# Copyright 2023-2024 (C) Peter McGoron # # This file is a part of Upsilon, a free and open source software project. # For license terms, refer to the files in `doc/copying` in the Upsilon # source distribution. from migen import * from litex.soc.interconnect.wishbone import Interface from util import * from region import * class Waveform(LiteXModule): """ A Wishbone bus master that sends a waveform to a SPI master by reading from RAM. """ public_registers = { "run" : { "origin": 0, "size": 4, "rw": True, }, "cntr": { "origin": 0x4, "size": 4, "rw": False, }, "do_loop": { "origin": 0x8, "size" : 4, "rw" : True, }, "finished_or_ready": { "origin": 0xC, "size" : 4, "rw" : False, }, "wform_size": { "origin": 0x10, "size": 4, "rw" : True, }, "timer": { "origin": 0x14, "size" : 4, "rw" : False, }, "timer_spacing": { "origin" : 0x18, "size" : 4, "rw" : True, } } width = 0x20 def __init__(self, ram_start_addr = 0, spi_start_addr = 0x10000000, counter_max_wid = 16, timer_wid = 16, ): # This is Waveform's bus to control SPI and RAM devices it owns. self.masterbus = Interface(address_width=32, data_width=32, addressing="byte") # This is the Waveform's interface that is controlled by the Main CPU. self.slavebus = b = Interface(address_width=32, data_width=32, addressing="byte") self.mmap = MemoryMap(self.masterbus) self.mmap.add_region("ram", BasicRegion(ram_start_addr, None)) self.mmap.add_region("spi", BasicRegion(spi_start_addr, None)) run = Signal() cntr = Signal(counter_max_wid) do_loop = Signal() ready = Signal() finished = Signal() wform_size = Signal(counter_max_wid) timer = Signal(timer_wid) timer_spacing = Signal(timer_wid) self.comb += If(b.cyc & b.stb & ~b.ack, Case(b.adr, { 0x0: If(b.we, run.eq(b.dat_w[0]), ).Else( b.dat_r[0].eq(run) ), 0x4: [ b.dat_r[0:counter_max_wid].eq(cntr), ], 0x8: [ If(b.we, do_loop.eq(b.dat_w[0]), ).Else( b.dat_r[0].eq(do_loop), ) ], 0xC: [ b.dat_r[0].eq(ready), b.dat_r[1].eq(finished), ], 0x10: If(b.we, wform_size.eq(b.dat_w[0:counter_max_wid]), ).Else( b.dat_r[0:counter_max_wid].eq(wform_size) ), 0x14: b.dat_r[0:timer_wid].eq(timer), 0x18: If(b.we, timer_spacing.eq(b.dat_w[0:timer_wid]), ).Else( b.dat_r[0:timer_wid].eq(timer_spacing), ), # (W)A(V)EFO(RM) "default": b.dat_r.eq(0xAEF0AEF0), } ), b.ack.eq(1), ).Elif(~b.cyc, b.ack.eq(0), ) self.specials += Instance("waveform", p_RAM_START_ADDR = ram_start_addr, p_SPI_START_ADDR = spi_start_addr, p_COUNTER_MAX_WID = counter_max_wid, p_TIMER_WID = timer_wid, i_clk = ClockSignal(), i_run = run, o_cntr = cntr, i_do_loop = do_loop, o_finished = finished, o_ready = ready, i_wform_size = wform_size, o_timer = timer, i_timer_spacing = timer_spacing, o_wb_adr = self.masterbus.adr, o_wb_cyc = self.masterbus.cyc, o_wb_we = self.masterbus.we, o_wb_stb = self.masterbus.stb, o_wb_sel = self.masterbus.sel, o_wb_dat_w = self.masterbus.dat_w, i_wb_dat_r = self.masterbus.dat_r, i_wb_ack = self.masterbus.ack, ) def add_ram(self, bus, size): self.mmap.regions['ram'].bus = bus self.mmap.regions['ram'].size = size def add_spi(self, bus): # Waveform code has the SPI hardcoded in, because it is a Verilog # module. self.mmap.regions['spi'].bus = bus self.mmap.regions['spi'].size = SPIMaster.width def do_finalize(self): self.mmap.finalize() class SPIMaster(Module): # IF THESE ARE CHANGED, CHANGE waveform.v !! AD5791_PARAMS = { "polarity" :0, "phase" :1, "spi_cycle_half_wait" : 10, "ss_wait" : 5, "enable_miso" : 