from migen.fhdl.std import * from migen.actorlib.structuring import * from migen.genlib.fsm import FSM, NextState from import * class FtdiDepacketizer(Module): def __init__(self, timeout=10): self.sink = sink = Sink(phy_layout) self.source = source = Source(user_layout) # Packet description # - preamble : 4 bytes # - dst : 1 byte # - length : 4 bytes # - payload preamble = Array(Signal(8) for i in range(4)) header = [ # dst source.dst, # length source.length[24:32], source.length[16:24], source.length[8:16], source.length[0:8], ] header_pack = InsertReset(Pack(phy_layout, len(header))) self.submodules += header_pack for i, byte in enumerate(header): chunk = getattr(header_pack.source.payload, "chunk" + str(i)) self.comb += byte.eq(chunk.d) fsm = FSM() self.submodules += fsm self.comb += preamble[0].eq(sink.d) for i in range(1, 4): self.sync += If(sink.stb & sink.ack, preamble[i].eq(preamble[i-1]) ) fsm.act("WAIT_SOP", If( (preamble[3] == 0x5A) & (preamble[2] == 0xA5) & (preamble[1] == 0x5A) & (preamble[0] == 0xA5) & sink.stb, NextState("RECEIVE_HEADER") ), sink.ack.eq(1), header_pack.source.ack.eq(1), ) self.submodules.timeout = FtdiTimeout(60000000, timeout) self.comb += self.timeout.clear.eq(fsm.ongoing("WAIT_SOP")) fsm.act("RECEIVE_HEADER", header_pack.sink.stb.eq(sink.stb), header_pack.sink.payload.eq(sink.payload), If(self.timeout.done, NextState("WAIT_SOP")) .Elif(header_pack.source.stb, NextState("RECEIVE_PAYLOAD")) .Else(sink.ack.eq(1)) ) self.comb += header_pack.reset.eq(self.timeout.done) sop = Signal() eop = Signal() cnt = Signal(32) fsm.act("RECEIVE_PAYLOAD", source.stb.eq(sink.stb), source.sop.eq(sop), source.eop.eq(eop), source.d.eq(sink.d), sink.ack.eq(source.ack), If((eop & sink.stb & source.ack) | self.timeout.done, NextState("WAIT_SOP")) ) self.sync += \ If(fsm.ongoing("WAIT_SOP"), cnt.eq(0) ).Elif(source.stb & source.ack, cnt.eq(cnt + 1) ) self.comb += sop.eq(cnt == 0) self.comb += eop.eq(cnt == source.length - 1) # # TB # src_data = [ 0x5A, 0xA5, 0x5A, 0xA5, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x5A, 0xA5, 0x5A, 0xA5, 0x12, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, ]*4 class DepacketizerSourceModel(Module, Source, RandRun): def __init__(self, data): Source.__init__(self, phy_layout) RandRun.__init__(self, 50) = data self._stb = 0 self._cnt = 0 def do_simulation(self, selfp): RandRun.do_simulation(self, selfp) if and not self._stb: self._stb = 1 if selfp.stb and selfp.ack: self._cnt +=1 selfp.stb = self._stb selfp.d =[self._cnt] if self._cnt == len( raise StopSimulation class DepacketizerSinkModel(Module, Sink, RandRun): def __init__(self): Sink.__init__(self, user_layout, True) RandRun.__init__(self, 50) def do_simulation(self, selfp): RandRun.do_simulation(self, selfp) if selfp.ack = 1 else: selfp.ack = 0 class TB(Module): def __init__(self): self.submodules.source = DepacketizerSourceModel(src_data) self.submodules.dut = FtdiDepacketizer() self.submodules.sink = DepacketizerSinkModel() self.comb += [ self.source.connect(self.dut.sink), self.dut.source.connect(self.sink), ] def main(): from migen.sim.generic import run_simulation run_simulation(TB(), ncycles=400, vcd_name="tb_depacketizer.vcd") if __name__ == "__main__": main()