#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Other classes implemented (Verilator) #include #include "control_loop_math_implementation.h" #include "control_loop_cmds.h" #include "Vcontrol_loop_sim_top.h" using ModType = Vcontrol_loop_sim_top; // Clock uint32_t main_time = 0; double sc_time_stamp() { return main_time; } ModType *mod; static void run_clock() { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { mod->clk = !mod->clk; mod->eval(); main_time++; } } static void init(int argc, char **argv) { Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv); Verilated::traceEverOn(true); mod = new ModType; mod->clk = 0; } static void set_value(V val, unsigned name) { mod->cmd = CONTROL_LOOP_WRITE_BIT | name; mod->word_into_loop = val; mod->start_cmd = 1; do { run_clock(); } while (!mod->finish_cmd); mod->start_cmd = 0; run_clock(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { init(argc, argv); int Con, // Continue option for user P = 3, // Default P value I = 0, // Default I value Delay = 20, // Default Delay value SetPt = 10000, // Default SetPt value Status = 1, // Default Status value Option_Picked; // Option user picked do { mod = new ModType; Transfer func = Transfer{150, 0, 2, 1.1, 10, -1}; mod->clk = 0; // Testing this char for P value char Data_Change_S = '0b11010111000010100011110101110000101000111'; // Default value for P, some type of error where it won't accept any string, int | Try char next time set_value(0b11010111000010100011110101110000101000111, CONTROL_LOOP_P); // Default value set_value((V)6 << CONSTS_FRAC, CONTROL_LOOP_I); set_value(Delay, CONTROL_LOOP_DELAY); set_value(SetPt, CONTROL_LOOP_SETPT); set_value(Status, CONTROL_LOOP_STATUS); // Menu do { printf("%15s\n", "Menu"); printf("1) Set Control loop P Current value: %d\n", P); printf("2) Set Control loop I Current value: %d\n", I); printf("3) Set Delay Current value: %d\n", Delay); printf("4) Set setpoint Current value: %d\n", SetPt); printf("5) Set status Current value: %d\n", Status); printf("6) Continue\n"); // Checks for what option user picks scanf("%d", &Option_Picked); // Clears unix screen system("clear"); switch (Option_Picked) { case 1: // This case doesn't work for some reason? Need further time to figure it out printf("Please input new Control Loop P value: "); scanf("%d", &P); set_value(P, CONTROL_LOOP_P); break; case 2: printf("Please input new Control Loop I value: "); scanf("%d", &I); set_value(I, CONTROL_LOOP_I); break; case 3: printf("Please input new delay value: "); scanf("%d", &Delay); set_value(Delay, CONTROL_LOOP_DELAY); break; case 4: printf("Please input new setpoint value: "); scanf("%d", &SetPt); set_value(SetPt, CONTROL_LOOP_SETPT); break; case 5: printf("Please input new status value: "); scanf("%d", &Status); set_value(Status, CONTROL_LOOP_STATUS); break; } } while (Option_Picked != 6); mod->curset = 0; // Resets Con to 1 to activate for loop Con = 1; for (int tick = 0; Con == 1; tick++) { run_clock(); if (mod->request && !mod->fulfilled) { /* Verilator values are not sign-extended to the * size of type, so we have to do that ourselves. */ V ext = sign_extend(mod->curset, 20); V val = func.val(ext); printf("setting: %ld, val: %ld\n", ext, val); mod->measured_value = val; mod->fulfilled = 1; } else if (mod->fulfilled && !mod->request) { mod->fulfilled = 0; } if (mod->finish_cmd) { mod->start_cmd = 0; } // After 100000 ticks shows user prompt, might make tick to be changable for user. if (tick % 100000 == 0 && tick != 0) { printf("Continue? (0 for exit, 1 for yes, 2 to return to menu)\n"); scanf("%d", &Con); } } // Clears unix screen system("clear"); mod->final(); delete mod; } while (Con == 2); return 0; }