "some", "than", "that", "the", "their", "them", "then", "there", "these", "they", "this", "tis", "to", "too", "twas", "us", "wants", "was", "we", "were", "what", "when", "where", "which", "while", "who", "whom", "why", "will", "with", "would", "yet", "you", "your"]), D.Pipeline.registerFunction(D.stopWordFilter, "stopWordFilter"), D.trimmer = function(e) { return e.update(function(e) { return e.replace(/^\W+/, "").replace(/\W+$/, "") }) }, D.Pipeline.registerFunction(D.trimmer, "trimmer"), D.TokenSet = function() { this.final = !1, this.edges = {}, this.id = D.TokenSet._nextId, D.TokenSet._nextId += 1 }, D.TokenSet._nextId = 1, D.TokenSet.fromArray = function(e) { for (var t = new D.TokenSet.Builder, n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) t.insert(e[n]); return t.finish(), t.root }, D.TokenSet.fromClause = function(e) { return "editDistance" in e ? D.TokenSet.fromFuzzyString(e.term, e.editDistance) : D.TokenSet.fromString(e.term) }, D.TokenSet.fromFuzzyString = function(e, t) { for (var n = new D.TokenSet, r = [{ node: n, editsRemaining: t, str: e }]; r.length;) { var i = r.pop(); if (0 < i.str.length) { var o, a = i.str.charAt(0); a in i.node.edges ? o = i.node.edges[a] : (o = new D.TokenSet, i.node.edges[a] = o), 1 == i.str.length && (o.final = !0), r.push({ node: o, editsRemaining: i.editsRemaining, str: i.str.slice(1) }) } if (0 != i.editsRemaining) { if ("*" in i.node.edges) var s = i.node.edges["*"]; else { s = new D.TokenSet; i.node.edges["*"] = s } if (0 == i.str.length && (s.final = !0), r.push({ node: s, editsRemaining: i.editsRemaining - 1, str: i.str }), 1 < i.str.length && r.push({ node: i.node, editsRemaining: i.editsRemaining - 1, str: i.str.slice(1) }), 1 == i.str.length && (i.node.final = !0), 1 <= i.str.length) { if ("*" in i.node.edges) var c = i.node.edges["*"]; else { c = new D.TokenSet; i.node.edges["*"] = c } 1 == i.str.length && (c.final = !0), r.push({ node: c, editsRemaining: i.editsRemaining - 1, str: i.str.slice(1) }) } if (1 < i.str.length) { var l, u = i.str.charAt(0), f = i.str.charAt(1); f in i.node.edges ? l = i.node.edges[f] : (l = new D.TokenSet, i.node.edges[f] = l), 1 == i.str.length && (l.final = !0), r.push({ node: l, editsRemaining: i.editsRemaining - 1, str: u + i.str.slice(2) }) } } } return n }, D.TokenSet.fromString = function(e) { for (var t = new D.TokenSet, n = t, r = 0, i = e.length; r < i; r++) { var o = e[r], a = r == i - 1; if ("*" == o)(t.edges[o] = t).final = a; else { var s = new D.TokenSet; s.final = a, t.edges[o] = s, t = s } } return n }, D.TokenSet.prototype.toArray = function() { for (var e = [], t = [{ prefix: "", node: this }]; t.length;) { var n = t.pop(), r = Object.keys(n.node.edges), i = r.length; n.node.final && (n.prefix.charAt(0), e.push(n.prefix)); for (var o = 0; o < i; o++) { var a = r[o]; t.push({ prefix: n.prefix.concat(a), node: n.node.edges[a] }) } } return e }, D.TokenSet.prototype.toString = function() { if (this._str) return this._str; for (var e = this.final ? "1" : "0", t = Object.keys(this.edges).sort(), n = t.length, r = 0; r < n; r++) { var i = t[r]; e = e + i + this.edges[i].id } return e }, D.TokenSet.prototype.intersect = function(e) { for (var t = new D.TokenSet, n = void 0, r = [{ qNode: e, output: t, node: this }]; r.length;) { n = r.pop(); for (var i = Object.keys(n.qNode.edges), o = i.length, a = Object.keys(n.node.edges), s = a.length, c = 0; c < o; c++) for (var l = i[c], u = 0; u < s; u++) { var f = a[u]; if (f == l || "*" == l) { var d = n.node.edges[f], h = n.qNode.edges[l], p = d.final && h.final, m = void 0; f in n.output.edges ? (m = n.output.edges[f]).final = m.final || p : ((m = new D.TokenSet).final = p, n.output.edges[f] = m), r.push({ qNode: h, output: m, node: d }) } } } return t }, D.TokenSet.Builder = function() { this.previousWord = "", this.root = new D.TokenSet, this.uncheckedNodes = [], this.minimizedNodes = {} }, D.TokenSet.Builder.prototype.insert = function(e) { var t, n = 0; if (e < this.previousWord) throw new Error("Out of order word insertion"); for (var r = 0; r < e.length && r < this.previousWord.length && e[r] == this.previousWord[r]; r++) n++; this.minimize(n), t = 0 == this.uncheckedNodes.length ? this.root : this.uncheckedNodes[this.uncheckedNodes.length - 1].child; for (r = n; r < e.length; r++) { var i = new D.TokenSet, o = e[r]; t.edges[o] = i, this.uncheckedNodes.push({ parent: t, char: o, child: i }), t = i } t.final = !0, this.previousWord = e }, D.TokenSet.Builder.prototype.finish = function() { this.minimize(0) }, D.TokenSet.Builder.prototype.minimize = function(e) { for (var t = this.uncheckedNodes.length - 1; e <= t; t--) { var n = this.uncheckedNodes[t], r = n.child.toString(); r in this.minimizedNodes ? n.parent.edges[n.char] = this.minimizedNodes[r] : (n.child._str = r, this.minimizedNodes[r] = n.child), this.uncheckedNodes.pop() } }, D.Index = function(e) { this.invertedIndex = e.invertedIndex, this.fieldVectors = e.fieldVectors, this.tokenSet = e.tokenSet, this.fields = e.fields, this.pipeline = e.pipeline }, D.Index.prototype.search = function(t) { return this.query(function(e) { new D.QueryParser(t, e).parse() }) }, D.Index.prototype.query = function(e) { for (var t = new D.Query(this.fields), n = Object.create(null), r = Object.create(null), i = Object.create(null), o = Object.create(null), a = Object.create(null), s = 0; s < this.fields.length; s++) r[this.fields[s]] = new D.Vector; e.call(t, t); for (s = 0; s < t.clauses.length; s++) { var c = t.clauses[s], l = null, u = D.Set.complete; l = c.usePipeline ? this.pipeline.runString(c.term, { fields: c.fields }) : [c.term]; for (var f = 0; f < l.length; f++) { var d = l[f]; c.term = d; var h = D.TokenSet.fromClause(c), p = this.tokenSet.intersect(h).toArray(); if (0 === p.length && c.presence === D.Query.presence.REQUIRED) { for (var m = 0; m < c.fields.length; m++) { o[Q = c.fields[m]] = D.Set.empty } break } for (var y = 0; y < p.length; y++) { var v = p[y], g = this.invertedIndex[v], w = g._index; for (m = 0; m < c.fields.length; m++) { var _ = g[Q = c.fields[m]], E = Object.keys(_), x = v + "/" + Q, b = new D.Set(E); if (c.presence == D.Query.presence.REQUIRED && (u = u.union(b), void 0 === o[Q] && (o[Q] = D.Set.complete)), c.presence != D.Query.presence.PROHIBITED) { if (r[Q].upsert(w, c.boost, function(e, t) { return e + t }), !i[x]) { for (var k = 0; k < E.length; k++) { var S, T = E[k], L = new D.FieldRef(T, Q), R = _[T]; void 0 === (S = n[L]) ? n[L] = new D.MatchData(v, Q, R) : S.add(v, Q, R) } i[x] = !0 } } else void 0 === a[Q] && (a[Q] = D.Set.empty), a[Q] = a[Q].union(b) } } } if (c.presence === D.Query.presence.REQUIRED) for (m = 0; m < c.fields.length; m++) { o[Q = c.fields[m]] = o[Q].intersect(u) } } var O = D.Set.complete, C = D.Set.empty; for (s = 0; s < this.fields.length; s++) { var Q; o[Q = this.fields[s]] && (O = O.intersect(o[Q])), a[Q] && (C = C.union(a[Q])) } var P = Object.keys(n), A = [], I = Object.create(null); if (t.isNegated()) { P = Object.keys(this.fieldVectors); for (s = 0; s < P.length; s++) { L = P[s]; var M = D.FieldRef.fromString(L); n[L] = new D.MatchData } } for (s = 0; s < P.length; s++) { var N = (M = D.FieldRef.fromString(P[s])).docRef; if (O.contains(N) && !C.contains(N)) { var j, F = this.fieldVectors[M], H = r[M.fieldName].similarity(F); if (void 0 !== (j = I[N])) j.score += H, j.matchData.combine(n[M]); else { var q = { ref: N, score: H, matchData: n[M] }; I[N] = q, A.push(q) } } } return A.sort(function(e, t) { return t.score - e.score }) }, D.Index.prototype.toJSON = function() { var e = Object.keys(this.invertedIndex).sort().map(function(e) { return [e, this.invertedIndex[e]] }, this), t = Object.keys(this.fieldVectors).map(function(e) { return [e, this.fieldVectors[e].toJSON()] }, this); return { version: D.version, fields: this.fields, fieldVectors: t, invertedIndex: e, pipeline: this.pipeline.toJSON() } }, D.Index.load = function(e) { var t = {}, n = {}, r = e.fieldVectors, i = Object.create(null), o = e.invertedIndex, a = new D.TokenSet.Builder, s = D.Pipeline.load(e.pipeline); e.version != D.version && D.utils.warn("Version mismatch when loading serialised index. Current version of lunr '" + D.version + "' does not match serialized index '" + e.version + "'"); for (var c = 0; c < r.length; c++) { var l = (f = r[c])[0], u = f[1]; n[l] = new D.Vector(u) } for (c = 0; c < o.length; c++) { var f, d = (f = o[c])[0], h = f[1]; a.insert(d), i[d] = h } return a.finish(), t.fields = e.fields, t.fieldVectors = n, t.invertedIndex = i, t.tokenSet = a.root, t.pipeline = s, new D.Index(t) }, D.Builder = function() { this._ref = "id", this._fields = Object.create(null), this._documents = Object.create(null), this.invertedIndex = Object.create(null), this.fieldTermFrequencies = {}, this.fieldLengths = {}, this.tokenizer = D.tokenizer, this.pipeline = new D.Pipeline, this.searchPipeline = new D.Pipeline, this.documentCount = 0, this._b = .75, this._k1 = 1.2, this.termIndex = 0, this.metadataWhitelist = [] }, D.Builder.prototype.ref = function(e) { this._ref = e }, D.Builder.prototype.field = function(e, t) { if (/\//.test(e)) throw new RangeError("Field '" + e + "' contains illegal character '/'"); this._fields[e] = t || {} }, D.Builder.prototype.b = function(e) { this._b = e < 0 ? 0 : 1 < e ? 1 : e }, D.Builder.prototype.k1 = function(e) { this._k1 = e }, D.Builder.prototype.add = function(e, t) { var n = e[this._ref], r = Object.keys(this._fields); this._documents[n] = t || {}, this.documentCount += 1; for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { var o = r[i], a = this._fields[o].extractor, s = a ? a(e) : e[o], c = this.tokenizer(s, { fields: [o] }), l = this.pipeline.run(c), u = new D.FieldRef(n, o), f = Object.create(null); this.fieldTermFrequencies[u] = f, this.fieldLengths[u] = 0, this.fieldLengths[u] += l.length; for (var d = 