from migen.fhdl.structure import * class ReorderSlot: def __init__(self, tag_width, data_width): self.wait_data = Signal() self.has_data = Signal() self.tag = Signal(tag_width) = Signal(data_width) class ReorderBuffer: def __init__(self, tag_width, data_width, depth): self.depth = depth # issue self.can_issue = Signal() self.issue = Signal() self.tag_issue = Signal(tag_width) # call = Signal() self.tag_call = Signal(tag_width) self.data_call = Signal(data_width) # readback self.can_read = Signal() = Signal() self.data_read = Signal(data_width) self._empty_count = Signal(max=self.depth+1, reset=self.depth) self._produce = Signal(max=self.depth) self._consume = Signal(max=self.depth) self._slots = Array(ReorderSlot(tag_width, data_width) for n in range(self.depth)) def get_fragment(self): # issue comb = [ self.can_issue.eq(self._empty_count != 0) ] sync = [ If(self.issue & self.can_issue, self._empty_count.eq(self._empty_count - 1), If(self._produce == self.depth - 1, self._produce.eq(0) ).Else( self._produce.eq(self._produce + 1) ), self._slots[self._produce].wait_data.eq(1), self._slots[self._produce].tag.eq(self.tag_issue) ) ] # call for n, slot in enumerate(self._slots): sync.append( If( & slot.wait_data & (self.tag_call == slot.tag), slot.wait_data.eq(0), slot.has_data.eq(1), ) ) # readback comb += [ self.can_read.eq(self._slots[self._consume].has_data), self.data_read.eq(self._slots[self._consume].data) ] sync += [ If( & self.can_read, self._empty_count.eq(self._empty_count + 1), If(self._consume == self.depth - 1, self._consume.eq(0) ).Else( self._consume.eq(self._consume + 1) ), self._slots[self._consume].has_data.eq(0) ) ] # do not touch empty count when issuing and reading at the same time sync += [ If(self.issue & self.can_issue & & self.can_read, self._empty_count.eq(self._empty_count) ) ] return Fragment(comb, sync)