import subprocess from migen.fhdl.std import * from lib.sata.std import * from import * from lib.sata.transport.std import * class PHYDword: def __init__(self, dat=0): self.dat = dat self.start = 1 self.done = 0 class PHYSource(Module): def __init__(self): self.source = Source(phy_layout(32)) ### self.dword = PHYDword() def send(self, dword): self.dword = dword def do_simulation(self, selfp): selfp.source.stb = 1 selfp.source.charisk = 0b0000 for k, v in primitives.items(): if v == self.dword.dat: selfp.source.charisk = 0b0001 = self.dword.dat class PHYSink(Module): def __init__(self): self.sink = Sink(phy_layout(32)) ### self.dword = PHYDword() def receive(self): self.dword.done = 0 while self.dword.done == 0: yield def do_simulation(self, selfp): self.dword.done = 0 selfp.sink.ack = 1 if selfp.sink.stb == 1: self.dword.done = 1 self.dword.dat = class PHYLayer(Module): def __init__(self, debug): self.debug = debug self.submodules.rx = PHYSink() self.submodules.tx = PHYSource() self.source = self.tx.source self.sink = self.rx.sink def send(self, dword): packet = PHYDword(dword) self.tx.send(packet) def receive(self): yield from self.rx.receive() if self.debug: print(self) def __repr__(self): receiving = "%08x " %self.rx.dword.dat receiving += decode_primitive(self.rx.dword.dat) receiving += " "*(16-len(receiving)) sending = "%08x " %self.tx.dword.dat sending += decode_primitive(self.tx.dword.dat) sending += " "*(16-len(sending)) return receiving + sending class LinkPacket(list): def __init__(self): self.ongoing = False self.scrambled_datas = self.import_scrambler_datas() def import_scrambler_datas(self): with subprocess.Popen(["./scrambler"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as process: process.stdin.write("0x10000".encode("ASCII")) out, err = process.communicate() return [int(e, 16) for e in out.decode("utf-8").split("\n")[:-1]] class LinkRXPacket(LinkPacket): def decode(self): self.descramble() return self.check_crc() def descramble(self): for i in range(len(self)): self[i] = self[i] ^ self.scrambled_datas[i] def check_crc(self): stdin = "" for v in self[:-1]: stdin += "0x%08x " %v stdin += "exit" with subprocess.Popen("./crc", stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as process: process.stdin.write(stdin.encode("ASCII")) out, err = process.communicate() crc = int(out.decode("ASCII"), 16) r = (self[-1] == crc) self.pop() return r class LinkTXPacket(LinkPacket): def encode(self): self.scramble() self.insert_crc() def scramble(self): for i in range(len(self)): self[i] = self[i] ^ self.scrambled_datas[i] def insert_crc(self): stdin = "" for v in self[:-1]: stdin += "0x%08x " %v stdin += "exit" with subprocess.Popen("./crc", stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as process: process.stdin.write(stdin.encode("ASCII")) out, err = process.communicate() crc = int(out.decode("ASCII"), 16) self.append(crc) class LinkLayer(Module): def __init__(self, phy, debug, hold_random_level=0): self.phy = phy self.debug = debug self.hold_random_level = hold_random_level self.tx_packet = LinkTXPacket() self.rx_packet = LinkRXPacket() self.rx_cont = False self.transport_callback = None def set_transport_callback(self, callback): self.transport_callback = callback def callback(self, dword): if dword == primitives["CONT"]: self.rx_cont = True elif is_primitive(dword): self.rx_cont = False if dword == primitives["X_RDY"]: self.phy.send(primitives["R_RDY"]) elif dword == primitives["WTRM"]: