 * (C) Copyright 2012, Stefan Kristiansson <stefan.kristiansson@saunalahti.fi>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
 * MA 02111-1307 USA

#include <spr-defs.h>

#define EXCEPTION_STACK_SIZE (128+128)

#define HANDLE_EXCEPTION			; \
	l.addi	r1, r1, -EXCEPTION_STACK_SIZE	; \
	l.sw	0x1c(r1), r9			; \
	l.jal	_exception_handler		; \
	 l.nop					; \
	l.lwz 	r9, 0x1c(r1)			; \
	l.addi	r1, r1, EXCEPTION_STACK_SIZE	; \
	l.rfe					; \

.section    .text, "ax", @progbits
.global     _start
	l.movhi	r0, 0
	l.movhi	r1, 0
	l.movhi	r2, 0
	l.movhi	r3, 0
	l.movhi	r4, 0
	l.movhi	r5, 0
	l.movhi	r6, 0
	l.movhi	r7, 0
	l.movhi	r8, 0
	l.movhi	r9, 0
	l.movhi	r10, 0
	l.movhi	r11, 0
	l.movhi	r12, 0
	l.movhi	r13, 0
	l.movhi	r14, 0
	l.movhi	r15, 0
	l.movhi	r16, 0
	l.movhi	r17, 0
	l.movhi	r18, 0
	l.movhi	r19, 0
	l.movhi	r20, 0
	l.movhi	r21, 0
	l.movhi	r22, 0
	l.movhi	r23, 0
	l.movhi	r24, 0
	l.movhi	r25, 0
	l.movhi	r26, 0
	l.movhi	r27, 0
	l.movhi	r28, 0
	l.movhi	r29, 0
	l.movhi	r30, 0
	l.movhi	r31, 0

	l.ori	r21, r0, SPR_SR_SM
	l.mtspr	r0, r21, SPR_SR
	l.movhi	r21, hi(_reset_handler)
	l.ori	r21, r21, lo(_reset_handler)
	l.mtspr	r0, r21, SPR_EVBAR
	/* enable caches */
	l.jal	_cache_init
	l.j	_crt0

	/* bus error */
	.org	0x200

	/* data page fault */
	.org	0x300

	/* instruction page fault */
	.org	0x400

	/* tick timer */
	.org	0x500

	/* alignment */
	.org	0x600

	/* illegal instruction */
	.org	0x700

	/* external interrupt */
	.org	0x800

	/* D-TLB miss */
	.org	0x900

	/* I-TLB miss */
	.org	0xa00

	/* range */
	.org	0xb00

	/* system call */
	.org	0xc00

	/* floating point */
	.org	0xd00

	/* trap */
	.org	0xe00

	/* reserved */
	.org	0xf00

	.org 0x1000
	/* Setup stack and global pointer */
	l.movhi    r1, hi(_fstack)
	l.ori     r1, r1, lo(_fstack)
	l.movhi    r16, hi(_gp)
	l.ori     r16, gp, lo(_gp)

	/* Clear BSS */
	l.movhi    r21, hi(_fbss)
	l.ori     r21, r21, lo(_fbss)
	l.movhi    r3, hi(_ebss)
	l.ori     r3, r3, lo(_ebss)
	l.sfeq	r21, r3
	l.bf	.callMain
	l.sw      0(r21), r0
	l.addi    r21, r21, 4
	l.j      .clearBSS

	l.j	main

	l.sw	0x00(r1), r2
	l.sw	0x04(r1), r3
	l.sw	0x08(r1), r4
	l.sw	0x0c(r1), r5
	l.sw	0x10(r1), r6
	l.sw	0x14(r1), r7
	l.sw	0x18(r1), r8
	l.sw	0x20(r1), r10
	l.sw	0x24(r1), r11
	l.sw	0x28(r1), r12
	l.sw	0x2c(r1), r13
	l.sw	0x30(r1), r14
	l.sw	0x34(r1), r15
	l.sw	0x38(r1), r16
	l.sw	0x3c(r1), r17
	l.sw	0x40(r1), r18
	l.sw	0x44(r1), r19
	l.sw	0x48(r1), r20
	l.sw	0x4c(r1), r21
	l.sw	0x50(r1), r22
	l.sw	0x54(r1), r23
	l.sw	0x58(r1), r24
	l.sw	0x5c(r1), r25
	l.sw	0x60(r1), r26
	l.sw	0x64(r1), r27
	l.sw	0x68(r1), r28
	l.sw	0x6c(r1), r29
	l.sw	0x70(r1), r30
	l.sw	0x74(r1), r31

	/* Save return address */
	l.or	r14, r0, r9
	/* send stack pointer as argument */
	l.or	r4, r0, r1
	/* Call exception handler with the link address as argument */
	l.jal	exception_handler
	 l.or	r3, r0, r14

