import argparse import sys from brukeropusreader import read_file def main(path_to_file): print(f"Reading opus file from path" f"{path_to_file}") opus_data = read_file(path_to_file) print(f"Data fields: " f"{list(opus_data.keys())}") ab_x = opus_data.get_range("AB") # the "AB" data can contain more null values at the end (at least 1) # so the getting useful data requires slicing the array: abs = opus_data["AB"][0:len(ab_x)] print(f"Absorption spectrum range: " f"{ab_x[0]} {ab_x[-1]}") print(f"Absorption elements num: " f'{len(abs)}') try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print("Plotting AB") plt.plot(opus_data.get_range("AB"), abs) print("Plotting interpolated AB") plt.plot(*opus_data.interpolate(ab_x[0], ab_x[-1], 100)) except ImportError: print(f"Install matplotlib to plot spectra") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("opus_path", help="Path to opus file", action="store") args = parser.parse_args() main(sys.argv[1])