import unittest import subprocess import os from migen.fhdl.std import * from migen.fhdl.verilog import convert # Create a module with some combinatorial, some sequential, and some simple # assigns class SyntaxModule(Module): def __init__(self): x = [Signal(8) for y in range(10)] y = [Signal(8) for z in range(10)] en = Signal() a = Signal() b = Signal() z = Signal() as_src = Signal(16); as_tgt1 = Signal(16); as_tgt2 = Signal(16); = {a, b, z, en, as_src, as_tgt1, as_tgt2} self.comb += If(a, z.eq(b)) self.comb += as_tgt1.eq(as_src) self.comb += as_tgt2.eq(100) for xi in x: for xi in range(1, len(x)): self.comb += If(en, y[xi].eq(x[xi-1])).Else(y[xi].eq(x[xi])) self.sync += x[xi].eq(y[xi]) # Create unit test to build module, run Verilator and check for errors class SyntaxCase(unittest.TestCase): def base_test(self, name, asic_syntax, options=[]): filename = "test_module_{}.v".format(name) t = SyntaxModule() c = convert(t,, name="test_module", asic_syntax=asic_syntax) f = open(filename, "w") f.write(str(c)) f.close() subprocess.check_call("verilator --lint-only " + " ".join(options) + " " + filename, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, shell=True) os.unlink(filename) # XXX for now desactivate, travis-ci's Verilator seems to behave differently # XXX upgrade travis-ci's Verilator? #def test_generic_syntax(self): # options = [ # "-Wno-WIDTH", # "-Wno-COMBDLY", # "-Wno-INITIALDLY" # ] # self.base_test("generic", False, options) def test_asic_syntax(self): options = [ "-Wno-WIDTH", # XXX should we improve ASIC backend to remove this? ] self.base_test("asic", True, options)