2022-09-17 00:58:15 -04:00
# Portions of this file incorporate code licensed under the
# BSD 2-Clause License. See COPYING.
2022-07-10 19:28:32 -04:00
# There is nothing fundamental about the Arty A7(35|100)T to this
# design, but another eval board will require some porting.
from migen import *
import litex_boards.platforms.digilent_arty as board_spec
from litex.soc.cores.gpio import GPIOTristate
from litex.soc.integration.builder import Builder
2022-07-11 20:31:52 -04:00
from litex.build.generic_platform import IOStandard, Pins, Subsignal
2022-07-10 19:28:32 -04:00
from litex.soc.integration.soc_core import SoCCore
from litex.soc.cores.clock import S7PLL, S7IDELAYCTRL
2022-07-11 20:31:52 -04:00
from litex.soc.interconnect.csr import AutoCSR, Module, CSRStorage, CSRStatus
2022-07-10 19:28:32 -04:00
from litedram.phy import s7ddrphy
from litedram.modules import MT41K128M16
from liteeth.phy.mii import LiteEthPHYMII
# Refer to `A7-constraints.xdc` for pin names.
2022-07-11 20:31:52 -04:00
# IO with Subsignals make Record types, which have the name of the
# subsignal as an attribute.
2022-07-10 19:28:32 -04:00
io = [
2023-03-08 23:17:41 -05:00
("dac_ss", 0, Pins("G13 D13 E15 J17 U12 U14 D4 E2"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("dac_mosi", 0, Pins("B11 B18 E16 J18 V12 V14 D3 D2"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("dac_miso", 0, Pins("A11 A18 D15 K15 V10 T13 F4 H2"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("dac_sck", 0, Pins("D12 K16 C15 J15 V11 U13 F3 G2"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("adc_conv", 0, Pins("V15 T11 N15 U18 U11 R10 R16 U17"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("adc_sck", 0, Pins("U16 R12 M16 R17 V16 R11 N16 T18"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("adc_sdo", 0, Pins("P14 T14 V17 P17 M13 R13 N14 R18"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33"))
2022-07-10 19:28:32 -04:00
2023-03-08 23:17:41 -05:00
class Base(Module, AutoCSR):
def __init__(self, clk, sdram):
for i in range(0,8):
setattr(self, f"dac_sel_{i}", CSRStorage(3))
setattr(self, f"dac_finished_{i}", CSRStatus(1))
setattr(self, f"dac_arm_{i}", CSRStorage(1))
setattr(self, f"from_dac_{i}", CSRStatus(24))
setattr(self, f"to_dac_{i}", CSRStorage(24))
setattr(self, f"wf_arm_{i}", CSRStorage(1))
setattr(self, f"wf_time_to_wait_{i}", CSRStorage(16))
setattr(self, f"wf_refresh_start_{i}", CSRStorage(1))
setattr(self, f"wf_refresh_finished_{i}", CSRStatus(1))
setattr(self, f"wf_start_addr_{i}", CSRStorage(32))
port = sdram.crossbar.get_port()
setattr(self, f"wf_sdram_{i}", LiteDRAMDMAReader(port))
2022-07-21 17:07:52 -04:00
2023-03-08 23:17:41 -05:00
setattr(self, f"adc_finished_{i}", CSRStatus(1))
setattr(self, f"adc_arm_{i}", CSRStorage(1))
setattr(self, f"from_adc_{i}", CSRStatus(32))
self.adc_sel_0 = CSRStorage(2)
self.cl_in_loop = CSRStatus(1)
self.cl_cmd = CSRStorage(64)
self.cl_word_in = CSRStorage(32)
self.cl_word_out = CSRStatus(32)
self.cl_start_cmd = CSRStorage(1)
self.cl_finish_cmd = CSRStatus(1)
self.specials = Instance("base",
# dac_0
# dac_1
# dac_2
# dac_3
# dac_4
# dac_5
# dac_6
# dac_7
# adc_0
# adc_1
# adc_2
# adc_3
# adc_4
# adc_5
# adc_6
# adc_7
2022-07-11 20:31:52 -04:00
2022-07-21 17:07:52 -04:00
# Clock and Reset Generator
2022-07-10 19:28:32 -04:00
class _CRG(Module):
def __init__(self, platform, sys_clk_freq, with_dram=True, with_rst=True):
self.rst = Signal()
self.clock_domains.cd_sys = ClockDomain()
self.clock_domains.cd_eth = ClockDomain()
if with_dram:
self.clock_domains.cd_sys4x = ClockDomain()
self.clock_domains.cd_sys4x_dqs = ClockDomain()
self.clock_domains.cd_idelay = ClockDomain()
