from migen.fhdl.structure import * from migen.corelogic.misc import optree class SchedulingModel: COMBINATORIAL, SEQUENTIAL, PIPELINE, DYNAMIC = range(4) def __init__(self, model, latency=1): self.model = model self.latency = latency def __repr__(self): if self.model == SchedulingModel.COMBINATORIAL: return "" elif self.model == SchedulingModel.SEQUENTIAL: return "".format(self.latency) elif self.model == SchedulingModel.PIPELINE: return "".format(self.latency) elif self.model == SchedulingModel.DYNAMIC: return "" else: raise AttributeError class Endpoint: def __init__(self, token): self.token = token if isinstance(self, Sink): self.stb = Signal(namer="stb_i") self.ack = Signal(namer="ack_o") else: self.stb = Signal(namer="stb_o") self.ack = Signal(namer="ack_i") def token_signal(self): sigs = self.token.flatten() assert(len(sigs) == 1) return sigs[0] def __hash__(self): return id(self) def __repr__(self): return "" class Sink(Endpoint): def __repr__(self): return "" class Source(Endpoint): def __repr__(self): return "" def _control_fragment_comb(stb_i, ack_o, stb_o, ack_i, busy): return Fragment([stb_o.eq(stb_i), ack_o.eq(ack_i), busy.eq(0)]) def _control_fragment_seq(latency, stb_i, ack_o, stb_o, ack_i, busy, trigger): ready = Signal() timer = Signal(BV(bits_for(latency))) comb = [ready.eq(timer == 0)] sync = [ If(trigger, timer.eq(latency) ).Elif(~ready, timer.eq(timer - 1) ) ] mask = Signal() comb += [ stb_o.eq(ready & mask), trigger.eq(stb_i & (ack_i | ~mask) & ready), ack_o.eq(trigger), busy.eq(~ready) ] sync += [ If(trigger, mask.eq(1)), If(stb_o & ack_i, mask.eq(0)) ] return Fragment(comb, sync) def _control_fragment_pipe(latency, stb_i, ack_o, stb_o, ack_i, busy, pipe_ce): valid = Signal(BV(latency)) if latency > 1: sync = [If(pipe_ce, valid.eq(Cat(stb_i, valid[:latency-1])))] else: sync = [If(pipe_ce, valid.eq(stb_i))] last_valid = valid[latency-1] comb = [ pipe_ce.eq(ack_i | ~last_valid), ack_o.eq(pipe_ce), stb_o.eq(last_valid), busy.eq(optree('|', [valid[i] for i in range(latency)])) ] return Fragment(comb, sync) class Actor: def __init__(self, scheduling_model, sinks=None, sources=None, endpoints=None): self.scheduling_model = scheduling_model if endpoints is None: if isinstance(sinks, list): self.endpoints = [Sink(sink) for sink in sinks] else: self.endpoints = [Sink(sinks)] if isinstance(sources, list): self.endpoints += [Source(source) for source in sources] else: self.endpoints.append(Source(sources)) else: self.endpoints = endpoints self.busy = Signal() if self.scheduling_model.model == SchedulingModel.SEQUENTIAL: self.trigger = Signal() elif self.scheduling_model.model == SchedulingModel.PIPELINE: self.pipe_ce = Signal() def sinks(self): return [x for x in self.endpoints if isinstance(x, Sink)] def sources(self): return [x for x in self.endpoints if isinstance(x, Source)] def get_control_fragment(self): if len(self.endpoints) != 2: raise ValueError("Actors with automatic control fragment must have exactly two endpoints.") if isinstance(self.endpoints[0], Sink): assert(isinstance(self.endpoints[1], Source)) sink = self.endpoints[0] source = self.endpoints[1] elif isinstance(self.endpoints[0], Source): assert(isinstance(self.endpoints[1], Sink)) sink = self.endpoints[1] source = self.endpoints[0] else: raise ValueError("Actors with automatic control fragment must have one sink and one source. Consider using plumbing actors.") stb_i = sink.stb ack_o = sink.ack stb_o = source.stb ack_i = source.ack if self.scheduling_model.model == SchedulingModel.COMBINATORIAL: return _control_fragment_comb(stb_i, ack_o, stb_o, ack_i, self.busy) elif self.scheduling_model.model == SchedulingModel.SEQUENTIAL: return _control_fragment_seq(self.scheduling_model.latency, stb_i, ack_o, stb_o, ack_i, self.busy, self.trigger) elif self.scheduling_model.model == SchedulingModel.PIPELINE: return _control_fragment_pipe(self.scheduling_model.latency, stb_i, ack_o, stb_o, ack_i, self.busy, self.pipe_ce) elif self.scheduling_model.model == SchedulingModel.DYNAMIC: raise NotImplementedError("Actor classes with dynamic scheduling must overload get_control_fragment") def get_process_fragment(self): raise NotImplementedError("Actor classes must overload get_process_fragment") def __repr__(self): return "<" + self.__class__.__name__ + " " + repr(self.scheduling_model) + " " + repr(self.sinks()) + " " + repr(self.sources()) + ">" def get_conn_control_fragment(source, sink): assert isinstance(source, Source) assert isinstance(sink, Sink) comb = [ source.ack.eq(sink.ack), sink.stb.eq(source.stb) ] return Fragment(comb) def get_conn_process_fragment(source, sink): assert isinstance(source, Source) assert isinstance(sink, Sink) assert sink.token.compatible(source.token) sigs_source = source.token.flatten() sigs_sink = sink.token.flatten() comb = [Cat(*sigs_sink).eq(Cat(*sigs_source))] return Fragment(comb)