from import * def LiteEthPHY(clock_pads, pads, clk_freq=None, **kwargs): # Autodetect PHY if hasattr(pads, "source_stb"): # This is a simulation PHY from import LiteEthPHYSim return LiteEthPHYSim(pads) elif hasattr(clock_pads, "gtx") and flen(pads.tx_data) == 8: if hasattr(clock_pads, "tx"): # This is a 10/100/1G PHY from import LiteEthPHYGMIIMII return LiteEthPHYGMIIMII(clock_pads, pads, clk_freq=clk_freq, **kwargs) else: # This is a pure 1G PHY from import LiteEthPHYGMII return LiteEthPHYGMII(clock_pads, pads, **kwargs) elif hasattr(pads, "rx_ctl"): # This is a 10/100/1G RGMII PHY raise ValueError("RGMII PHYs are specific to vendors (for now), use direct instantiation") elif flen(pads.tx_data) == 4: # This is a MII PHY from import LiteEthPHYMII return LiteEthPHYMII(clock_pads, pads, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Unable to autodetect PHY from platform file, use direct instantiation")