# This file is Copyright (c) 2015 William D. Jones # License: BSD from mibuild.generic_platform import * from mibuild.xilinx import XilinxPlatform from mibuild.xilinx.programmer import XC3SProg _io = [ ("clk50", 0, Pins("P43"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")), ("user_btn", 0, Pins("P41"), IOStandard("LVTTL")), # The serial interface and flash memory have a shared SPI bus. # FPGA is secondary ("spiserial", 0, Subsignal("cs_n", Pins("P39"), IOStandard("LVTTL")), Subsignal("clk", Pins("P53"), IOStandard("LVTTL")), Subsignal("mosi", Pins("P46"), IOStandard("LVTTL")), Subsignal("miso", Pins("P51"), IOStandard("LVTTL")) ), # FPGA is primary ("spiflash", 0, Subsignal("cs_n", Pins("P27"), IOStandard("LVTTL")), Subsignal("clk", Pins("P53"), IOStandard("LVTTL")), Subsignal("mosi", Pins("P46"), IOStandard("LVTTL")), Subsignal("miso", Pins("P51"), IOStandard("LVTTL")) ), ("spiflash2x", 0, Subsignal("cs_n", Pins("P27")), Subsignal("clk", Pins("P53")), Subsignal("dq", Pins("P46", "P51")), IOStandard("LVTTL"), Misc("SLEW=FAST") ), # ADC over SPI- FPGA is primary ("adc", 0, Subsignal("cs_n", Pins("P12"), IOStandard("LVTTL")), Subsignal("clk", Pins("P9"), IOStandard("LVTTL")), Subsignal("mosi", Pins("P10"), IOStandard("LVTTL")), Subsignal("miso", Pins("P21"), IOStandard("LVTTL")) ), # GPIO control- SRAM and connectors are shared: these pins control how # to access each. Recommended to combine with gpio_sram_bus extension, # since these pins are related but not exposed on connectors. ("gpio_ctl", 0, Subsignal("ce_n", Pins("P3")), # Memory chip-enable. Called MEM_CEN # in schematic. Subsignal("bussw_oe_n", Pins("P30")), # 5V tolerant GPIO is shared # w/ memory using this pin. IOStandard("LVTTL"), Misc("SLEW=FAST") ) ] # Perhaps define some connectors as having a specific purpose- i.e. a 5V GPIO # bus with data, peripheral-select, and control signals? _connectors = [ ("GPIO", """P59 P60 P61 P62 P64 P57 P56 P52 P50 P49 P85 P84 P83 P78 P77 P65 P70 P71 P72 P73 P5 P4 P6 P98 P94 P93 P90 P89 P88 P86"""), # 5V I/O- LVTTL ("DIO", "P20 P32 P33 P34 P35 P36 P37"), # Fast 3.3V IO (Directly attached # to FPGA)- LVCMOS33 ("CLKIO", "P40 P44"), # Clock IO (Can be used as GPIO)- LVCMOS33 ("INPUT", "P68 P97 P7 P82"), # Input-only pins- LVCMOS33 ("LED", "P13 P15 P16 P19") # LEDs can be used as pins as well- LVTTL. ] # Some default useful extensions- use platform.add_extension() to use, e.g. # from mibuild.platforms import mercury # plat = mercury.Platform() # plat.add_extension(mercury.gpio_sram) # SRAM and 5V-tolerant I/O share a parallel bus on 200k gate version. The SRAM # controller needs to take care of switching the bus between the two. Meant to # be Cat() into one GPIO bus, and combined with gpio_ctl. gpio_sram = [ ("gpio_sram_bus", 0, Subsignal("a", Pins("""GPIO:0 GPIO:1 GPIO:2 GPIO:3 GPIO:4 GPIO:5 GPIO:6 GPIO:7 GPIO:8 GPIO:9 GPIO:10 GPIO:11 GPIO:12 GPIO:13 GPIO:14 GPIO:15 GPIO:16 GPIO:17 GPIO:18 GPIO:19""")), # A19 is actually unused- free for GPIO # 8-bit data bus Subsignal("d", Pins("""GPIO:20 GPIO:21 GPIO:22 GPIO:23 GPIO:24 GPIO:25 GPIO:26 GPIO:27""")), Subsignal("we_n", Pins("GPIO:28")), Subsignal("unused", Pins("GPIO:29")), # Only used by GPIO. # Subsignal("oe_n", Pins()), # If OE wasn't tied to ground on Mercury, # this pin would be here. IOStandard("LVTTL"), Misc("SLEW=FAST") ) ] # The "serial port" is in fact over SPI. The creators of the board provide a # VHDL file for talking over this interface. In light of space constraints and # the fact that both the FT245RL and FPGA can BOTH be SPI primaries, however, # it may be necessary to sacrifice two "high-speed" (DIO, INPUT) pins instead. serial = [ ("serial", 0, Subsignal("tx", Pins("DIO:0"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")), # FTDI D1 Subsignal("rx", Pins("INPUT:0"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")) ) # FTDI D0 ] leds = [ ("user_led", 0, Pins("LED:0"), IOStandard("LVTTL")), ("user_led", 1, Pins("LED:1"), IOStandard("LVTTL")), ("user_led", 2, Pins("LED:2"), IOStandard("LVTTL")), ("user_led", 3, Pins("LED:3"), IOStandard("LVTTL")) ] # See: http://www.micro-nova.com/mercury-baseboard/ # Not implemented yet. baseboard = [ ] class Platform(XilinxPlatform): default_clk_name = "clk50" default_clk_period = 20 def __init__(self, device="xc3s200a-4-vq100"): XilinxPlatform.__init__(self, device, _io, _connectors) # Small device- optimize for AREA instead of SPEED (LM32 runs at about # 60-65MHz in AREA configuration). self.toolchain.xst_opt = """-ifmt MIXED -use_new_parser yes -opt_mode AREA -register_balancing yes""" def create_programmer(self): raise NotImplementedError