from migen.fhdl.std import * from migen.bus import wishbone from migen.genlib.fsm import FSM from migen.genlib.misc import split, displacer, chooser from migen.genlib.record import Record, layout_len # cachesize (in 32-bit words) is the size of the data store, must be a power of 2 class WB2LASMI(Module): def __init__(self, cachesize, lasmim): self.wishbone = wishbone.Interface() ### if lasmim.dw <= 32: raise ValueError("LASMI data width must be strictly larger than 32") if (lasmim.dw % 32) != 0: raise ValueError("LASMI data width must be a multiple of 32") # Split address: # TAG | LINE NUMBER | LINE OFFSET offsetbits = log2_int(lasmim.dw//32) addressbits = + offsetbits linebits = log2_int(self.cachesize) - offsetbits tagbits = addressbits - linebits adr_offset, adr_line, adr_tag = split(self.wishbone.adr, offsetbits, linebits, tagbits) # Data memory data_mem = Memory(lasmim.dw, 2**linebits) data_port = data_mem.get_port(write_capable=True, we_granularity=8) self.specials += data_mem, data_port write_from_lasmi = Signal() write_to_lasmi = Signal() adr_offset_r = Signal(offsetbits) self.comb += [ data_port.adr.eq(adr_line), If(write_from_lasmi, data_port.dat_w.eq(lasmim.dat_r), data_port.we.eq(Replicate(1, lasmim.dw//8)) ).Else( data_port.dat_w.eq(Replicate(self.wishbone.dat_w, lasmim.dw//32)), If(self.wishbone.cyc & self.wishbone.stb & self.wishbone.we & self.wishbone.ack, displacer(self.wishbone.sel, adr_offset, data_port.we, 2**offsetbits, reverse=True) ) ), If(write_to_lasmi, lasmim.dat_w.eq(data_port.dat_r), lasmim.dat_we.eq(2**(lasmim.dw//8)-1) ), chooser(data_port.dat_r, adr_offset_r, self.wishbone.dat_r, reverse=True) ] self.sync += adr_offset_r.eq(adr_offset) # Tag memory tag_layout = [("tag", tagbits), ("dirty", 1)] tag_mem = Memory(layout_len(tag_layout), 2**linebits) tag_port = tag_mem.get_port(write_capable=True) self.specials += tag_mem, tag_port tag_do = Record(tag_layout) tag_di = Record(tag_layout) self.comb += [ tag_do.raw_bits().eq(tag_port.dat_r), tag_port.dat_w.eq(tag_di.raw_bits()) ] self.comb += [ tag_port.adr.eq(adr_line), tag_di.tag.eq(adr_tag), lasmim.adr.eq(Cat(adr_line, tag_do.tag)) ] # Control FSM assert(lasmim.write_latency >= 1 and lasmim.read_latency >= 1) fsm = FSM("IDLE", "TEST_HIT", "EVICT_REQUEST", "EVICT_DATA", "REFILL_WRTAG", "REFILL_REQUEST", "REFILL_DATA", delayed_enters=[ ("EVICT_DATAD", "EVICT_DATA", lasmim.write_latency-1), ("REFILL_DATAD", "REFILL_DATA", lasmim.read_latency-1) ]) self.submodules += fsm fsm.act(fsm.IDLE, If(self.wishbone.cyc & self.wishbone.stb, fsm.next_state(fsm.TEST_HIT)) ) fsm.act(fsm.TEST_HIT, If(tag_do.tag == adr_tag, self.wishbone.ack.eq(1), If(self.wishbone.we, tag_di.dirty.eq(1), tag_port.we.eq(1) ), fsm.next_state(fsm.IDLE) ).Else( If(tag_do.dirty, fsm.next_state(fsm.EVICT_ISSUE) ).Else( fsm.next_state(fsm.REFILL_WRTAG) ) ) ) fsm.act(fsm.EVICT_REQUEST, lasmim.stb.eq(1), lasmim.we.eq(1), If(lasmim.ack, fsm.next_state(fsm.EVICT_DATAD)) ) fsm.act(fsm.EVICT_DATA, write_to_lasmi.eq(1), fsm.next_state(fsm.REFILL_WRTAG) ) fsm.act(fsm.REFILL_WRTAG, # Write the tag first to set the LASMI address tag_port.we.eq(1), fsm.next_state(fsm.REFILL_REQUEST) ) fsm.act(fsm.REFILL_REQUEST, lasmim.stb.eq(1), If(lasmim.ack, fsm.next_state(fsm.REFILL_DATAD)) ) fsm.act(fsm.REFILL_DATA, write_from_asmi.eq(1), fsm.next_state(fsm.TEST_HIT) )