import subprocess from migen.fhdl.std import * from lib.sata.std import * from import * from import * class TB(Module): def __init__(self, length, random): self.submodules.crc = SATACRC() self.length = length self.random = random def get_c_crc(self, datas): stdin = "" for data in datas: stdin += "0x%08x " %data stdin += "exit" with subprocess.Popen("./crc", stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as process: process.stdin.write(stdin.encode("ASCII")) out, err = process.communicate() return int(out.decode("ASCII"), 16) def gen_simulation(self, selfp): # init CRC selfp.crc.d = 0 selfp.crc.ce = 1 selfp.crc.reset = 1 yield selfp.crc.reset = 0 # feed CRC with datas datas = [] for i in range(self.length): data = seed_to_data(i, self.random) datas.append(data) selfp.crc.d = data yield # log results yield sim_crc = selfp.crc.value # stop selfp.crc.ce = 0 for i in range(32): yield # get C core reference c_crc = self.get_c_crc(datas) # check results s, l, e = check(c_crc, sim_crc) print("shift "+ str(s) + " / length " + str(l) + " / errors " + str(e)) if __name__ == "__main__": from migen.sim.generic import run_simulation length = 8192 run_simulation(TB(length, True), ncycles=length+100, vcd_name="my.vcd")