/* * Milkymist SoC * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Sebastien Bourdeauducq * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* TODO: use behavioral BRAM models (Xst can extract byte WE) */ module minimac3_memory( input sys_clk, input sys_rst, input phy_rx_clk, input phy_tx_clk, input [29:0] wb_adr_i, output [31:0] wb_dat_o, input [31:0] wb_dat_i, input [3:0] wb_sel_i, input wb_stb_i, input wb_cyc_i, output reg wb_ack_o, input wb_we_i, input [7:0] rxb0_dat, input [10:0] rxb0_adr, input rxb0_we, input [7:0] rxb1_dat, input [10:0] rxb1_adr, input rxb1_we, output [7:0] txb_dat, input [10:0] txb_adr ); wire wb_en = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i; wire [1:0] wb_buf = wb_adr_i[10:9]; wire [31:0] wb_dat_i_le = {wb_dat_i[7:0], wb_dat_i[15:8], wb_dat_i[23:16], wb_dat_i[31:24]}; wire [3:0] wb_sel_i_le = {wb_sel_i[0], wb_sel_i[1], wb_sel_i[2], wb_sel_i[3]}; wire [31:0] rxb0_wbdat; RAMB16BWER #( .DATA_WIDTH_A(36), .DATA_WIDTH_B(9), .DOA_REG(0), .DOB_REG(0), .EN_RSTRAM_A("FALSE"), .EN_RSTRAM_B("FALSE"), .SIM_DEVICE("SPARTAN6"), .WRITE_MODE_A("WRITE_FIRST"), .WRITE_MODE_B("WRITE_FIRST") ) rxb0 ( .DIA(wb_dat_i_le), .DIPA(4'd0), .DOA(rxb0_wbdat), .ADDRA({wb_adr_i[8:0], 5'd0}), .WEA({4{wb_en & wb_we_i & (wb_buf == 2'b00)}} & wb_sel_i_le), .ENA(1'b1), .RSTA(1'b0), .CLKA(sys_clk), .DIB(rxb0_dat), .DIPB(1'd0), .DOB(), .ADDRB({rxb0_adr, 3'd0}), .WEB({4{rxb0_we}}), .ENB(1'b1), .RSTB(1'b0), .CLKB(phy_rx_clk) ); wire [31:0] rxb1_wbdat; RAMB16BWER #( .DATA_WIDTH_A(36), .DATA_WIDTH_B(9), .DOA_REG(0), .DOB_REG(0), .EN_RSTRAM_A("FALSE"), .EN_RSTRAM_B("FALSE"), .SIM_DEVICE("SPARTAN6"), .WRITE_MODE_A("WRITE_FIRST"), .WRITE_MODE_B("WRITE_FIRST") ) rxb1 ( .DIA(wb_dat_i_le), .DIPA(4'd0), .DOA(rxb1_wbdat), .ADDRA({wb_adr_i[8:0], 5'd0}), .WEA({4{wb_en & wb_we_i & (wb_buf == 2'b01)}} & wb_sel_i_le), .ENA(1'b1), .RSTA(1'b0), .CLKA(sys_clk), .DIB(rxb1_dat), .DIPB(1'd0), .DOB(), .ADDRB({rxb1_adr, 3'd0}), .WEB({4{rxb1_we}}), .ENB(1'b1), .RSTB(1'b0), .CLKB(phy_rx_clk) ); wire [31:0] txb_wbdat; RAMB16BWER #( .DATA_WIDTH_A(36), .DATA_WIDTH_B(9), .DOA_REG(0), .DOB_REG(0), .EN_RSTRAM_A("FALSE"), .EN_RSTRAM_B("FALSE"), .SIM_DEVICE("SPARTAN6"), .WRITE_MODE_A("WRITE_FIRST"), .WRITE_MODE_B("WRITE_FIRST") ) txb ( .DIA(wb_dat_i_le), .DIPA(4'd0), .DOA(txb_wbdat), .ADDRA({wb_adr_i[8:0], 5'd0}), .WEA({4{wb_en & wb_we_i & (wb_buf == 2'b10)}} & wb_sel_i_le), .ENA(1'b1), .RSTA(1'b0), .CLKA(sys_clk), .DIB(8'd0), .DIPB(1'd0), .DOB(txb_dat), .ADDRB({txb_adr, 3'd0}), .WEB(4'd0), .ENB(1'b1), .RSTB(1'b0), .CLKB(phy_tx_clk) ); always @(posedge sys_clk) begin if(sys_rst) wb_ack_o <= 1'b0; else begin wb_ack_o <= 1'b0; if(wb_en & ~wb_ack_o) wb_ack_o <= 1'b1; end end reg [1:0] wb_buf_r; always @(posedge sys_clk) wb_buf_r <= wb_buf; reg [31:0] wb_dat_o_le; always @(*) begin case(wb_buf_r) 2'b00: wb_dat_o_le = rxb0_wbdat; 2'b01: wb_dat_o_le = rxb1_wbdat; default: wb_dat_o_le = txb_wbdat; endcase end assign wb_dat_o = {wb_dat_o_le[7:0], wb_dat_o_le[15:8], wb_dat_o_le[23:16], wb_dat_o_le[31:24]}; endmodule