0; d < l.length; d++) { var h = l[d]; if (null == f[h] && (f[h] = 0), f[h] += 1, null == this.invertedIndex[h]) { var p = Object.create(null); p._index = this.termIndex, this.termIndex += 1; for (var m = 0; m < r.length; m++) p[r[m]] = Object.create(null); this.invertedIndex[h] = p } null == this.invertedIndex[h][o][n] && (this.invertedIndex[h][o][n] = Object.create(null)); for (var y = 0; y < this.metadataWhitelist.length; y++) { var v = this.metadataWhitelist[y], g = h.metadata[v]; null == this.invertedIndex[h][o][n][v] && (this.invertedIndex[h][o][n][v] = []), this.invertedIndex[h][o][n][v].push(g) } } } }, D.Builder.prototype.calculateAverageFieldLengths = function() { for (var e = Object.keys(this.fieldLengths), t = e.length, n = {}, r = {}, i = 0; i < t; i++) { var o = D.FieldRef.fromString(e[i]), a = o.fieldName; r[a] || (r[a] = 0), r[a] += 1, n[a] || (n[a] = 0), n[a] += this.fieldLengths[o] } var s = Object.keys(this._fields); for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { var c = s[i]; n[c] = n[c] / r[c] } this.averageFieldLength = n }, D.Builder.prototype.createFieldVectors = function() { for (var e = {}, t = Object.keys(this.fieldTermFrequencies), n = t.length, r = Object.create(null), i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (var o = D.FieldRef.fromString(t[i]), a = o.fieldName, s = this.fieldLengths[o], c = new D.Vector, l = this.fieldTermFrequencies[o], u = Object.keys(l), f = u.length, d = this._fields[a].boost || 1, h = this._documents[o.docRef].boost || 1, p = 0; p < f; p++) { var m, y, v, g = u[p], w = l[g], _ = this.invertedIndex[g]._index; void 0 === r[g] ? (m = D.idf(this.invertedIndex[g], this.documentCount), r[g] = m) : m = r[g], y = m * ((this._k1 + 1) * w) / (this._k1 * (1 - this._b + this._b * (s / this.averageFieldLength[a])) + w), y *= d, y *= h, v = Math.round(1e3 * y) / 1e3, c.insert(_, v) } e[o] = c } this.fieldVectors = e }, D.Builder.prototype.createTokenSet = function() { this.tokenSet = D.TokenSet.fromArray(Object.keys(this.invertedIndex).sort()) }, D.Builder.prototype.build = function() { return this.calculateAverageFieldLengths(), this.createFieldVectors(), this.createTokenSet(), new D.Index({ invertedIndex: this.invertedIndex, fieldVectors: this.fieldVectors, tokenSet: this.tokenSet, fields: Object.keys(this._fields), pipeline: this.searchPipeline }) }, D.Builder.prototype.use = function(e) { var t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); t.unshift(this), e.apply(this, t) }, D.MatchData = function(e, t, n) { for (var r = Object.create(null), i = Object.keys(n || {}), o = 0; o < i.length; o++) { var a = i[o]; r[a] = n[a].slice() } this.metadata = Object.create(null), void 0 !== e && (this.metadata[e] = Object.create(null), this.metadata[e][t] = r) }, D.MatchData.prototype.combine = function(e) { for (var t = Object.keys(e.metadata), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n], i = Object.keys(e.metadata[r]); null == this.metadata[r] && (this.metadata[r] = Object.create(null)); for (var o = 0; o < i.length; o++) { var a = i[o], s = Object.keys(e.metadata[r][a]); null == this.metadata[r][a] && (this.metadata[r][a] = Object.create(null)); for (var c = 0; c < s.length; c++) { var l = s[c]; null == this.metadata[r][a][l] ? this.metadata[r][a][l] = e.metadata[r][a][l] : this.metadata[r][a][l] = this.metadata[r][a][l].concat(e.metadata[r][a][l]) } } } }, D.MatchData.prototype.add = function(e, t, n) { if (!