import binascii def CRC32(buf): return binascii.crc32(buf).to_bytes(4, byteorder='big') def LENGTH(buf): return len(buf).to_bytes(4, byteorder='big') def insert_crc(i_filename, o_filename=None): f = open(i_filename, 'rb+') fdata = fcrc = CRC32(fdata) flength = LENGTH(fdata) f.close() # Write the CRC32 in big endian at the end of the file if o_filename is None: f = open(i_filename, 'wb') f.write(fdata) f.write(fcrc) f.close() # Write a new file prepended with the size and CRC else: f = open(o_filename, 'wb') f.write(flength) f.write(fcrc) f.write(fdata) f.close()