csr to micropython

This commit is contained in:
Peter McGoron 2023-06-21 18:47:52 -04:00
parent d76c1f8ad1
commit 5717ef59df
4 changed files with 148 additions and 146 deletions

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ hardware-get:
docker cp upsilon-hardware:/home/user/upsilon/gateware/build/digilent_arty/gateware/digilent_arty.bit ../boot/
docker cp upsilon-hardware:/home/user/upsilon/gateware/arty.dtb ../boot/
docker cp upsilon-hardware:/home/user/upsilon/gateware/csr.json ../boot/
docker cp upsilon-hardware:/home/user/upsilon/gateware/csr_bitwidth.json ../boot/
-docker container stop upsilon-hardware
-docker container rm upsilon-hardware

View File

@ -25,5 +25,5 @@ arty.dts: csr.json
arty.dtb: arty.dts
dtc -O dtb -o arty.dtb arty.dts
pin_io.c: csr.json generate_csr_locations.py
python3 generate_csr_locations.py > pin_io.c
mmio.py: csr2mp.py csr.json csr_bitwidth.json
python3 csr2mp.py > mmio.py

gateware/csr2mp.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
# Copyright 2023 (C) Peter McGoron
# This file is a part of Upsilon, a free and open source software project.
# For license terms, refer to the files in `doc/copying` in the Upsilon
# source distribution.
# This file generates a Micropython module "mmio" with functions that
# do raw reads and writes to MMIO registers.
# TODO: Devicetree?
import json
import sys
class CSRGenerator:
def __init__(self, csrjson, bitwidthjson, registers, outf):
self.registers = registers
self.csrs = json.load(open(csrjson))
self.bws = json.load(open(bitwidthjson))
self.file = outf
def get_reg(self, name, num=None):
""" Get the base address of the register. """
if num is None:
regname = f"base_{name}"
regname = f"base_{name}_{num}"
return self.csrs["csr_registers"][regname]["addr"]
def get_accessor(self, name, num=None):
""" Return a list of Micropython machine.mem accesses that can
be used to read/write to a MMIO register.
Since the Micropython API only supports accesses up to the
natural word size of the processor, multiple accesses must be made
for 64 bit registers.
b = self.bws[name]
if b <= 8:
return [f'machine.mem8[{self.get_reg(name,num)}]']
elif b <= 16:
return [f'machine.mem16[{self.get_reg(name,num)}]']
elif b <= 32:
return [f'machine.mem32[{self.get_reg(name,num)}]']
elif b <= 64:
return [f'machine.mem32[{self.get_reg(name,num)}]',
f'machine.mem32[{self.get_reg(name,num) + 4}]']
raise Exception('unsupported width', b)
def print(self, *args):
print(*args, end='', file=self.file)
def print_write_register(self, indent, varname, name, num):
acc = self.get_accessor(name,num)
if len(acc) == 1:
self.print(f'{indent}{acc[0]} = {varname}\n')
assert len(acc) == 2
self.print(f'{indent}{acc[0]} = {varname} & 0xFFFFFFFF\n')
self.print(f'{indent}{acc[1]} = {varname} >> 32\n')
def print_read_register(self, indent, varname, name, num):
acc = self.get_accessor(name,num)
if len(acc) == 1:
self.print(f'{indent}return {acc[0]}\n')
assert len(acc) == 2
self.print(f'{indent}return {acc[0]} | ({acc[1]} << 32)\n')
def print_fun(self, optype, name, regnum, pfun):
"""Print out a read/write function for an MMIO register.
* {optype} is set to "read" or "write" (the string).
* {name} is set to the name of the MMIO register, without number suffix.
* {regnum} is set to the amount of that type oF MMIO register exists.
* {pfun} is set to {self.print_write_register} or {self.print_read_register}
self.print(f'def {optype}_{name}(')
printed_argument = False
if optype == 'write':
printed_argument = True
if regnum != 1:
if printed_argument:
self.print(', ')
if regnum == 1:
pfun('\t', 'val', name, None)
for i in range(0,regnum):
if i == 0:
self.print(f'\tif ')
self.print(f'\telif ')
self.print(f'num == {i}:\n')
pfun('\t\t', 'val', name, i)
self.print(f'\t\traise Exception("invalid {name}", regnum)\n')
def print_file(self):
self.print('import machine\n')
for reg in self.registers:
self.print_fun('read', reg['name'], reg['total'], self.print_read_register)
if not reg['read_only']:
self.print_fun('write', reg['name'], reg['total'], self.print_write_register)
if __name__ == "__main__":
dac_num = 8
adc_num = 8
registers = [
{"read_only": False, "name": "dac_sel", "total": dac_num},
{"read_only": True, "name": "dac_finished", "total": dac_num},
{"read_only": False, "name": "dac_arm", "total": dac_num},
{"read_only": True, "name": "from_dac", "total": dac_num},
{"read_only": False, "name": "to_dac", "total": dac_num},
# {"read_only": False, "name": "wf_arm", "total": dac_num},
# {"read_only": False, "name": "wf_halt_on_finish", "total": dac_num},
# {"read_only": True, "name": "wf_finished", "total": dac_num},
# {"read_only": True, "name": "wf_running", "total": dac_num},
# {"read_only": False, "name": "wf_time_to_wait", "total": dac_num},
# {"read_only": False, "name": "wf_refresh_start", "total": dac_num},
# {"read_only": True, "name": "wf_refresh_finished", "total": dac_num},
# {"read_only": False, "name": "wf_start_addr", "total": dac_num},
{"read_only": True, "name": "adc_finished", "total": adc_num},
{"read_only": False, "name": "adc_arm", "total": adc_num},
{"read_only": True, "name": "from_adc", "total": adc_num},
{"read_only": False, "name": "adc_sel", "total": adc_num},
{"read_only": True, "name": "cl_in_loop", "total": 1},
{"read_only": False, "name": "cl_cmd", "total": 1},
{"read_only": False, "name": "cl_word_in", "total": 1},
{"read_only": False, "name": "cl_word_out", "total": 1},
{"read_only": False, "name": "cl_start_cmd", "total": 1},
{"read_only": True, "name": "cl_finish_cmd", "total": 1},
CSRGenerator("csr.json", "csr_bitwidth.json", registers, sys.stdout).print_file()