1, "enable_mosi" : 1, "spi_wid" : 24, } LT_ADC_PARAMS = { "polarity" : 1, "phase" : 0, "spi_cycle_half_wait" : 5, "ss_wait" : 60, "enable_mosi" : 0, } width = 0x20 public_registers = { # The first bit is the "finished" bit, when the master is # armed and finished with a transmission. # The second bit is the "ready" bit, when the master is # not armed and ready to be armed. "ready_or_finished": { "origin" : 0, "width" : 4, "rw": False, }, # One bit to initiate a transmission cycle. Transmission # cycles CANNOT be interrupted. "arm" : { "origin": 4, "width": 4, "rw": True, }, # Data sent from the SPI slave. "from_slave": { "origin": 8, "width": 4, "rw": False, }, # Data sent to the SPI slave. "to_slave": { "origin": 0xC, "width": 4, "rw": True }, # Same as ready_or_finished, but halts until ready or finished # goes high. Dangerous, might cause cores to hang! "wait_ready_or_finished": { "origin": 0x10, "width": 4, "rw" : False, }, } """ Wrapper for the SPI master verilog code. """ def __init__(self, rst, miso, mosi, sck, ss_L, polarity = 0, phase = 0, ss_wait = 1, enable_miso = 1, enable_mosi = 1, spi_wid = 24, spi_cycle_half_wait = 1, ): """ :param rst: Reset signal. :param miso: MISO signal. :param mosi: MOSI signal. :param sck: SCK signal. :param ss: SS signal. :param phase: Phase of SPI master. This phase is not the standard SPI phase because it is defined in terms of the rising edge, not the leading edge. See https://software.mcgoron.com/peter/spi :param polarity: See https://software.mcgoron.com/peter/spi. :param enable_miso: If ``False``, the module does not read data from MISO into a register. :param enable_mosi: If ``False``, the module does not write data to MOSI from a register. :param spi_wid: Verilog parameter: see file. :param spi_cycle_half_wait: Verilog parameter: see file. """ self.bus = Interface(data_width = 32, address_width=32, addressing="byte") from_slave = Signal(spi_wid) to_slave = Signal(spi_wid) finished_or_ready = Signal(2) arm = Signal() self.comb += [ self.bus.err.eq(0), ] self.sync += [ If(self.bus.cyc & self.bus.stb & ~self.bus.ack, Case(self.bus.adr[0:5], { 0x0: [ self.bus.dat_r[2:].eq(0), self.bus.dat_r[0:2].eq(finished_or_ready), self.bus.ack.eq(1), ], 0x4: [ If(self.bus.we, arm.eq(self.bus.dat_w[0]), ).Else( self.bus.dat_r[1:].eq(0), self.bus.dat_r[0].eq(arm), ), self.bus.ack.eq(1), ], 0x8: [ self.bus.dat_r[spi_wid:].eq(0), self.bus.dat_r[0:spi_wid].eq(from_slave), self.bus.ack.eq(1), ], 0xC: [ If(self.bus.we, to_slave.eq(self.bus.dat_r[0:spi_wid]), ).Else( self.bus.dat_r[spi_wid:].eq(0), self.bus.dat_r[0:spi_wid].eq(to_slave), ), self.bus.ack.eq(1), ], 0x10: If(finished_or_ready[0] | finished_or_ready[1], self.bus.dat_r[1:].eq(0), self.bus.dat_r.eq(finished_or_ready), ), "default": # 0xSPI00SPI self.bus.dat_r.eq(0x57100571), }), ).Elif(~self.bus.cyc, self.bus.ack.eq(0) ) ] self.specials += Instance("spi_master_ss", p_SS_WAIT = ss_wait, p_SS_WAIT_TIMER_LEN = minbits(ss_wait), p_CYCLE_HALF_WAIT = spi_cycle_half_wait, p_TIMER_LEN = minbits(spi_cycle_half_wait), p_WID = spi_wid, p_WID_LEN = minbits(spi_wid), p_ENABLE_MISO = enable_miso, p_ENABLE_MOSI = enable_mosi, p_POLARITY = polarity, p_PHASE = phase, i_clk = ClockSignal(), i_rst_L = rst, i_miso = miso, o_mosi = mosi, o_sck_wire = sck, o_ss_L = ss_L, o_from_slave = from_slave, i_to_slave = to_slave, o_finished = finished_or_ready[1], o_ready_to_arm = finished_or_ready[0], i_arm = arm, )