(e in this.metadata)) return this.metadata[e] = Object.create(null), void(this.metadata[e][t] = n); if (t in this.metadata[e]) for (var r = Object.keys(n), i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { var o = r[i]; o in this.metadata[e][t] ? this.metadata[e][t][o] = this.metadata[e][t][o].concat(n[o]) : this.metadata[e][t][o] = n[o] } else this.metadata[e][t] = n }, D.Query = function(e) { this.clauses = [], this.allFields = e }, D.Query.wildcard = new String("*"), D.Query.wildcard.NONE = 0, D.Query.wildcard.LEADING = 1, D.Query.wildcard.TRAILING = 2, D.Query.presence = { OPTIONAL: 1, REQUIRED: 2, PROHIBITED: 3 }, D.Query.prototype.clause = function(e) { return "fields" in e || (e.fields = this.allFields), "boost" in e || (e.boost = 1), "usePipeline" in e || (e.usePipeline = !0), "wildcard" in e || (e.wildcard = D.Query.wildcard.NONE), e.wildcard & D.Query.wildcard.LEADING && e.term.charAt(0) != D.Query.wildcard && (e.term = "*" + e.term), e.wildcard & D.Query.wildcard.TRAILING && e.term.slice(-1) != D.Query.wildcard && (e.term = e.term + "*"), "presence" in e || (e.presence = D.Query.presence.OPTIONAL), this.clauses.push(e), this }, D.Query.prototype.isNegated = function() { for (var e = 0; e < this.clauses.length; e++) if (this.clauses[e].presence != D.Query.presence.PROHIBITED) return !1; return !0 }, D.Query.prototype.term = function(e, t) { if (Array.isArray(e)) return e.forEach(function(e) { this.term(e, D.utils.clone(t)) }, this), this; var n = t || {}; return n.term = e.toString(), this.clause(n), this }, D.QueryParseError = function(e, t, n) { this.name = "QueryParseError", this.message = e, this.start = t, this.end = n }, D.QueryParseError.prototype = new Error, D.QueryLexer = function(e) { this.lexemes = [], this.str = e, this.length = e.length, this.pos = 0, this.start = 0, this.escapeCharPositions = [] }, D.QueryLexer.prototype.run = function() { for (var e = D.QueryLexer.lexText; e;) e = e(this) }, D.QueryLexer.prototype.sliceString = function() { for (var e = [], t = this.start, n = this.pos, r = 0; r < this.escapeCharPositions.length; r++) n = this.escapeCharPositions[r], e.push(this.str.slice(t, n)), t = n + 1; return e.push(this.str.slice(t, this.pos)), this.escapeCharPositions.length = 0, e.join("") }, D.QueryLexer.prototype.emit = function(e) { this.lexemes.push({ type: e, str: this.sliceString(), start: this.start, end: this.pos }), this.start = this.pos }, D.QueryLexer.prototype.escapeCharacter = function() { this.escapeCharPositions.push(this.pos - 1), this.pos += 1 }, D.QueryLexer.prototype.next = function() { if (this.pos >= this.length) return D.QueryLexer.EOS; var e = this.str.charAt(this.pos); return this.pos += 1, e }, D.QueryLexer.prototype.width = function() { return this.pos - this.start }, D.QueryLexer.prototype.ignore = function() { this.start == this.pos && (this.pos += 1), this.start = this.pos }, D.QueryLexer.prototype.backup = function() { this.pos -= 1 }, D.QueryLexer.prototype.acceptDigitRun = function() { for (var e, t; 47 < (t = (e = this.next()).charCodeAt(0)) && t < 58;); e != D.QueryLexer.EOS && this.backup() }, D.QueryLexer.prototype.more = function() { return this.pos < this.length }, D.QueryLexer.EOS = "EOS", D.QueryLexer.FIELD = "FIELD", D.QueryLexer.TERM = "TERM", D.QueryLexer.EDIT_DISTANCE = "EDIT_DISTANCE", D.QueryLexer.BOOST = "BOOST", D.QueryLexer.PRESENCE = "PRESENCE", D.QueryLexer.lexField = function(e) { return e.backup(), e.emit(D.QueryLexer.FIELD), e.ignore(), D.QueryLexer.lexText }, D.QueryLexer.lexTerm = function(e) { if (1 < e.width() && (e.backup(), e.emit(D.QueryLexer.TERM)), e.ignore(), e.more()) return D.QueryLexer.lexText }, D.QueryLexer.lexEditDistance = function(e) { return e.ignore(), e.acceptDigitRun(), e.emit(D.QueryLexer.EDIT_DISTANCE), D.QueryLexer.lexText }, D.QueryLexer.lexBoost = function(e) { return e.ignore(), e.acceptDigitRun(), e.emit(D.QueryLexer.BOOST), D.QueryLexer.lexText }, D.QueryLexer.lexEOS = function(e) { 0 < e.width() && e.emit(D.QueryLexer.TERM) }, D.QueryLexer.termSeparator = D.tokenizer.separator, D.QueryLexer.lexText = function(e) { for (;;) { var t = e.next(); if (t == D.QueryLexer.EOS) return D.QueryLexer.lexEOS; if (92 != t.charCodeAt(0)) { if (":" == t) return D.QueryLexer.lexField; if ("~" == t) return e.backup(), 0 < e.width() && e.emit(D.QueryLexer.TERM), D.QueryLexer.lexEditDistance; if ("^" == t) return e.backup(), 0 < e.width() && e.emit(D.QueryLexer.TERM), D.QueryLexer.lexBoost; if ("+" == t && 1 === e.width()) return e.emit(D.QueryLexer.PRESENCE), D.QueryLexer.lexText; if ("-" == t && 1 === e.width()) return e.emit(D.QueryLexer.PRESENCE), D.QueryLexer.lexText; if (t.match(D.QueryLexer.termSeparator)) return D.QueryLexer.lexTerm } else e.escapeCharacter() } }, D.QueryParser = function(e, t) { this.lexer = new D.QueryLexer(e), this.query = t, this.currentClause = {}, this.lexemeIdx = 0 }, D.QueryParser.prototype.parse = function() { this.lexer.run(), this.lexemes = this.lexer.lexemes; for (var e = D.QueryParser.parseClause; e;) e = e(this); return this.query }, D.QueryParser.prototype.peekLexeme = function() { return this.lexemes[this.lexemeIdx] }, D.QueryParser.prototype.consumeLexeme = function() { var e = this.peekLexeme(); return this.lexemeIdx += 1, e }, D.QueryParser.prototype.nextClause = function() { var e = this.currentClause; this.query.clause(e), this.currentClause = {} }, D.QueryParser.parseClause = function(e) { var t = e.peekLexeme(); if (null != t) switch (t.type) { case D.QueryLexer.PRESENCE: return D.QueryParser.parsePresence; case D.QueryLexer.FIELD: return D.QueryParser.parseField; case D.QueryLexer.TERM: return D.QueryParser.parseTerm; default: var n = "expected either a field or a term, found " + t.type; throw 1 <= t.str.length && (n += " with value '" + t.str + "'"), new D.QueryParseError(n, t.start, t.end) } }, D.QueryParser.parsePresence = function(e) { var t = e.consumeLexeme(); if (null != t) { switch (t.str) { case "-": e.currentClause.presence = D.Query.presence.PROHIBITED; break; case "+": e.currentClause.presence = D.Query.presence.REQUIRED; break; default: var n = "unrecognised presence operator'" + t.str + "'"; throw new D.QueryParseError(n, t.start, t.end) } var r = e.peekLexeme(); if (null == r) { n = "expecting term or field, found nothing"; throw new D.QueryParseError(n, t.start, t.end) } switch (r.type) { case D.QueryLexer.FIELD: return D.QueryParser.parseField; case