from migen.fhdl.std import * from import * from import * from import * from import Arbiter from import Dispatcher from import RequestController class Crossbar(Module, AutoCSR): def __init__(self, dw, max_pending_requests, with_reordering=False): self.dw = dw self.max_pending_requests = max_pending_requests self.with_reordering = with_reordering self.master = MasterInternalPort(dw) self.slave = SlaveInternalPort(dw) self.phy_master = MasterPort(self.master) self.phy_slave = SlavePort(self.slave) self.user_masters = [] self.user_masters_channel = 0 self.user_slaves = [] def get_slave_port(self, address_decoder): s = SlaveInternalPort(self.dw, address_decoder) self.user_slaves.append(s) return SlavePort(s) def get_master_port(self, write_only=False, read_only=False): m = MasterInternalPort(self.dw, self.user_masters_channel, write_only, read_only) self.user_masters_channel += 1 self.user_masters.append(m) return MasterPort(m) def filter_masters(self, write_only, read_only): masters = [] for m in self.user_masters: if m.write_only == write_only and m.read_only == read_only: masters.append(m) return masters def slave_dispatch_arbitrate(self, slaves, slave): # dispatch s_sources = [s.source for s in slaves] s_dispatcher = Dispatcher(slave.source, s_sources, one_hot=True) self.submodules += s_dispatcher for i, s in enumerate(slaves): self.comb += s_dispatcher.sel[i].eq(s.address_decoder(slave.source.adr)) # arbitrate s_sinks = [s.sink for s in slaves] s_arbiter = Arbiter(s_sinks, slave.sink) self.submodules += s_arbiter def master_arbitrate_dispatch(self, masters, master): # arbitrate m_sinks = [m.sink for m in masters] m_arbiter = Arbiter(m_sinks, master.sink) self.submodules += m_arbiter # dispatch m_sources = [m.source for m in masters] m_dispatcher = Dispatcher(master.source, m_sources) self.submodules += m_dispatcher self.comb += m_dispatcher.sel.eq( def do_finalize(self): # Slave path # Dispatch request to user sources (according to address decoder) # Arbitrate completion from user sinks if self.user_slaves != []: self.slave_dispatch_arbitrate(self.user_slaves, self.slave) # Master path # Abritrate requests from user sinks # Dispatch completion to user sources (according to channel) # +-------+ # reqs---> | RD | # cmps<--- | PORTS |---------+ # +-------+ +---+----+ +----------+ # |Arb/Disp|-->|Controller|--+ # +-------+ +---+----+ +----------+ | # reqs---> | RW | | | # cmps<--- | PORTS |---------+ | # +-------+ +---+----+ # |Arb/Disp|<--> to/from Packetizer/ # +-------+ +---+----+ Depacketizer # reqs---> | WR | +--------+ | # cmps<--- | PORTS |-----|Arb/Disp|-----------------+ # +-------+ +--------+ # # The controller blocks RD requests when the max number of pending # requests have been sent (max_pending_requests parameters). # To avoid blocking write_only ports when RD requests are blocked, # a separate arbitration stage is used. if self.user_masters != []: masters = [] # Arbitrate / dispatch read_only / read_write ports # and insert controller rd_rw_masters = self.filter_masters(False, True) rd_rw_masters += self.filter_masters(False, False) if rd_rw_masters != []: rd_rw_master = MasterInternalPort(self.dw) controller = RequestController(self.dw, self.max_pending_requests, self.with_reordering) self.submodules += controller self.master_arbitrate_dispatch(rd_rw_masters, controller.master_in) masters.append(controller.master_out) # Arbitrate / dispatch write_only ports wr_masters = self.filter_masters(True, False) if wr_masters != []: wr_master = MasterInternalPort(self.dw) self.master_arbitrate_dispatch(wr_masters, wr_master) masters.append(wr_master) # Final Arbitrate / dispatch stage self.master_arbitrate_dispatch(masters, self.master)