from migen.util.misc import xdir from migen.fhdl.std import * from migen.genlib.misc import optree from migen.genlib.record import * def _make_m2s(layout): r = [] for f in layout: if isinstance(f[1], (int, tuple)): r.append((f[0], f[1], DIR_M_TO_S)) else: r.append((f[0], _make_m2s(f[1]))) return r def _check_layout(layout, packetized): reserveds = ["stb", "ack", "payload"] if packetized: reserveds += ["sop", "eop"] for f in layout: if f[0] in reserveds: raise ValueError(f[0] + " cannot be used in Sink/Source layout") class _Endpoint(Record): def __init__(self, layout, packetized=False): _check_layout(layout, packetized) endpoint_layout = [ ("payload", _make_m2s(layout)), ("stb", 1, DIR_M_TO_S), ("ack", 1, DIR_S_TO_M) ] if packetized: endpoint_layout += [ ("sop", 1, DIR_M_TO_S), ("eop", 1, DIR_M_TO_S) ] Record.__init__(self, endpoint_layout) def __del__(self): pass def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.payload, name) class Source(_Endpoint): def connect(self, sink): return Record.connect(self, sink) class Sink(_Endpoint): def connect(self, source): return source.connect(self) def get_endpoints(obj, filt=_Endpoint): if hasattr(obj, "get_endpoints") and callable(obj.get_endpoints): return obj.get_endpoints(filt) r = dict() for k, v in xdir(obj, True): if isinstance(v, filt): r[k] = v return r def get_single_ep(obj, filt): eps = get_endpoints(obj, filt) if len(eps) != 1: raise ValueError("More than one endpoint") return list(eps.items())[0] class BinaryActor(Module): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.busy = Signal() sink = get_single_ep(self, Sink)[1] source = get_single_ep(self, Source)[1] self.build_binary_control(sink.stb, sink.ack, source.stb, source.ack, *args, **kwargs) def build_binary_control(self, stb_i, ack_o, stb_o, ack_i): raise NotImplementedError("Binary actor classes must overload build_binary_control_fragment") class CombinatorialActor(BinaryActor): def build_binary_control(self, stb_i, ack_o, stb_o, ack_i): self.comb += [stb_o.eq(stb_i), ack_o.eq(ack_i), self.busy.eq(0)] class SequentialActor(BinaryActor): def __init__(self, delay): self.trigger = Signal() BinaryActor.__init__(self, delay) def build_binary_control(self, stb_i, ack_o, stb_o, ack_i, delay): ready = Signal() timer = Signal(max=delay+1) self.comb += ready.eq(timer == 0) self.sync += If(self.trigger, timer.eq(delay) ).Elif(~ready, timer.eq(timer - 1) ) mask = Signal() self.comb += [ stb_o.eq(ready & mask), self.trigger.eq(stb_i & (ack_i | ~mask) & ready), ack_o.eq(self.trigger), self.busy.eq(~ready) ] self.sync += [ If(self.trigger, mask.eq(1)), If(stb_o & ack_i, mask.eq(0)) ] class PipelinedActor(BinaryActor): def __init__(self, latency): self.pipe_ce = Signal() BinaryActor.__init__(self, latency) def build_binary_control(self, stb_i, ack_o, stb_o, ack_i, latency): busy = 0 valid = stb_i for i in range(latency): valid_n = Signal() self.sync += If(self.pipe_ce, valid_n.eq(valid)) valid = valid_n busy = busy | valid self.comb += [ self.pipe_ce.eq(ack_i | ~valid), ack_o.eq(self.pipe_ce), stb_o.eq(valid), self.busy.eq(busy) ]