__ _ __ _______ _________ / / (_) /____ / __/ _ /_ __/ _ | / /__/ / __/ -_)\ \/ __ |/ / / __ | /____/_/\__/\__/___/_/ |_/_/ /_/ |_| Copyright 2014-2015 / Florent Kermarrec / florent@enjoy-digital.fr A lite open-source SATA1/2/3 controller developed in partnership with M-Labs Ltd & HKU [> Getting started ------------------ 1. Install Python3 and Xilinx's Vivado software. 2. Obtain Migen and install it: git clone https://github.com/enjoy-digital/migen cd migen python3 setup.py install cd .. 3. Obtain Miscope and install it: git clone https://github.com/enjoy-digital/miscope cd miscope python3 setup.py install cd .. 4. Obtain MiSoC: git clone https://github.com/enjoy-digital/misoc --recursive 5. Copy lite-sata in working directory and move to it. 6. Build and load design: make all 7. Test design: go to test directory python3 bist.py [> Simulations : Simulation are avalaible in ./lib/sata/test: - crc_tb - scrambler_tb - phy_datapath_tb - link_tb - command_tb - bist_tb hdd.py is a HDD model implementing all SATA layers. To run a simulation, move to the simulation directory and run: make simulation_name [> Tests : A synthetisable BIST is provided. It can be controled with ./test/bist.py Using Miscope and the provided example ./test/test_link.py you are able to visualize every event of the design and even inject your data in the HDD model! [> Contact E-mail: florent@enjoy-digital.fr