from migen import * from migen.genlib.record import * from migen.genlib import fifo def _make_m2s(layout): r = [] for f in layout: if isinstance(f[1], (int, tuple)): r.append((f[0], f[1], DIR_M_TO_S)) else: r.append((f[0], _make_m2s(f[1]))) return r class EndpointDescription: def __init__(self, payload_layout, param_layout=[], packetized=False): self.payload_layout = payload_layout self.param_layout = param_layout self.packetized = packetized def get_full_layout(self): reserved = {"stb", "ack", "payload", "param", "sop", "eop", "description"} attributed = set() for f in self.payload_layout + self.param_layout: if f[0] in attributed: raise ValueError(f[0] + " already attributed in payload or param layout") if f[0] in reserved: raise ValueError(f[0] + " cannot be used in endpoint layout") attributed.add(f[0]) full_layout = [ ("payload", _make_m2s(self.payload_layout)), ("param", _make_m2s(self.param_layout)), ("stb", 1, DIR_M_TO_S), ("ack", 1, DIR_S_TO_M) ] if self.packetized: full_layout += [ ("sop", 1, DIR_M_TO_S), ("eop", 1, DIR_M_TO_S) ] return full_layout class _Endpoint(Record): def __init__(self, description_or_layout): if isinstance(description_or_layout, EndpointDescription): self.description = description_or_layout else: self.description = EndpointDescription(description_or_layout) Record.__init__(self, self.description.get_full_layout()) def __getattr__(self, name): try: return getattr(object.__getattribute__(self, "payload"), name) except: return getattr(object.__getattribute__(self, "param"), name) class Source(_Endpoint): def connect(self, sink): return Record.connect(self, sink) class Sink(_Endpoint): def connect(self, source): return source.connect(self) class _FIFOWrapper(Module): def __init__(self, fifo_class, layout, depth): self.sink = Sink(layout) self.source = Source(layout) self.busy = Signal() ### description = self.sink.description fifo_layout = [ ("payload", description.payload_layout), # Note : Can be optimized by passing parameters # in another fifo. We will only have one # data per packet. ("param", description.param_layout) ] if description.packetized: fifo_layout += [("sop", 1), ("eop", 1)] self.submodules.fifo = fifo_class(fifo_layout, depth) self.comb += [ self.sink.ack.eq(self.fifo.writable), self.fifo.we.eq(self.sink.stb), self.fifo.din.payload.eq(self.sink.payload), self.fifo.din.param.eq(self.sink.param), self.source.stb.eq(self.fifo.readable), self.source.payload.eq(self.fifo.dout.payload), self.source.param.eq(self.fifo.dout.param), ] if description.packetized: self.comb += [ self.fifo.din.sop.eq(self.sink.sop), self.fifo.din.eop.eq(self.sink.eop), self.source.sop.eq(self.fifo.dout.sop), self.source.eop.eq(self.fifo.dout.eop) ] class SyncFIFO(_FIFOWrapper): def __init__(self, layout, depth, buffered=False): _FIFOWrapper.__init__( self, fifo.SyncFIFOBuffered if buffered else fifo.SyncFIFO, layout, depth) class AsyncFIFO(_FIFOWrapper): def __init__(self, layout, depth): _FIFOWrapper.__init__(self, fifo.AsyncFIFO, layout, depth)