from argparse import Namespace import subprocess import os import shutil import sys import re def decompose_depname(name: str): spec = 'req' specchar = name[len(name) - 1] if specchar == '?': spec = 'maybe' elif specchar == '!': spec = 'demand' if spec != 'req': name = name[:len(name) - 1] return name, spec def with_qualifier(name: str, q: str) -> str: if q == 'req': return decompose_depname(name)[0] if q == 'maybe': return decompose_depname(name)[0] + '?' if q == 'demand': return decompose_depname(name)[0] + '!' _sfbuild_module_collection_name_to_path = {} def scan_modules(mypath: str): global _sfbuild_module_collection_name_to_path sfbuild_home = mypath sfbuild_home_dirs = os.listdir(sfbuild_home) sfbuild_module_dirs = \ [dir for dir in sfbuild_home_dirs if re.match('sf_.*_modules$', dir)] _sfbuild_module_collection_name_to_path = \ dict([(re.match('sf_(.*)_modules$', moddir).groups()[0], os.path.join(sfbuild_home, moddir)) for moddir in sfbuild_module_dirs]) """Resolves module location from modulestr""" def resolve_modstr(modstr: str): sl = modstr.split(':') if len(sl) > 2: raise Exception('Incorrect module sysntax. ' 'Expected one \':\' or one \'::\'') if len(sl) < 2: return modstr collection_name = sl[0] module_filename = sl[1] + '.py' col_path = _sfbuild_module_collection_name_to_path.get(collection_name) if not col_path: fatal(-1, f'Module collection {collection_name} does not exist') return os.path.join(col_path, module_filename) def deep(fun): """ Create a recursive string transform function for 'str | list | dict', i.e a dependency """ def d(paths, *args, **kwargs): if type(paths) is str: return fun(paths) elif type(paths) is list: return [d(p) for p in paths]; elif type(paths) is dict: return dict([(k, d(p)) for k, p in paths.items()]) return d def file_noext(path: str): """ Return a file without it's extenstion""" m = re.match('(.*)\\.[^.]*$', path) if m: path = m.groups()[0] return path class VprArgs: """ Represents argument list for VPR (Versatile Place and Route) """ arch_dir: str arch_def: str lookahead: str rr_graph: str place_delay: str device_name: str eblif: str optional: list def __init__(self, share: str, eblif, values: Namespace, sdc_file: 'str | None' = None, vpr_extra_opts: 'list | None' = None): self.arch_dir = os.path.join(share, 'arch') self.arch_def = values.arch_def self.lookahead = values.rr_graph_lookahead_bin self.rr_graph = values.rr_graph_real_bin self.place_delay = values.vpr_place_delay self.device_name = values.vpr_grid_layout_name self.eblif = os.path.realpath(eblif) if values.vpr_options is not None: self.optional = options_dict_to_list(values.vpr_options) else: self.optional = [] if vpr_extra_opts is not None: self.optional += vpr_extra_opts if sdc_file is not None: self.optional += ['--sdc_file', sdc_file] class SubprocessException(Exception): return_code: int def sub(*args, env=None, cwd=None): """ Execute subroutine """ out =, capture_output=True, env=env, cwd=cwd) if out.returncode != 0: print(f'[ERROR]: {args[0]} non-zero return code.\n' f'stderr:\n{out.stderr.decode()}\n\n' ) exit(out.returncode) return out.stdout def vpr(mode: str, vprargs: VprArgs, cwd=None): """ Execute `vpr` """ modeargs = [] if mode == 'pack': modeargs = ['--pack'] elif mode == 'place': modeargs = ['--place'] elif mode == 'route': modeargs = ['--route'] return sub(*(['vpr', vprargs.arch_def, vprargs.eblif, '--device', vprargs.device_name, '--read_rr_graph', vprargs.rr_graph, '--read_router_lookahead', vprargs.lookahead, '--read_placement_delay_lookup', vprargs.place_delay] + modeargs + vprargs.optional), cwd=cwd) _vpr_specific_values = [ 'arch_def', 'rr_graph_lookahead_bin', 'rr_graph_real_bin', 'vpr_place_delay', 'vpr_grid_layout_name', 'vpr_options?' ] def vpr_specific_values(): global _vpr_specific_values return _vpr_specific_values def options_dict_to_list(opt_dict: dict): """ Converts a dictionary of named options for CLI program to a list. Example: { "option_name": "value" } -> [ "--option_name", "value" ] """ opts = [] for key, val in opt_dict.items(): opts.append('--' + key) if not(type(val) is list and val == []): opts.append(str(val)) return opts def noisy_warnings(device): """ Emit some noisy warnings """ os.environ['OUR_NOISY_WARNINGS'] = 'noisy_warnings-' + device + '_pack.log' def my_path(): """ Get current PWD """ mypath = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]) return os.path.dirname(mypath) def save_vpr_log(filename, build_dir=''): """ Save VPR logic (moves the default output file into a desired path) """ shutil.move(os.path.join(build_dir, 'vpr_stdout.log'), filename) def fatal(code, message): """ Print a message informing about an error that has occured and terminate program with a given return code. """ print(f'[FATAL ERROR]: {message}') exit(code) class ResolutionEnv: """ ResolutionEnv is used to hold onto mappings for variables used in flow and perform text substitutions using those variables. Variables can be referred in any "resolvable" string using the following syntax: 'Some static text ${variable_name}'. The '${variable_name}' part will be replaced by the value associated with name 'variable_name', is such mapping exists. values: dict """ def __init__(self, values={}): self.values = values def __copy__(self): return ResolutionEnv(self.values.copy()) def resolve(self, s, final=False): """ Perform resolution on `s`. `s` can be a `str`, a `dict` with arbitrary keys and resolvable values, or a `list` of resolvable values. final=True - resolve any unknown variables into '' This is a hack and probably should be removed in the future """ if type(s) is str: match_list = list(re.finditer('\$\{([^${}]*)\}', s)) # Assumption: re.finditer finds matches in a left-to-right order match_list.reverse() for match in match_list: match_str = match_str = match_str.replace('?', '') v = self.values.get(match_str) if not v: if final: v = '' else: continue span = match.span() if type(v) is str: s = s[:span[0]] + v + s[span[1]:] elif type(v) is list: # Assume it's a list of strings ns = list([s[:span[0]] + ve + s[span[1]:] for ve in v]) s = ns elif type(s) is list: s = list(map(self.resolve, s)) elif type(s) is dict: s = dict([(k, self.resolve(v)) for k, v in s.items()]) return s def add_values(self, values: dict): """ Add mappings from `values`""" for k, v in values.items(): self.values[k] = self.resolve(v) verbosity_level = 0 def sfprint(verbosity: int, *args): """ Print with regards to currently set verbosity level """ global verbosity_level if verbosity <= verbosity_level: print(*args) def set_verbosity_level(level: int): global verbosity_level verbosity_level = level def get_verbosity_level() -> int: global verbosity_level return verbosity_level