from migen.fhdl.std import * from migen.genlib.record import * from import * def _rawbits_layout(l): if isinstance(l, int): return [("rawbits", l)] else: return l class Cast(CombinatorialActor): def __init__(self, layout_from, layout_to, reverse_from=False, reverse_to=False, packetized=False): self.sink = Sink(_rawbits_layout(layout_from), packetized) self.source = Source(_rawbits_layout(layout_to), packetized) CombinatorialActor.__init__(self) ### sigs_from = self.sink.payload.flatten() if reverse_from: sigs_from = list(reversed(sigs_from)) sigs_to = self.source.payload.flatten() if reverse_to: sigs_to = list(reversed(sigs_to)) if sum(flen(s) for s in sigs_from) != sum(flen(s) for s in sigs_to): raise TypeError self.comb += Cat(*sigs_to).eq(Cat(*sigs_from)) def pack_layout(l, n): return [("chunk"+str(i), l) for i in range(n)] class Unpack(Module): def __init__(self, n, layout_to, reverse=False, packetized=False): self.sink = Sink(pack_layout(layout_to, n), packetized) self.source = Source(layout_to, packetized) self.busy = Signal() ### mux = Signal(max=n) first = Signal() last = Signal() self.comb += [ first.eq(mux == 0), last.eq(mux == (n-1)), self.source.stb.eq(self.sink.stb), self.sink.ack.eq(last & self.source.ack) ] self.sync += [ If(self.source.stb & self.source.ack, If(last, mux.eq(0) ).Else( mux.eq(mux + 1) ) ) ] cases = {} for i in range(n): chunk = n-i-1 if reverse else i cases[i] = [self.source.payload.raw_bits().eq(getattr(self.sink.payload, "chunk"+str(chunk)).raw_bits())] self.comb += Case(mux, cases).makedefault() if packetized: self.comb += [ self.source.sop.eq(self.source.stb & self.sink.sop & first), self.source.eop.eq(self.source.stb & self.sink.eop & last) ] class Pack(Module): def __init__(self, layout_from, n, reverse=False, packetized=False): self.sink = sink = Sink(layout_from, packetized) self.source = source = Source(pack_layout(layout_from, n), packetized) self.busy = Signal() ### demux = Signal(max=n) load_part = Signal() strobe_all = Signal() cases = {} for i in range(n): chunk = n-i-1 if reverse else i cases[i] = [getattr(source.payload, "chunk"+str(chunk)).raw_bits().eq(sink.payload.raw_bits())] self.comb += [ self.busy.eq(strobe_all), sink.ack.eq(~strobe_all | source.ack), source.stb.eq(strobe_all), load_part.eq(sink.stb & sink.ack) ] if packetized: demux_last = ((demux == (n - 1)) | sink.eop) else: demux_last = (demux == (n - 1)) self.sync += [ If(source.ack, strobe_all.eq(0)), If(load_part, Case(demux, cases), If(demux_last, demux.eq(0), strobe_all.eq(1) ).Else( demux.eq(demux + 1) ) ) ] if packetized: sop = Signal() eop = Signal() self.sync += [ If(source.stb & source.ack, sop.eq(load_part & sink.sop) ).Else( sop.eq((load_part & sink.sop) | sop) ), eop.eq(load_part & sink.eop) ] self.comb += [ source.sop.eq(source.stb & sop), source.eop.eq(source.stb & eop), ] class Chunkerize(CombinatorialActor): def __init__(self, layout_from, layout_to, n, reverse=False, packetized=False): self.sink = Sink(layout_from, packetized) self.source = Source(pack_layout(layout_to, n), packetized) CombinatorialActor.__init__(self) ### for i in range(n): chunk = n-i-1 if reverse else i for f in layout_from: src = getattr(self.sink, f[0]) dst = getattr(getattr(self.source, "chunk"+str(chunk)), f[0]) self.comb += dst.eq(src[i*flen(src)//n:(i+1)*flen(src)//n]) class Unchunkerize(CombinatorialActor): def __init__(self, layout_from, n, layout_to, reverse=False, packetized=False): self.sink = Sink(pack_layout(layout_from, n), packetized) self.source = Source(layout_to, packetized) CombinatorialActor.__init__(self) ### for i in range(n): chunk = n-i-1 if reverse else i for f in layout_from: src = getattr(getattr(self.sink, "chunk"+str(chunk)), f[0]) dst = getattr(self.source, f[0]) self.comb += dst[i*flen(dst)//n:(i+1)*flen(dst)//n].eq(src) class Converter(Module): def __init__(self, layout_from, layout_to, packetized=False, reverse=False): self.sink = Sink(layout_from, packetized) self.source = Source(layout_to, packetized) self.busy = Signal() ### width_from = flen(self.sink.payload.raw_bits()) width_to = flen(self.source.payload.raw_bits()) # downconverter if width_from > width_to: if width_from % width_to: raise ValueError ratio = width_from//width_to self.submodules.chunkerize = Chunkerize(layout_from, layout_to, ratio, reverse, packetized) self.submodules.unpack = Unpack(ratio, layout_to, packetized=packetized) self.comb += [ Record.connect(self.sink, self.chunkerize.sink), Record.connect(self.chunkerize.source, self.unpack.sink), Record.connect(self.unpack.source, self.source), self.busy.eq(self.unpack.busy) ] # upconverter elif width_to > width_from: if width_to % width_from: raise ValueError ratio = width_to//width_from self.submodules.pack = Pack(layout_from, ratio, packetized=packetized) self.submodules.unchunkerize = Unchunkerize(layout_from, ratio, layout_to, reverse, packetized) self.comb += [ Record.connect(self.sink, self.pack.sink), Record.connect(self.pack.source, self.unchunkerize.sink), Record.connect(self.unchunkerize.source, self.source), self.busy.eq(self.pack.busy) ] # direct connection else: self.comb += Record.connect(self.sink, self.source) class Pipeline(Module): def __init__(self, *modules): self.busy = Signal() n = len(modules) m = modules[0] # expose sink of first module # if available if hasattr(m, "sink"): self.sink = m.sink if hasattr(m, "busy"): busy = m.busy else: busy = 0 for i in range(1, n): m_n = modules[i] if hasattr(m_n, "busy"): busy_n = m_n.busy else: busy_n = 0 self.comb += m.source.connect(m_n.sink) m = m_n busy = busy | busy_n # expose source of last module # if available if hasattr(m, "source"): self.source = m.source self.comb += self.busy.eq(busy)