m4_changequote(`⟨', `⟩') m4_changecom(⟨/*⟩, ⟨*/⟩) /*************** Precision ************** * The control loop is designed around these values, but generally * does not hardcode them. * * Since I and P are precalculated outside of the loop, their * conversion to numbers the loop understands is done outside of * the loop and in the kernel. * * The 18-bit ADC is twos-compliment, -10.24V to 10.24V, * with 78μV per increment. * The 20-bit DAC is twos-compliment, -10V to 10V. * * The `P` constant has a minimum value of 1e-7 with a precision * of 1e-9, and a maxmimum value of 1. * * The `I` constant has a minimum value of 1e-4 with a precision * of 1e-6 and a maximum value of 100. * * Δt is cycles/100MHz. This makes Δt at least 10 ns, with a * maximum of 1 ms. * * [1 : sign][20: whole][43: fractional] */ module control_loop_math #( parameter CONSTS_WHOLE = 21, parameter CONSTS_FRAC = 43, m4_define(M4_CONSTS_WID, (CONSTS_WHOLE + CONSTS_FRAC)) parameter CONSTS_SIZ=7, parameter ADC_WID = 18, parameter [M4_CONSTS_WID-1:0] SEC_PER_CYCLE = 'b10101011110011000, /* To calculate this value: * Load doc/fixedpoint.py * run bin(string_to_fixed_point(str((ADC_RANGE/2**ADC_WID)/(DAC_RANGE/2**DAC_WID)), CONSTS_FRAC)) * This value is the value to put below. * This value uses ADC_RANGE=20.48, DAC_RANGE=30 * The ranges are the range of values REPRESENTABLE by the ADC and DAC, * not the values you expect to get! */ parameter [M4_CONSTS_WID-1:0] ADC_TO_DAC = /* 64'b0100000110001001001101110100101111000110101, */ 64'b0101110111000000000000000000000000000000000, parameter CYCLE_COUNT_WID = 18, parameter DAC_WID = 20 m4_define(M4_E_WID, (DAC_WID + 1)) ) ( input clk, input arm, input rst_L, output reg finished, input signed [ADC_WID-1:0] setpt, input signed [ADC_WID-1:0] measured, input signed [M4_CONSTS_WID-1:0] cl_P, input signed [M4_CONSTS_WID-1:0] cl_I, input signed [CYCLE_COUNT_WID-1:0] cycles, input signed [M4_E_WID-1:0] e_prev, input signed [M4_CONSTS_WID-1:0] adjval_prev, input signed [DAC_WID-1:0] stored_dac_val, `ifdef DEBUG_CONTROL_LOOP_MATH output reg [M4_CONSTS_WID-1:0] dt_reg, output reg [M4_CONSTS_WID-1:0] idt_reg, output reg [M4_CONSTS_WID-1:0] epidt_reg, output reg [M4_CONSTS_WID-1:0] ep_reg, `endif output reg signed [M4_E_WID-1:0] e_cur, output signed [DAC_WID-1:0] new_dac_val, output signed [M4_CONSTS_WID-1:0] adj_val ); /******* * Multiplier segment. * Multiplies two 64 bit numbers and right-saturate + truncates it * to be a 64 bit output, according to fixed-point rules. */ reg signed [M4_CONSTS_WID-1:0] a1; reg signed [M4_CONSTS_WID-1:0] a2; /* verilator lint_off UNUSED */ wire signed [M4_CONSTS_WID+M4_CONSTS_WID-1:0] out_untrunc; wire mul_fin; reg mul_arm = 0; boothmul #( .A1_LEN(M4_CONSTS_WID), .A2_LEN(M4_CONSTS_WID), .A2LEN_SIZ(CONSTS_SIZ) ) multiplier ( .a1(a1), .a2(a2), .clk(clk), .rst_L(rst_L), .outn(out_untrunc), .fin(mul_fin), .arm(mul_arm) ); /**************************** * QX.Y * QX.Y = Q(2X).