	/* Load return address */
	l.or	r9, r0, r14
	/* Restore state */
	l.lwz	r2, 0x00(r1)
	l.lwz	r3, 0x04(r1)
	l.lwz	r4, 0x08(r1)
	l.lwz	r5, 0x0c(r1)
	l.lwz	r6, 0x10(r1)
	l.lwz	r7, 0x14(r1)
	l.lwz	r8, 0x18(r1)
	l.lwz	r10, 0x20(r1)
	l.lwz	r11, 0x24(r1)
	l.lwz	r12, 0x28(r1)
	l.lwz	r13, 0x2c(r1)
	l.lwz	r14, 0x30(r1)
	l.lwz	r15, 0x34(r1)
	l.lwz	r16, 0x38(r1)
	l.lwz	r17, 0x3c(r1)
	l.lwz	r18, 0x40(r1)
	l.lwz	r19, 0x44(r1)
	l.lwz	r20, 0x48(r1)
	l.lwz	r21, 0x4c(r1)
	l.lwz	r22, 0x50(r1)
	l.lwz	r23, 0x54(r1)
	l.lwz	r24, 0x58(r1)
	l.lwz	r25, 0x5c(r1)
	l.lwz	r26, 0x60(r1)
	l.lwz	r27, 0x64(r1)
	l.lwz	r28, 0x68(r1)
	l.lwz	r29, 0x6c(r1)
	l.lwz	r30, 0x70(r1)
	l.lwz	r31, 0x74(r1)
	l.jr	r9

	This function is to be used ONLY during reset, before main() is called.
	TODO: Perhaps break into individual enable instruction/data cache
	      sections functions, and provide disable functions, also, all
	      callable from C

	/* Instruction cache enable */
	/* Check if IC present and skip enabling otherwise */
#if 1
	l.mfspr r3,r0,SPR_UPR
	l.andi  r7,r3,SPR_UPR_ICP
	l.sfeq  r7,r0
	l.bf    .L8

	/* Disable IC */
	l.mfspr r6,r0,SPR_SR
	l.addi  r5,r0,-1
	l.xori  r5,r5,SPR_SR_ICE
	l.and   r5,r6,r5
	l.mtspr r0,r5,SPR_SR

	/* Establish cache block size
	If BS=0, 16;
	If BS=1, 32;
	r14 contain block size
	l.mfspr r3,r0,SPR_ICCFGR
	l.andi  r7,r3,SPR_ICCFGR_CBS
	l.srli  r8,r7,7
	l.ori   r4,r0,16
	l.sll   r14,r4,r8

	/* Establish number of cache sets
	r10 contains number of cache sets
	r8 contains log(# of cache sets)
	l.andi  r7,r3,SPR_ICCFGR_NCS
	l.srli  r8,r7,3
	l.ori   r4,r0,1
	l.sll   r10,r4,r8

	/* Invalidate IC */
	l.addi  r6,r0,0
	l.sll   r5,r14,r8

.L7:	l.mtspr r0,r6,SPR_ICBIR
	l.sfne  r6,r5
	l.bf    .L7
	l.add   r6,r6,r14

	/* Enable IC */
	l.mfspr r6,r0,SPR_SR
	l.ori   r6,r6,SPR_SR_ICE
	l.mtspr r0,r6,SPR_SR
	/* Data cache enable */
        /* Check if DC present and skip enabling otherwise */
#if 1
	l.mfspr r3,r0,SPR_UPR
        l.andi  r7,r3,SPR_UPR_DCP
        l.sfeq  r7,r0
        l.bf    .L10
        /* Disable DC */
        l.mfspr r6,r0,SPR_SR
        l.addi  r5,r0,-1
        l.xori  r5,r5,SPR_SR_DCE
	l.and   r5,r6,r5
        l.mtspr r0,r5,SPR_SR
        /* Establish cache block size
           If BS=0, 16;
           If BS=1, 32;
           r14 contain block size
        l.mfspr r3,r0,SPR_DCCFGR
        l.andi  r7,r3,SPR_DCCFGR_CBS
        l.srli  r8,r7,7
        l.ori   r4,r0,16
        l.sll   r14,r4,r8
        /* Establish number of cache sets
           r10 contains number of cache sets
           r8 contains log(# of cache sets)
	l.andi  r7,r3,SPR_DCCFGR_NCS
	l.srli  r8,r7,3
        l.ori   r4,r0,1
        l.sll   r10,r4,r8
        /* Invalidate DC */
        l.addi  r6,r0,0
        l.sll   r5,r14,r8

	l.mtspr r0,r6,SPR_DCBIR
        l.sfne  r6,r5
        l.bf    .L9
	l.add   r6,r6,r14
        /* Enable DC */
        l.mfspr r6,r0,SPR_SR
        l.ori   r6,r6,SPR_SR_DCE
        l.mtspr r0,r6,SPR_SR
	/* Return */
	l.jr	r9