_____       _            ____  _     _ _       _ 
            |   __|___  |_|___ _ _   |    \|_|___|_| |_ ___| |
            |   __|   | | | . | | |  |  |  | | . | |  _| .'| |
            |_____|_|_|_| |___|_  |  |____/|_|_  |_|_| |__,|_|
                      |___|   |___|          |___|
       Copyright 2012 / Florent Kermarrec / florent@enjoy-digital.fr

[> miscope

miscope is a small logic analyzer to be embedded in an FPGA.

While free vendor toolchains are generally used by beginners or for prototyping 
(situations where having a logic analyser in the design is generally very 
helpful) free toolchains are always provided without the proprietary logic 
analyzer solution... :(

Based on Migen, miscope aims to provide a free, portable and flexible 
alternative to vendor's solutions!

[> Specification:

miscope provides Migen cores to be embedded in the design and Python drivers to 
control the logic  analyzer  from the Host. miscope automatically interconnects 
all cores to the CSR bus. When using Python on the Host, no needs to worry about
cores register mapping, importing miscope project gives you direct access to 
all the cores!

miscope produces .vcd output files to be analyzed in your favorite waveform viewer.

[> Status:
Refactoring in progress...

[> Examples:
test_MigIo : Led & Switch Test controlled by Python Host.
test_MigLa : Logic Analyzer controlled by Python Host.

[> Contact
E-mail: florent@enjoy-digital.fr