/* * Milkymist SoC (Software) * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Sebastien Bourdeauducq * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <system.h> #include <crc.h> #include <hw/minimac.h> #include "microudp.h" #define ETHERTYPE_ARP 0x0806 #define ETHERTYPE_IP 0x0800 struct ethernet_header { unsigned char preamble[8]; unsigned char destmac[6]; unsigned char srcmac[6]; unsigned short ethertype; } __attribute__((packed)); static void fill_eth_header(struct ethernet_header *h, const unsigned char *destmac, const unsigned char *srcmac, unsigned short ethertype) { int i; for(i=0;i<7;i++) h->preamble[i] = 0x55; h->preamble[7] = 0xd5; for(i=0;i<6;i++) h->destmac[i] = destmac[i]; for(i=0;i<6;i++) h->srcmac[i] = srcmac[i]; h->ethertype = ethertype; } #define ARP_HWTYPE_ETHERNET 0x0001 #define ARP_PROTO_IP 0x0800 #define ARP_OPCODE_REQUEST 0x0001 #define ARP_OPCODE_REPLY 0x0002 struct arp_frame { unsigned short hwtype; unsigned short proto; unsigned char hwsize; unsigned char protosize; unsigned short opcode; unsigned char sender_mac[6]; unsigned int sender_ip; unsigned char target_mac[6]; unsigned int target_ip; unsigned char padding[18]; } __attribute__((packed)); #define IP_IPV4 0x45 #define IP_DONT_FRAGMENT 0x4000 #define IP_TTL 64 #define IP_PROTO_UDP 0x11 struct ip_header { unsigned char version; unsigned char diff_services; unsigned short total_length; unsigned short identification; unsigned short fragment_offset; unsigned char ttl; unsigned char proto; unsigned short checksum; unsigned int src_ip; unsigned int dst_ip; } __attribute__((packed)); struct udp_header { unsigned short src_port; unsigned short dst_port; unsigned short length; unsigned short checksum; } __attribute__((packed)); struct udp_frame { struct ip_header ip; struct udp_header udp; char payload[]; } __attribute__((packed)); struct ethernet_frame { struct ethernet_header eth_header; union { struct arp_frame arp; struct udp_frame udp; } contents; } __attribute__((packed)); typedef union { struct ethernet_frame frame; unsigned char raw[1532]; } ethernet_buffer; static int rxlen; static ethernet_buffer *rxbuffer; static ethernet_buffer *rxbuffer0; static ethernet_buffer *rxbuffer1; static int txlen; static ethernet_buffer *txbuffer; static void send_packet(void) { unsigned int crc; crc = crc32(&txbuffer->raw[8], txlen-8); txbuffer->raw[txlen ] = (crc & 0xff); txbuffer->raw[txlen+1] = (crc & 0xff00) >> 8; txbuffer->raw[txlen+2] = (crc & 0xff0000) >> 16; txbuffer->raw[txlen+3] = (crc & 0xff000000) >> 24; txlen += 4; CSR_MINIMAC_TXCOUNTH = (txlen & 0xff00) >> 8; CSR_MINIMAC_TXCOUNTL = txlen & 0x00ff; CSR_MINIMAC_TXSTART = 1; while(!(CSR_MINIMAC_EV_PENDING & MINIMAC_EV_TX)); CSR_MINIMAC_EV_PENDING = MINIMAC_EV_TX; } static unsigned char my_mac[6]; static unsigned int my_ip; /* ARP cache - one entry only */ static unsigned char cached_mac[6]; static unsigned int cached_ip; static void process_arp(void) { if(rxlen < 68) return; if(rxbuffer->frame.contents.arp.hwtype != ARP_HWTYPE_ETHERNET) return; if(rxbuffer->frame.contents.arp.proto != ARP_PROTO_IP) return; if(rxbuffer->frame.contents.arp.hwsize != 6) return; if(rxbuffer->frame.contents.arp.protosize != 4) return; if(rxbuffer->frame.contents.arp.opcode == ARP_OPCODE_REPLY) { if(rxbuffer->frame.contents.arp.sender_ip == cached_ip) { int i; for(i=0;i<6;i++) cached_mac[i] = rxbuffer->frame.contents.arp.sender_mac[i]; } return; } if(rxbuffer->frame.contents.arp.opcode == ARP_OPCODE_REQUEST) { if(rxbuffer->frame.contents.arp.target_ip == my_ip) { int i; fill_eth_header(&txbuffer->frame.eth_header, rxbuffer->frame.contents.arp.sender_mac, my_mac, ETHERTYPE_ARP); txlen = 68; txbuffer->frame.contents.arp.hwtype = ARP_HWTYPE_ETHERNET; txbuffer->frame.contents.arp.proto = ARP_PROTO_IP; txbuffer->frame.contents.arp.hwsize = 6; txbuffer->frame.contents.arp.protosize = 4; txbuffer->frame.contents.arp.opcode = ARP_OPCODE_REPLY; txbuffer->frame.contents.arp.sender_ip = my_ip; for(i=0;i<6;i++) txbuffer->frame.contents.arp.sender_mac[i] = my_mac[i]; txbuffer->frame.contents.arp.target_ip = rxbuffer->frame.contents.arp.sender_ip; for(i=0;i<6;i++) txbuffer->frame.contents.arp.target_mac[i] = rxbuffer->frame.contents.arp.sender_mac[i]; send_packet(); } return; } } static const unsigned char broadcast[6] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}; int microudp_arp_resolve(unsigned int ip) { int i; int tries; int timeout; if(cached_ip == ip) { for(i=0;i<6;i++) if(cached_mac[i]) return 1; } cached_ip = ip; for(i=0;i<6;i++) cached_mac[i] = 0; for(tries=0;tries<5;tries++) { /* Send an ARP request */ fill_eth_header(&txbuffer->frame.eth_header, broadcast, my_mac, ETHERTYPE_ARP); txlen = 68; txbuffer->frame.contents.arp.hwtype = ARP_HWTYPE_ETHERNET; txbuffer->frame.contents.arp.proto = ARP_PROTO_IP; txbuffer->frame.contents.arp.hwsize = 6; txbuffer->frame.contents.arp.protosize = 4; txbuffer->frame.contents.arp.opcode = ARP_OPCODE_REQUEST; txbuffer->frame.contents.arp.sender_ip = my_ip; for(i=0;i<6;i++) txbuffer->frame.contents.arp.sender_mac[i] = my_mac[i]; txbuffer->frame.contents.arp.target_ip = ip; for(i=0;i<6;i++) txbuffer->frame.contents.arp.target_mac[i] = 0; send_packet(); /* Do we get a reply ? */ for(timeout=0;timeout<2000000;timeout++) { microudp_service(); for(i=0;i<6;i++) if(cached_mac[i]) return 1; } } return 0; } static unsigned short ip_checksum(unsigned int r, void *buffer, unsigned int length, int complete) { unsigned char *ptr; int i; ptr = (unsigned char *)buffer; length >>= 1; for(i=0;i<length;i++) r += ((unsigned int)(ptr[2*i]) << 8)|(unsigned int)(ptr[2*i+1]) ; /* Add overflows */ while(r >> 16) r = (r & 0xffff) + (r >> 16); if(complete) { r = ~r; r &= 0xffff; if(r == 0) r = 0xffff; } return r; } void *microudp_get_tx_buffer(void) { return txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.payload; } struct pseudo_header { unsigned int src_ip; unsigned int dst_ip; unsigned char zero; unsigned char proto; unsigned short length; } __attribute__((packed)); int microudp_send(unsigned short src_port, unsigned short dst_port, unsigned int length) { struct pseudo_header h; unsigned int r; if((cached_mac[0] == 0) && (cached_mac[1] == 0) && (cached_mac[2] == 0) && (cached_mac[3] == 0) && (cached_mac[4] == 0) && (cached_mac[5] == 0)) return 0; txlen = length + sizeof(struct ethernet_header) + sizeof(struct udp_frame) + 8; if(txlen < 72) txlen = 72; fill_eth_header(&txbuffer->frame.eth_header, cached_mac, my_mac, ETHERTYPE_IP); txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip.version = IP_IPV4; txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip.diff_services = 0; txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip.total_length = length + sizeof(struct udp_frame); txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip.identification = 0; txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip.fragment_offset = IP_DONT_FRAGMENT; txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip.ttl = IP_TTL; h.proto = txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip.proto = IP_PROTO_UDP; txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip.checksum = 0; h.src_ip = txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip.src_ip = my_ip; h.dst_ip = txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip.dst_ip = cached_ip; txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip.checksum = ip_checksum(0, &txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip, sizeof(struct ip_header), 1); txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.udp.src_port = src_port; txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.udp.dst_port = dst_port; h.length = txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.udp.length = length + sizeof(struct udp_header); txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.udp.checksum = 0; h.zero = 0; r = ip_checksum(0, &h, sizeof(struct pseudo_header), 0); if(length & 1) { txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.payload[length] = 0; length++; } r = ip_checksum(r, &txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.udp, sizeof(struct udp_header)+length, 1); txbuffer->frame.contents.udp.udp.checksum = r; send_packet(); return 1; } static udp_callback rx_callback; static void process_ip(void) { if(rxlen < (sizeof(struct ethernet_header)+sizeof(struct udp_frame))) return; /* We don't verify UDP and IP checksums and rely on the Ethernet checksum solely */ if(rxbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip.version != IP_IPV4) return; // check disabled for QEMU compatibility //if(rxbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip.diff_services != 0) return; if(rxbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip.total_length < sizeof(struct udp_frame)) return; // check disabled for QEMU compatibility //if(rxbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip.fragment_offset != IP_DONT_FRAGMENT) return; if(rxbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip.proto != IP_PROTO_UDP) return; if(rxbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip.dst_ip != my_ip) return; if(rxbuffer->frame.contents.udp.udp.length < sizeof(struct udp_header)) return; if(rx_callback) rx_callback(rxbuffer->frame.contents.udp.ip.src_ip, rxbuffer->frame.contents.udp.udp.src_port, rxbuffer->frame.contents.udp.udp.dst_port, rxbuffer->frame.contents.udp.payload, rxbuffer->frame.contents.udp.udp.length-sizeof(struct udp_header)); } void microudp_set_callback(udp_callback callback) { rx_callback = callback; } static void process_frame(void) { int i; unsigned int received_crc; unsigned int computed_crc; flush_cpu_dcache(); for(i=0;i<7;i++) if(rxbuffer->frame.eth_header.preamble[i] != 0x55) return; if(rxbuffer->frame.eth_header.preamble[7] != 0xd5) return; received_crc = ((unsigned int)rxbuffer->raw[rxlen-1] << 24) |((unsigned int)rxbuffer->raw[rxlen-2] << 16) |((unsigned int)rxbuffer->raw[rxlen-3] << 8) |((unsigned int)rxbuffer->raw[rxlen-4]); computed_crc = crc32(&rxbuffer->raw[8], rxlen-12); if(received_crc != computed_crc) return; rxlen -= 4; /* strip CRC here to be consistent with TX */ if(rxbuffer->frame.eth_header.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_ARP) process_arp(); else if(rxbuffer->frame.eth_header.ethertype == ETHERTYPE_IP) process_ip(); } void microudp_start(unsigned char *macaddr, unsigned int ip) { int i; CSR_MINIMAC_EV_PENDING = MINIMAC_EV_RX0 | MINIMAC_EV_RX1 | MINIMAC_EV_TX; rxbuffer0 = (ethernet_buffer *)MINIMAC_RX0_BASE; rxbuffer1 = (ethernet_buffer *)MINIMAC_RX1_BASE; txbuffer = (ethernet_buffer *)MINIMAC_TX_BASE; for(i=0;i<6;i++) my_mac[i] = macaddr[i]; my_ip = ip; cached_ip = 0; for(i=0;i<6;i++) cached_mac[i] = 0; rx_callback = (udp_callback)0; } void microudp_service(void) { if(CSR_MINIMAC_EV_PENDING & MINIMAC_EV_RX0) { rxlen = (CSR_MINIMAC_RXCOUNT0H << 8) | CSR_MINIMAC_RXCOUNT0L; rxbuffer = rxbuffer0; process_frame(); CSR_MINIMAC_EV_PENDING = MINIMAC_EV_RX0; } if(CSR_MINIMAC_EV_PENDING & MINIMAC_EV_RX1) { rxlen = (CSR_MINIMAC_RXCOUNT1H << 8) | CSR_MINIMAC_RXCOUNT1L; rxbuffer = rxbuffer1; process_frame(); CSR_MINIMAC_EV_PENDING = MINIMAC_EV_RX1; } }