from migen.fhdl.std import *

Encoders and decoders between binary and one-hot representation

class Encoder(Module):
	"""Encode one-hot to binary

	If `n` is low, the `o` th bit in `i` is asserted, else none or
	multiple bits are asserted.

	width : int
		Bit width of the input

	i : Signal(width), in
		One-hot input
	o : Signal(max=width), out
		Encoded binary
	n : Signal(1), out
		Invalid, either none or multiple input bits are asserted
	def __init__(self, width):
		self.i = Signal(width) # one-hot
		self.o = Signal(max=max(2, width)) # binary
		self.n = Signal() # invalid: none or multiple
		act = dict((1<<j, self.o.eq(j)) for j in range(width))
		act["default"] = self.n.eq(1)
		self.comb += Case(self.i, act)

class PriorityEncoder(Module):
	"""Priority encode requests to binary

	If `n` is low, the `o` th bit in `i` is asserted and the bits below
	`o` are unasserted, else `o == 0`. The LSB has priority.

	width : int
		Bit width of the input

	i : Signal(width), in
		Input requests
	o : Signal(max=width), out
		Encoded binary
	n : Signal(1), out
		Invalid, no input bits are asserted
	def __init__(self, width):
		self.i = Signal(width) # one-hot, lsb has priority
		self.o = Signal(max=max(2, width)) # binary
		self.n = Signal() # none
		for j in range(width)[::-1]: # last has priority
			self.comb += If(self.i[j], self.o.eq(j))
		self.comb += self.n.eq(self.i == 0)

class Decoder(Module):
	"""Decode binary to one-hot

	If `n` is low, the `i` th bit in `o` is asserted, the others are
	not, else `o == 0`.

	width : int
		Bit width of the output

	i : Signal(max=width), in
		Input binary
	o : Signal(width), out
		Decoded one-hot
	n : Signal(1), in
		Invalid, no output bits are to be asserted

	def __init__(self, width):
		self.i = Signal(max=max(2, width)) # binary
		self.n = Signal() # none/invalid
		self.o = Signal(width) # one-hot
		act = dict((j, self.o.eq(1<<j)) for j in range(width))
		self.comb += Case(self.i, act)
		self.comb += If(self.n, self.o.eq(0))

class PriorityDecoder(Decoder):
	pass # same