D.QueryLexer.TERM: return D.QueryParser.parseTerm; default: n = "expecting term or field, found '" + r.type + "'"; throw new D.QueryParseError(n, r.start, r.end) } } }, D.QueryParser.parseField = function(e) { var t = e.consumeLexeme(); if (null != t) { if (-1 == e.query.allFields.indexOf(t.str)) { var n = e.query.allFields.map(function(e) { return "'" + e + "'" }).join(", "), r = "unrecognised field '" + t.str + "', possible fields: " + n; throw new D.QueryParseError(r, t.start, t.end) } e.currentClause.fields = [t.str]; var i = e.peekLexeme(); if (null == i) { r = "expecting term, found nothing"; throw new D.QueryParseError(r, t.start, t.end) } switch (i.type) { case D.QueryLexer.TERM: return D.QueryParser.parseTerm; default: r = "expecting term, found '" + i.type + "'"; throw new D.QueryParseError(r, i.start, i.end) } } }, D.QueryParser.parseTerm = function(e) { var t = e.consumeLexeme(); if (null != t) { e.currentClause.term = t.str.toLowerCase(), -1 != t.str.indexOf("*") && (e.currentClause.usePipeline = !1); var n = e.peekLexeme(); if (null != n) switch (n.type) { case D.QueryLexer.TERM: return e.nextClause(), D.QueryParser.parseTerm; case D.QueryLexer.FIELD: return e.nextClause(), D.QueryParser.parseField; case D.QueryLexer.EDIT_DISTANCE: return D.QueryParser.parseEditDistance; case D.QueryLexer.BOOST: return D.QueryParser.parseBoost; case D.QueryLexer.PRESENCE: return e.nextClause(), D.QueryParser.parsePresence; default: var r = "Unexpected lexeme type '" + n.type + "'"; throw new D.QueryParseError(r, n.start, n.end) } else e.nextClause() } }, D.QueryParser.parseEditDistance = function(e) { var t = e.consumeLexeme(); if (null != t) { var n = parseInt(t.str, 10); if (isNaN(n)) { var r = "edit distance must be numeric"; throw new D.QueryParseError(r, t.start, t.end) } e.currentClause.editDistance = n; var i = e.peekLexeme(); if (null != i) switch (i.type) { case D.QueryLexer.TERM: return e.nextClause(), D.QueryParser.parseTerm; case D.QueryLexer.FIELD: return e.nextClause(), D.QueryParser.parseField; case D.QueryLexer.EDIT_DISTANCE: return D.QueryParser.parseEditDistance; case D.QueryLexer.BOOST: return D.QueryParser.parseBoost; case D.QueryLexer.PRESENCE: return e.nextClause(), D.QueryParser.parsePresence; default: r = "Unexpected lexeme type '" + i.type + "'"; throw new D.QueryParseError(r, i.start, i.end) } else e.nextClause() } }, D.QueryParser.parseBoost = function(e) { var t = e.consumeLexeme(); if (null != t) { var n = parseInt(t.str, 10); if (isNaN(n)) { var r = "boost must be numeric"; throw new D.QueryParseError(r, t.start, t.end) } e.currentClause.boost = n; var i = e.peekLexeme(); if (null != i) switch (i.type) { case D.QueryLexer.TERM: return e.nextClause(), D.QueryParser.parseTerm; case D.QueryLexer.FIELD: return e.nextClause(), D.QueryParser.parseField; case D.QueryLexer.EDIT_DISTANCE: return D.QueryParser.parseEditDistance; case D.QueryLexer.BOOST: return D.QueryParser.parseBoost; case D.QueryLexer.PRESENCE: return e.nextClause(), D.QueryParser.parsePresence; default: r = "Unexpected lexeme type '" + i.type + "'"; throw new D.QueryParseError(r, i.start, i.end) } else e.nextClause() } }, void 0 === (c = "function" == typeof(s = function() { return D }) ? s.call(o, a, o, i) : s) || (i.exports = c) }() }]));