// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. // // Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or // distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled // binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any // means. #include "firmware.h" uint32_t *irq(uint32_t *regs, uint32_t irqs) { static unsigned int ext_irq_4_count = 0; static unsigned int ext_irq_5_count = 0; static unsigned int timer_irq_count = 0; if ((irqs & (1<<4)) != 0) { ext_irq_4_count++; // print_str("[EXT-IRQ-4]"); } if ((irqs & (1<<5)) != 0) { ext_irq_5_count++; // print_str("[EXT-IRQ-5]"); } if ((irqs & 1) != 0) { timer_irq_count++; // print_str("[TIMER-IRQ]"); } if ((irqs & 6) != 0) { int i, k; uint32_t pc = regs[0] - 4; uint32_t instr = *(uint32_t*)pc; print_str("\n"); print_str("------------------------------------------------------------\n"); if ((irqs & 2) != 0) { if (instr == 0x00100073) { print_str("SBREAK instruction at 0x"); print_hex(pc); print_str("\n"); } else { print_str("Illegal Instruction at 0x"); print_hex(pc); print_str(": 0x"); print_hex(instr); print_str("\n"); } } if ((irqs & 4) != 0) { print_str("Bus error in Instruction at 0x"); print_hex(pc); print_str(": 0x"); print_hex(instr); print_str("\n"); } for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { int r = i + k*8; if (r == 0) { print_str("pc "); } else if (r < 10) { print_chr('x'); print_chr('0' + r); print_chr(' '); print_chr(' '); } else if (r < 20) { print_chr('x'); print_chr('1'); print_chr('0' + r - 10); print_chr(' '); } else if (r < 30) { print_chr('x'); print_chr('2'); print_chr('0' + r - 20); print_chr(' '); } else { print_chr('x'); print_chr('3'); print_chr('0' + r - 30); print_chr(' '); } print_hex(regs[r]); print_str(k == 3 ? "\n" : " "); } print_str("------------------------------------------------------------\n"); print_str("Number of fast external IRQs counted: "); print_dec(ext_irq_4_count); print_str("\n"); print_str("Number of slow external IRQs counted: "); print_dec(ext_irq_5_count); print_str("\n"); print_str("Number of timer IRQs counted: "); print_dec(timer_irq_count); print_str("\n"); __asm__ volatile ("sbreak"); } return regs; }