// ================================================================== // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> COPYRIGHT NOTICE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) 2006-2011 by Lattice Semiconductor Corporation // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // // IMPORTANT: THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED BY THE LATTICEMICO SYSTEM. // // Permission: // // Lattice Semiconductor grants permission to use this code // pursuant to the terms of the Lattice Semiconductor Corporation // Open Source License Agreement. // // Disclaimer: // // Lattice Semiconductor provides no warranty regarding the use or // functionality of this code. It is the user's responsibility to // verify the user's design for consistency and functionality through // the use of formal verification methods. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Lattice Semiconductor Corporation // 5555 NE Moore Court // Hillsboro, OR 97214 // U.S.A // // TEL: 1-800-Lattice (USA and Canada) // 503-286-8001 (other locations) // // web: http://www.latticesemi.com/ // email: techsupport@latticesemi.com // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // FILE DETAILS // Project : LatticeMico32 // File : lm32_shifter.v // Title : Barrel shifter // Dependencies : lm32_include.v // Version : 6.1.17 // : Initial Release // Version : 7.0SP2, 3.0 // : No Change // Version : 3.1 // : No Change // ============================================================================= `include "lm32_include.v" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Module interface ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// module lm32_shifter ( // ----- Inputs ------- clk_i, rst_i, stall_x, direction_x, sign_extend_x, operand_0_x, operand_1_x, // ----- Outputs ------- shifter_result_m ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inputs ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// input clk_i; // Clock input rst_i; // Reset input stall_x; // Stall instruction in X stage input direction_x; // Direction to shift input sign_extend_x; // Whether shift is arithmetic (1'b1) or logical (1'b0) input [`LM32_WORD_RNG] operand_0_x; // Operand to shift input [`LM32_WORD_RNG] operand_1_x; // Operand that specifies how many bits to shift by ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Outputs ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// output [`LM32_WORD_RNG] shifter_result_m; // Result of shift wire [`LM32_WORD_RNG] shifter_result_m; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal nets and registers ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// reg direction_m; reg [`LM32_WORD_RNG] left_shift_result; reg [`LM32_WORD_RNG] right_shift_result; reg [`LM32_WORD_RNG] left_shift_operand; wire [`LM32_WORD_RNG] right_shift_operand; wire fill_value; wire [`LM32_WORD_RNG] right_shift_in; integer shift_idx_0; integer shift_idx_1; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Combinational Logic ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Select operands - To perform a left shift, we reverse the bits and perform a right shift always @(*) begin for (shift_idx_0 = 0; shift_idx_0 < `LM32_WORD_WIDTH; shift_idx_0 = shift_idx_0 + 1) left_shift_operand[`LM32_WORD_WIDTH-1-shift_idx_0] = operand_0_x[shift_idx_0]; end assign right_shift_operand = direction_x == `LM32_SHIFT_OP_LEFT ? left_shift_operand : operand_0_x; // Determine fill value for right shift - Sign bit for arithmetic shift, or zero for logical shift assign fill_value = (sign_extend_x == `TRUE) && (direction_x == `LM32_SHIFT_OP_RIGHT) ? operand_0_x[`LM32_WORD_WIDTH-1] : 1'b0; // Determine bits to shift in for right shift or rotate assign right_shift_in = {`LM32_WORD_WIDTH{fill_value}}; // Reverse bits to get left shift result always @(*) begin for (shift_idx_1 = 0; shift_idx_1 < `LM32_WORD_WIDTH; shift_idx_1 = shift_idx_1 + 1) left_shift_result[`LM32_WORD_WIDTH-1-shift_idx_1] = right_shift_result[shift_idx_1]; end // Select result assign shifter_result_m = direction_m == `LM32_SHIFT_OP_LEFT ? left_shift_result : right_shift_result; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sequential Logic ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Perform right shift always @(posedge clk_i `CFG_RESET_SENSITIVITY) begin if (rst_i == `TRUE) begin right_shift_result <= {`LM32_WORD_WIDTH{1'b0}}; direction_m <= `FALSE; end else begin if (stall_x == `FALSE) begin right_shift_result <= {right_shift_in, right_shift_operand} >> operand_1_x[`LM32_SHIFT_RNG]; direction_m <= direction_x; end end end endmodule