[> 2020.XX, planned for December 2020 --------------------------------- [> Issues resolved ------------------ - fix SDCard writes. - fix crt0 .data initialize on SERV/Minerva. [> Added Features ------------------ - Wishbone2CSR: add registered version and use it on system with SDRAM. - litex_json2dts: add Mor1kx DTS generation support. - Build: add initial Radiant support for NX FPGA family. - SoC: allow ROM to be optionally writable (for contents overwrite over UARTBone/Etherbone). - LiteSDCard: improve BIOS support. - UARTBone: add clock domain support. - Clocking: uniformize reset on iCE40PLL/ECP5PLL. - LiteDRAM: improve calibration and add BIOS debug commands. - Clocking: add initial Ultrascale+ support. - Sim: Allow dynamic enable/disable of tracing. - BIOS: improve memtest and report. - BIOS: rename/reorganize commands. - litex_server: simplify usage with PCIe and add debug parameter. - LitePCIe: add Ultrascale(+) support up to Gen3 X16. - LiteSATA: add BIOS/Boot integration. - Add litex_cli to provides common RemoteClient functions: get identifier, dump regs, etc... [> API changes/Deprecation -------------------------- - BIOS: commands have been renamed/reorganized. - LiteDRAM: rdcmdphase/wrcmdphase no longer exposed. - CSR: change default csr_data_width from 8 to 32. [> 2020.08, planned for July 2020 --------------------------------- [> Issues resolved ------------------ - Fix flush_cpu_icache on VexRiscv. - Fix `.data` section placed in rom (#566) [> Added Features ------------------ - Properly integrate Minerva CPU. - Add nMigen dependency. - Pluggable CPUs. - BIOS history, autocomplete. - Improve boards's programmers. - Add Microwatt CPU support (with GHDL-Yosys-plugin support for FOSS toolchains). - Speedup Memtest using an LFSR. - Add LedChaser on boards. - Improve WishboneBridge. - Improve Diamond constraints. - Use InterconnectPointToPoint when 1 master,1 slave and no address translation. - Add CV32E40P CPU support (ex RI5CY). - JTAG UART with uart_name=jtag_uart (validated on Spartan6, 7-Series, Ultrascale(+)). - Add Symbiflow experimental support on Arty. - Add SDCard (SPI and SD modes) boot from FAT/exFAT filesystems with FatFs. - Simplify boot with boot.json configuration file. - Revert to a single crt0 (avoid ctr/xip variants). - Add otional DMA bus for Cache Coherency on CPU(s) with DMA/Cache Coherency interface. - Add AXI-Lite bus standard support. - Add VexRiscv SMP CPU support. [> API changes/Deprecation -------------------------- - Add --build --load arguments to targets. - Deprecate soc.interconnect.wishbone.UpConverter (will be rewritten if useful). - Deprecate soc.interconnect.wishbone.CSRBank (Does not seem to be used by anyone). - Move soc.interconnect.wishbone2csr.WB2CSR to soc.interconnect.wishbone.Wishbone2CSR. - Move soc.interconnect.wishbonebridge.WishboneStreamingBridge to soc.cores.uart.Stream2Wishbone. - Rename --gateware-toolchain target parameter to --toolchain. - Integrate Zynq's PS7 as a regular CPU (zynq7000) and deprecate SoCZynq. [> 2020.04, released April 28th, 2020 ------------------------------------- [> Description -------------- First release of LiteX and the ecosystem of cores! LiteX is a Migen/MiSoC based Core/SoC builder that provides the infrastructure to easily create Cores/SoCs (with or without CPU). The common components of a SoC are provided directly: - Buses and Streams (Wishbone, AXI, Avalon-ST) - Interconnect - Common cores (RAM, ROM, Timer, UART, etc...) - CPU wrappers/integration - etc... And SoC creation capabilities can be greatly extended with the ecosystem of LiteX cores (DRAM, PCIe, Ethernet, SATA, etc...) that can be integrated/simulated/build easily with LiteX. It also provides build backends for open-source and vendors toolchains. [> Issues resolved ------------------ - NA [> Added Features ------------------ - NA [> API changes/Deprecation -------------------------- - https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/pull/399: Converting LiteX to use Python modules.