self.phy.send(primitives["R_OK"]) elif dword == primitives["HOLD"]: self.phy.send(primitives["HOLDA"]) elif dword == primitives["EOF"]: self.rx_packet.decode() if self.transport_callback is not None: self.transport_callback(self.rx_packet) self.rx_packet.ongoing = False elif self.rx_packet.ongoing: if dword != primitives["HOLD"]: n = randn(100) if n < self.hold_random_level: self.phy.send(primitives["HOLD"]) else: self.phy.send(primitives["R_RDY"]) if not is_primitive(dword): if not self.rx_cont: self.rx_packet.append(dword) elif dword == primitives["SOF"]: self.rx_packet = LinkRXPacket() self.rx_packet.ongoing = True def send(self, packet): pass def gen_simulation(self, selfp): self.phy.send(primitives["SYNC"]) while True: yield from self.phy.receive() self.callback(self.phy.rx.dword.dat) def get_field_data(field, packet): return (packet[field.dword] >> field.offset) & (2**field.width-1) class FIS: def __init__(self, packet, layout): self.packet = packet self.layout = layout self.decode() def decode(self): for k, v in self.layout.items(): setattr(self, k, get_field_data(v, self.packet)) def encode(self): for k, v in self.layout.items(): self.packet[v.dword] |= (getattr(self, k) << v.offset) def __repr__(self): r = "--------\n" for k in sorted(self.layout.keys()): r += k + " : 0x%x" %getattr(self,k) + "\n" return r class FIS_REG_H2D(FIS): def __init__(self, packet=[0]*fis_reg_h2d_len): FIS.__init__(self, packet,fis_reg_h2d_layout) def __repr__(self): r = "FIS_REG_H2D\n" r += FIS.__repr__(self) return r class FIS_REG_D2H(FIS): def __init__(self, packet=[0]*fis_reg_d2h_len): FIS.__init__(self, packet,fis_reg_d2h_layout) def __repr__(self): r = "FIS_REG_D2H\n" r += FIS.__repr__(self) return r class FIS_DMA_ACTIVATE_D2H(FIS): def __init__(self, packet=[0]*fis_dma_activate_d2h_len): FIS.__init__(self, packet,fis_dma_activate_d2h_layout) def __repr__(self): r = "FIS_DMA_ACTIVATE_D2H\n" r += FIS.__repr__(self) return r class FIS_DMA_SETUP(FIS): def __init__(self, packet=[0]*fis_dma_setup_len): FIS.__init__(self, packet,fis_dma_setup_layout) def __repr__(self): r = "FIS_DMA_SETUP\n" r += FIS.__repr__(self) return r class FIS_DATA(FIS): def __init__(self, packet=[0]): FIS.__init__(self, packet,fis_data_layout) def __repr__(self): r = "FIS_DATA\n" r += FIS.__repr__(self) return r class FIS_PIO_SETUP_D2H(FIS): def __init__(self, packet=[0]*fis_pio_setup_d2h_len): FIS.__init__(self, packet,fis_pio_setup_d2h_layout) def __repr__(self): r = "FIS_PIO_SETUP\n" r += FIS.__repr__(self) return r class FIS_UNKNOWN(FIS): def __init__(self, packet=[0]): FIS.__init__(self, packet, {}) def __repr__(self): r = "UNKNOWN\n" r += "--------\n" for dword in self.packet: r += "%08x\n" %dword return r class TransportLayer(Module): def __init__(self, link): pass def callback(self, packet): fis_type = packet[0] if fis_type == fis_types["REG_H2D"]: fis = FIS_REG_H2D(packet) elif fis_type == fis_types["REG_D2H"]: fis = FIS_REG_D2H(packet) elif fis_type == fis_types["DMA_ACTIVATE_D2H"]: fis = FIS_DMA_ACTIVATE_D2H(packet) elif fis_type == fis_types["DMA_SETUP"]: fis = FIS_SETUP(packet) elif fis_type == fis_types["DATA"]: fis = FIS_DATA(packet) elif fis_type == fis_types["PIO_SETUP_D2H"]: fis = FIS_PIO_SETUP_D2H(packet) else: fis = FIS_UNKNOWN(packet) print(fis) class BFM(Module): def __init__(self, dw, debug=False, hold_random_level=0): ### self.submodules.phy = PHYLayer(debug) = LinkLayer(self.phy, debug, hold_random_level) self.submodules.transport = TransportLayer(