/* Copyright 2023 (C) Peter McGoron * This file is a part of Upsilon, a free and open source software project. * For license terms, refer to the files in `doc/copying` in the Upsilon * source distribution. */ /* (c) Peter McGoron 2022 v0.3 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v.2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* spi master with integrated ability to wait a certain amount of cycles * after activating SS. */ module `SPI_MASTER_SS_NAME #( parameter WID = 24, parameter WID_LEN = 5, parameter CYCLE_HALF_WAIT = 1, parameter TIMER_LEN = 3, parameter SS_WAIT = 1, parameter SS_WAIT_TIMER_LEN = 2, parameter POLARITY = 0, parameter PHASE = 0 ) ( input clk, input rst_L, `ifndef SPI_MASTER_NO_READ output [WID-1:0] from_slave, input miso, `endif `ifndef SPI_MASTER_NO_WRITE input [WID-1:0] to_slave, output reg mosi, `endif output sck_wire, output finished, output ready_to_arm, output ss_L, input arm ); reg ss = 0; reg arm_master = 0; assign ss_L = !ss; `SPI_MASTER_NAME #( .WID(WID), .WID_LEN(WID_LEN), .CYCLE_HALF_WAIT(CYCLE_HALF_WAIT), .TIMER_LEN(TIMER_LEN), .POLARITY(POLARITY), .PHASE(PHASE) ) master ( .clk(clk), .rst_L(rst_L), `ifndef SPI_MASTER_NO_READ .from_slave(from_slave), .miso(miso), `endif `ifndef SPI_MASTER_NO_WRITE .to_slave(to_slave), .mosi(mosi), `endif .sck_wire(sck_wire), .finished(finished), .ready_to_arm(ready_to_arm), .arm(arm_master) ); localparam WAIT_ON_ARM = 0; localparam WAIT_ON_SS = 1; localparam WAIT_ON_MASTER = 2; localparam WAIT_ON_ARM_DEASSERT = 3; reg [2:0] state = WAIT_ON_ARM; reg [SS_WAIT_TIMER_LEN-1:0] timer = 0; task master_arm(); arm_master <= 1; state <= WAIT_ON_MASTER; endtask always @ (posedge clk) begin if (!rst_L) begin state <= WAIT_ON_ARM; timer <= 0; arm_master <= 0; ss <= 0; end else case (state) WAIT_ON_ARM: begin if (arm) begin timer <= 1; if (SS_WAIT == 0) begin master_arm(); end else begin timer <= 1; state <= WAIT_ON_SS; end ss <= 1; end end WAIT_ON_SS: begin if (timer == SS_WAIT) begin master_arm(); end else begin timer <= timer + 1; end end WAIT_ON_MASTER: begin if (finished) begin state <= WAIT_ON_ARM_DEASSERT; ss <= 0; end end WAIT_ON_ARM_DEASSERT: begin if (!arm) begin state <= WAIT_ON_ARM; arm_master <= 0; end end endcase end endmodule `undefineall