raster_sim.v: add and lint

This commit is contained in:
Peter McGoron 2022-11-26 12:00:10 -05:00
parent a12fbf8af2
commit 59b6efce7e
2 changed files with 135 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -168,9 +168,6 @@ end endgenerate
always @ (posedge clk) begin
case (state)
WAIT_ON_ARM: begin if (arm) begin
if (adc_used_in != 0) begin
adc_used <= adc_used_in;
dx <= dx_in;
dy <= dy_in;
@ -221,7 +218,7 @@ always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (counter < settle_time_in) begin
if (counter < settle_time) begin
if (!arm) state <= WAIT_ON_ARM;
counter <= counter + 1;
end else begin

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@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
module raster_sim #(
parameter SAMPLEWID = 9,
parameter DAC_DATA_WID = 20,
parameter DAC_WID = 24,
parameter DAC_WAIT_BETWEEN_CMD = 10,
parameter TIMER_WID = 4,
parameter STEPWID = 16,
parameter ADCNUM = 9,
parameter MAX_ADC_DATA_WID = 24,
parameter BASE_ADDR = 32'h1000000,
parameter MAX_BYTE_WID = 13,
parameter DAT_WID = 24,
parameter RAM_WORD = 16,
parameter RAM_WID = 32
) (
input clk,
input arm,
output reg finished,
output reg running,
/* Amount of steps per sample. */
input [STEPWID-1:0] steps_per_sample_in,
/* Amount of samples in one line (forward) */
input [SAMPLEWID-1:0] max_samples_in,
/* Amount of lines in the output. */
input [SAMPLEWID-1:0] max_lines_in,
/* Wait time after each step. */
input [TIMER_WID-1:0] settle_time_in,
/* Each step goes (x,y) -> (x + dx, y + dy) forward for each line of
* the output. */
input signed [DAC_DATA_WID-1:0] dx_in,
input signed [DAC_DATA_WID-1:0] dy_in,
/* Vertical steps to go to the next line. */
input signed [DAC_DATA_WID-1:0] dx_vert_in,
input signed [DAC_DATA_WID-1:0] dy_vert_in,
/* X and Y DAC piezos */
output x_arm,
output [DAC_WID-1:0] x_to_dac,
/* verilator lint_off UNUSED */
input [DAC_WID-1:0] x_from_dac,
input x_finished,
output y_arm,
output [DAC_WID-1:0] y_to_dac,
/* verilator lint_off UNUSED */
input [DAC_WID-1:0] y_from_dac,
input y_finished,
/* Connections to all possible ADCs. These are connected to SPI masters
* and they will automatically extend ADC value lengths to their highest
* values. */
output reg [ADCNUM-1:0] adc_arm,
input [MAX_ADC_DATA_WID-1:0] adc_data [ADCNUM-1:0],
input [ADCNUM-1:0] adc_finished,
/* Bitmap for which ADCs are used. */
input [ADCNUM-1:0] adc_used_in,
/* DMA interface */
output [RAM_WORD-1:0] word,
output [RAM_WID-1:0] addr,
output ram_write,
input ram_valid
wire signed [DAT_WID-1:0] ram_data;
wire ram_commit;
wire ram_write_finished;
ram_shim #(
) ram (
raster #(
) raster (