from math import atan, atanh, log, sqrt, pi from migen.fhdl.std import * class TwoQuadrantCordic(Module): """ """ def __init__(self, width=16, stages=None, guard=0, eval_mode="iterative", cordic_mode="rotate", func_mode="circular"): # validate parameters assert eval_mode in ("combinatorial", "pipelined", "iterative") assert cordic_mode in ("rotate", "vector") self.cordic_mode = cordic_mode assert func_mode in ("circular", "linear", "hyperbolic") self.func_mode = func_mode if guard is None: # guard bits to guarantee "width" accuracy guard = int(log(width)/log(2)) if stages is None: stages = width + guard # calculate the constants if func_mode == "circular": s = range(stages) a = [atan(2**-i) for i in s] g = [sqrt(1 + 2**(-2*i)) for i in s] zmax = pi/2 elif func_mode == "linear": s = range(stages) a = [2**-i for i in s] g = [1 for i in s] zmax = 2. elif func_mode == "hyperbolic": s = list(range(1, stages+1)) # need to repeat these stages: j = 4 while j < stages+1: s.append(j) j = 3*j + 1 s.sort() stages = len(s) a = [atanh(2**-i) for i in s] g = [sqrt(1 - 2**(-2*i)) for i in s] zmax = 1. a = [Signal((width+guard, True), "{}{}".format("a", i), reset=int(round(ai*2**(width + guard - 1)/zmax))) for i, ai in enumerate(a)] self.zmax = zmax #/2**(width - 1) self.gain = 1. for gi in g: self.gain *= gi exec_target, num_reg, self.latency, self.interval = { "combinatorial": (self.comb, stages + 1, 0, 1), "pipelined": (self.sync, stages + 1, stages, 1), "iterative": (self.sync, 3, stages + 1, stages + 1), }[eval_mode] # i/o and inter-stage signals self.fresh = Signal() self.xi, self.yi, self.zi, self.xo, self.yo, self.zo = ( Signal((width, True), l + io) for io in "io" for l in "xyz") x, y, z = ([Signal((width + guard, True), "{}{}".format(l, i)) for i in range(num_reg)] for l in "xyz") self.comb += [ x[0].eq(self.xi<>guard), self.yo.eq(y[-1]>>guard), self.zo.eq(z[-1]>>guard), ] if eval_mode in ("combinatorial", "pipelined"): self.comb += self.fresh.eq(1) for i in range(stages): exec_target += self.stage(x[i], y[i], z[i], x[i + 1], y[i + 1], z[i + 1], i, a[i]) elif eval_mode == "iterative": # we afford one additional iteration for register in/out # shifting, trades muxes for registers i = Signal(max=stages + 1) ai = Signal((width+guard, True)) self.comb += ai.eq(Array(a)[i]) exec_target += [ i.eq(i + 1), If(i == stages, i.eq(0), self.fresh.eq(1), Cat(x[1], y[1], z[1]).eq(Cat(x[0], y[0], z[0])), Cat(x[2], y[2], z[2]).eq(Cat(x[1], y[1], z[1])), ).Else( self.fresh.eq(0), # in-place stages self.stage(x[1], y[1], z[1], x[1], y[1], z[1], i, ai), )] def stage(self, xi, yi, zi, xo, yo, zo, i, a): """ x_{i+1} = x_{i} - m*d_i*y_i*r**(-s_{m,i}) y_{i+1} = d_i*x_i*r**(-s_{m,i}) + y_i z_{i+1} = z_i - d_i*a_{m,i} d_i: clockwise or counterclockwise r: radix of the number system m: 1: circular, 0: linear, -1: hyperbolic s_{m,i}: non decreasing integer shift sequence a_{m,i}: elemetary rotation angle """ dx, dy, dz = xi>>i, yi>>i, a direction = {"rotate": zi < 0, "vector": yi >= 0}[self.cordic_mode] dy = {"circular": dy, "linear": 0, "hyperbolic": -dy}[self.func_mode] ret = If(direction, xo.eq(xi + dy), yo.eq(yi - dx), zo.eq(zi + dz), ).Else( xo.eq(xi - dy), yo.eq(yi + dx), zo.eq(zi - dz), ) return ret class Cordic(TwoQuadrantCordic): def __init__(self, **kwargs): TwoQuadrantCordic.