View File

@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
import json
import sys
This file uses csr.json and csr_bitwidth.json and writes functions
that handle reads and writes to MMIO.
class CSRGenerator:
def __init__(self, csrjson, bitwidthjson, registers, outf, dacmax, adcmax):
self.registers = registers
self.csrs = json.load(open(csrjson))
self.bws = json.load(open(bitwidthjson))
self.file = outf
self.dacmax = dacmax
self.adcmax = adcmax
def get_reg(self, name, num):
if num is None:
regname = f"base_{name}"
regname = f"base_{name}_{num}"
return self.csrs["csr_registers"][regname]["addr"]
def get_bitwidth_type(self, name):
b = self.bws[name]
if b <= 8:
return 8
elif b <= 16:
return 16
elif b <= 32:
return 32
elif b <= 64:
return 64
raise Exception('unsupported width', b)
def print(self, *args):
print(*args, end='', file=self.file)
def print_write_fun(self, name, regnum):
typ = self.get_bitwidth_type(name)
self.print('static inline void\n')
self.print(f'write_{name}(uint{typ}_t v')
if regnum != 1:
self.print(f', int num')
if regnum != 1:
self.print('\t', f'static const uintptr_t loc[{regnum}]', '= {\n')
self.print('\t\t', self.get_reg(name,0), '\n')
for i in range(1,regnum):
self.print('\t\t,', self.get_reg(name, i), '\n')
if (num < 0 || num >= ARRAY_SIZE(loc)) {
LOG_ERR("invalid location %d", num);
self.print('\t', f'litex_write{typ}(v, {"loc[num]" if regnum != 1 else self.get_reg(name, None)});', '\n}\n\n')
def print_read_fun(self, name, regnum):
typ = self.get_bitwidth_type(name)
self.print(f'static inline uint{typ}_t\nread_{name}')
if regnum != 1:
self.print(f'(int num)', '\n{\n')
if regnum != 1:
self.print('\t', f'static const uintptr_t loc[{regnum}]', '= {\n')
self.print('\t\t', self.get_reg(name,0), '\n')
for i in range(1,regnum):
self.print('\t\t,', self.get_reg(name, i), '\n')
if (num < 0 || num >= ARRAY_SIZE(loc)) {
LOG_ERR("invalid location %d", num);
self.print('\t', f'return litex_read{typ}({"loc[num]" if regnum != 1 else self.get_reg(name, None)}', ');\n}\n\n')
def print_file(self):
#pragma once
static inline void litex_write64(uint64_t value, unsigned long addr)
sys_write32(value >> 32, addr);
sys_write32(value, addr + 0x4);
# error Unsupported CSR data width
self.print('#define DAC_MAX', self.dacmax, '\n')
self.print('#define ADC_MAX', self.adcmax, '\n')
for reg in self.registers:
if not reg[0]: #read only
if __name__ == "__main__":
dac_num = 8
adc_num = 8
registers = [
# Read-only, name, number
(False, "dac_sel", dac_num),
(True, "dac_finished", dac_num),
(False, "dac_arm", dac_num),
(True, "from_dac", dac_num),
(False, "to_dac", dac_num),
# (False, "wf_arm", dac_num),
# (False, "wf_halt_on_finish", dac_num),
# (True, "wf_finished", dac_num),
# (True, "wf_running", dac_num),
# (False, "wf_time_to_wait", dac_num),
# (False, "wf_refresh_start", dac_num),
# (True, "wf_refresh_finished", dac_num),
# (False, "wf_start_addr", dac_num),
(True, "adc_finished", adc_num),
(False, "adc_arm", adc_num),
(True, "from_adc", adc_num),
(False, "adc_sel", adc_num),
(True, "cl_in_loop", 1),
(False, "cl_cmd", 1),
(False, "cl_word_in", 1),
(False, "cl_word_out", 1),
(False, "cl_start_cmd", 1),
(True, "cl_finish_cmd", 1),
CSRGenerator("csr.json", "csr_bitwidth.json", registers, sys.stdout, dac_num, adc_num).print_file()