from import DDROutput from import * class LiteEthPHYGMIITX(Module): def __init__(self, pads, pads_register=True): self.sink = sink = Sink(eth_phy_description(8)) # # # if hasattr(pads, "tx_er"): self.sync += pads.tx_er.eq(0) pads_eq = [ pads.tx_en.eq(sink.stb), pads.tx_data.eq( ] if pads_register: self.sync += pads_eq else: self.comb += pads_eq self.comb += sink.ack.eq(1) class LiteEthPHYGMIIRX(Module): def __init__(self, pads): self.source = source = Source(eth_phy_description(8)) # # # dv_d = Signal() self.sync += dv_d.eq(pads.dv) sop = Signal() eop = Signal() self.comb += [ sop.eq(pads.dv & ~dv_d), eop.eq(~pads.dv & dv_d) ] self.sync += [ source.stb.eq(pads.dv), source.sop.eq(sop), ] self.comb += source.eop.eq(eop) class LiteEthPHYGMIICRG(Module, AutoCSR): def __init__(self, clock_pads, pads, with_hw_init_reset, mii_mode=0): self._reset = CSRStorage() # # # self.clock_domains.cd_eth_rx = ClockDomain() self.clock_domains.cd_eth_tx = ClockDomain() # RX : Let the synthesis tool insert the appropriate clock buffer self.comb += self.cd_eth_rx.clk.eq(clock_pads.rx) # TX : GMII: Drive clock_pads.gtx, clock_pads.tx unused # MII: Use PHY clock_pads.tx as eth_tx_clk, do not drive clock_pads.gtx self.specials += DDROutput(1, mii_mode, clock_pads.gtx, ClockSignal("eth_tx")) # XXX Xilinx specific, replace BUFGMUX with a generic clock buffer? self.specials += Instance("BUFGMUX", i_I0=self.cd_eth_rx.clk, i_I1=clock_pads.tx, i_S=mii_mode, o_O=self.cd_eth_tx.clk) if with_hw_init_reset: reset = Signal() counter_done = Signal() self.submodules.counter = counter = Counter(max=512) self.comb += [ counter_done.eq(counter.value == 256), counter.ce.eq(~counter_done), reset.eq(~counter_done | ] else: reset = self.comb += pads.rst_n.eq(~reset) self.specials += [ AsyncResetSynchronizer(self.cd_eth_tx, reset), AsyncResetSynchronizer(self.cd_eth_rx, reset), ] class LiteEthPHYGMII(Module, AutoCSR): def __init__(self, clock_pads, pads, with_hw_init_reset=True): self.dw = 8 self.submodules.crg = LiteEthPHYGMIICRG(clock_pads, pads, with_hw_init_reset) self.submodules.tx = RenameClockDomains(LiteEthPHYGMIITX(pads), "eth_tx") self.submodules.rx = RenameClockDomains(LiteEthPHYGMIIRX(pads), "eth_rx") self.sink, self.source = self.tx.sink, self.rx.source