__init__(self, **kwargs) if not (self.func_mode, self.cordic_mode) == ("circular", "rotate"): return # no need to remap quadrants cxi, cyi, czi, cxo, cyo, czo = (self.xi, self.yi, self.zi, self.xo, self.yo, self.zo) width = flen(self.xi) for l in "xyz": for d in "io": setattr(self, l+d, Signal((width, True), l+d)) qin = Signal() qout = Signal() if self.latency == 0: self.comb += qout.eq(qin) elif self.latency == 1: self.sync += qout.eq(qin) else: sr = Signal(self.latency-1) self.sync += Cat(sr, qout).eq(Cat(qin, sr)) pi2 = (1<<(width-2))-1 self.zmax *= 2 self.comb += [ # zi, zo are scaled to cover the range, this also takes # care of mapping the zi quadrants Cat(cxi, cyi, czi).eq(Cat(self.xi, self.yi, self.zi<<1)), Cat(self.xo, self.yo, self.zo).eq(Cat(cxo, cyo, czo>>1)), # shift in the (2,3)-quadrant flag qin.eq((-self.zi < -pi2) | (self.zi+1 < -pi2)), # need to remap xo/yo quadrants (2,3) -> (4,1) If(qout, self.xo.eq(-cxo), self.yo.eq(-cyo), )] class TB(Module): def __init__(self, n, **kwargs): self.submodules.cordic = Cordic(**kwargs) self.xi = [.9/self.cordic.gain] * n self.yi = [0] * n self.zi = [2*i/n-1 for i in range(n)] self.xo = [] self.yo = [] self.zo = [] def do_simulation(self, s): c = 2**(flen(self.cordic.xi)-1) if s.rd(self.cordic.fresh): self.xo.append(s.rd(self.cordic.xo)) self.yo.append(s.rd(self.cordic.yo)) self.zo.append(s.rd(self.cordic.zo)) if not self.xi: s.interrupt = True return for r, v in zip((self.cordic.xi, self.cordic.yi, self.cordic.zi), (self.xi, self.yi, self.zi)): s.wr(r, int(v.pop(0)*c)) def _main(): from migen.fhdl import verilog from migen.sim.generic import Simulator, TopLevel from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np c = Cordic(width=16, eval_mode="iterative", cordic_mode="rotate", func_mode="circular") print(verilog.convert(c, ios={c.xi, c.yi, c.zi, c.xo, c.yo, c.zo})) n = 200 tb = TB(n, width=8, guard=3, eval_mode="pipelined", cordic_mode="rotate", func_mode="circular") sim = Simulator(tb, TopLevel("cordic.vcd"))*16+20) plt.plot(tb.xo) plt.plot(tb.yo) plt.plot(tb.zo) def _rms_err(width, stages, n): from migen.sim.generic import Simulator import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt tb = TB(width=int(width), stages=int(stages), n=n, eval_mode="combinatorial") sim = Simulator(tb) z = tb.cordic.zmax*(np.arange(n)/n*2-1) x = np.cos(z)*.9 y = np.sin(z)*.9 dx = tb.xo[1:]-x*2**(width-1) dy = tb.yo[1:]-y*2**(width-1) return ((dx**2+dy**2)**.5).sum()/n def _test_err(): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np widths, stages = np.mgrid[4:33:1, 4:33:1] err = np.vectorize(lambda w, s: rms_err(w, s, 173))(widths, stages) err = -np.log2(err)/widths print(err) plt.contour(widths, stages, err, 50, plt.plot(widths[:, 0], stages[0, np.argmax(err, 1)], "bx-") print(widths[:, 0], stages[0, np.argmax(err, 1)]) plt.colorbar() plt.grid("on") if __name__ == "__main__": _main() #_rms_err(16, 16, 345) #_test_err()