# Clk/Rst.
clk100 = platform.request("clk100")
rst = ~platform.request("cpu_reset") if with_rst else 0
# PLL.
self.submodules.pll = pll = S7PLL(speedgrade=-1)
self.comb += pll.reset.eq(rst | self.rst)
pll.register_clkin(clk100, 100e6)
pll.create_clkout(self.cd_sys, sys_clk_freq)
pll.create_clkout(self.cd_eth, 25e6)
self.comb += platform.request("eth_ref_clk").eq(self.cd_eth.clk)
platform.add_false_path_constraints(self.cd_sys.clk, pll.clkin) # Ignore sys_clk to pll.clkin path created by SoC's rst.
if with_dram:
pll.create_clkout(self.cd_sys4x, 4*sys_clk_freq)
pll.create_clkout(self.cd_sys4x_dqs, 4*sys_clk_freq, phase=90)
pll.create_clkout(self.cd_idelay, 200e6)
# IdelayCtrl.
if with_dram:
self.submodules.idelayctrl = S7IDELAYCTRL(self.cd_idelay)
class CryoSNOM1SoC(SoCCore):
def __init__(self, variant):
sys_clk_freq = int(100e6)
platform = board_spec.Platform(variant=variant, toolchain="symbiflow")
self.submodules.crg = _CRG(platform, sys_clk_freq, True)
2023-03-08 23:17:41 -05:00
2022-07-10 19:28:32 -04:00
# SoCCore does not have sane defaults (no integrated rom)
platform = platform,
bus_standard = "wishbone",
ident = f"Arty-{variant} F4PGA LiteX VexRiscV Zephyr CryoSNOM1 0.1",
bus_data_width = 32,
bus_address_width = 32,
bus_timeout = int(1e6),
cpu_type = "vexriscv",
integrated_sram_size = 0x2000,
timer_uptime = True)
2023-03-08 23:17:41 -05:00
# This initializes the connection to the physical DRAM interface.
2022-07-10 19:28:32 -04:00
self.submodules.ddrphy = s7ddrphy.A7DDRPHY(platform.request("ddram"),
memtype = "DDR3",
nphases = 4,
sys_clk_freq = sys_clk_freq)
2023-03-08 23:17:41 -05:00
# Synchronous dynamic ram. This is what controls all access to RAM.
# This houses the "crossbar", which negotiates all RAM accesses to different
# modules, including the verilog interfaces (waveforms etc.)
2022-07-10 19:28:32 -04:00
phy = self.ddrphy,
module = MT41K128M16(sys_clk_freq, "1:4"),
l2_cache_size = 8192
self.submodules.ethphy = LiteEthPHYMII(
2022-07-21 17:07:52 -04:00
clock_pads = platform.request("eth_clocks"),
pads = platform.request("eth"))
2022-07-10 19:28:32 -04:00
self.add_ethernet(phy=self.ethphy, dynamic_ip=True)
# Add the DAC and ADC pins as GPIO. They will be used directly
# by Zephyr.
2023-03-08 23:17:41 -05:00
self.submodules.sdram = Base(ClockSignal(), self.sdram)
2022-07-10 19:28:32 -04:00
def main():
soc = CryoSNOM1SoC("a7-35")
builder = Builder(soc, csr_json="csr.json")
if __name__ == "__main__":