# upsilon Upsilon is a 100% free and open source STM/AFM controller for FPGAs running Linux. Read [doc/copying/README.md](doc/copying/README.md) for license information. ## Quickstart Read [doc/docker.md](doc/docker.md) to set up the Docker build environment. ## Project Organization * [boot](boot/): This folder is the central place for all built files. This includes the kernel image, rootfs, gateware, etc. This directory also includes everything the TFTP server has to access. * [build](build/): Docker build environment. * [buildroot](buildroot/): Buildroot configuration files. * [doc](doc/): Documentation. * [doc/copying](doc/copying/): Licenses. * [gateware](gateware/): FPGA source. * [gateware/rtl](gateware/rtl/): Verilog sources. * [gateware/rtl/spi](gateware/rtl/spi/): SPI code (from another repo) * [linux](linux/): Software that runs on the controller. * [opensbi](opensbi/): OpenSBI configuration files and source fragments. * [swic](swic/): Code that runs on the PicoRV32 soft core.