(2Y) * This right-truncation gets rid of the lowest Y bits. * Q(2X).Y */ m4_define(M4_OUT_RTRUNC_WID, (M4_CONSTS_WID+M4_CONSTS_WID-CONSTS_FRAC)) wire signed [M4_OUT_RTRUNC_WID-1:0] out_rtrunc = out_untrunc[M4_CONSTS_WID+M4_CONSTS_WID-1:CONSTS_FRAC]; wire signed [M4_CONSTS_WID-1:0] mul_out; /*************************** * Saturate higher X bits away. * Q(2X).Y -> QX.Y */ intsat #( .IN_LEN(M4_OUT_RTRUNC_WID), .LTRUNC(CONSTS_WHOLE) ) multiplier_saturate ( .inp(out_rtrunc), .outp(mul_out) ); /************************* * Safely get rid of high bit in addition. ************************/ reg signed [M4_CONSTS_WID+1-1:0] add_sat; wire signed [M4_CONSTS_WID-1:0] saturated_add; intsat #( .IN_LEN(M4_CONSTS_WID + 1), .LTRUNC(1) ) addition_saturate ( .inp(add_sat), .outp(saturated_add) ); /************************ * Safely truncate down adjustment value. ***********************/ reg signed [CONSTS_WHOLE-1:0] adj_sat; wire signed [DAC_WID-1:0] adj_final; intsat #( .IN_LEN(CONSTS_WHOLE), .LTRUNC(CONSTS_WHOLE - DAC_WID) ) adj_saturate ( .inp(adj_sat), .outp(adj_final) ); /************************ * Safely calculate new DAC value. ************************/ reg signed [DAC_WID+1-1:0] add_sat_dac; intsat #( .IN_LEN(DAC_WID+1), .LTRUNC(1) ) dac_saturate ( .inp(add_sat_dac), .outp(new_dac_val) ); localparam WAIT_ON_ARM = 0; localparam CALCULATE_ERR = 9; localparam CALCULATE_DAC_E = 7; localparam WAIT_ON_CALCULATE_DT = 1; localparam CALCULATE_IDT = 2; localparam CALCULATE_EPIDT = 3; localparam CALCULATE_EP = 4; localparam CALCULATE_A_PART_1 = 5; localparam CALCULATE_A_PART_2 = 6; localparam CALCULATE_NEW_DAC_VALUE_PART_1 = 10; localparam CALCULATE_NEW_DAC_VALUE_PART_2 = 11; localparam WAIT_ON_DISARM = 8; reg [4:0] state = WAIT_ON_ARM; reg signed [M4_CONSTS_WID+1-1:0] tmpstore = 0; wire signed [M4_CONSTS_WID-1:0] tmpstore_view = tmpstore[M4_CONSTS_WID-1:0]; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (!rst_L) begin state <= WAIT_ON_ARM; a1 <= 0; finished <= 0; mul_arm <= 0; a2 <= 0; e_cur <= 0; `ifdef DEBUG_CONTROL_LOOP_MATH dt_reg <= 0; idt_reg <= 0; epidt_reg <= 0; ep_reg <= 0; `endif add_sat <= 0; adj_val <= 0; tmpstore <= 0; end else case (state) WAIT_ON_ARM: if (arm) begin a1[CONSTS_FRAC-1:0] <= 0; a1[CONSTS_FRAC+ADC_WID + 1-1:CONSTS_FRAC] <= setpt - measured; state <= CALCULATE_ERR; end else begin finished <= 0; mul_arm <= 0; end CALCULATE_ERR: begin /* Sign-extend */ a1[M4_CONSTS_WID-1:CONSTS_FRAC + ADC_WID + 1] <= {(M4_CONSTS_WID-(CONSTS_FRAC + ADC_WID + 1)){a1[ADC_WID+1-1+CONSTS_FRAC]}}; a2 <= ADC_TO_DAC; mul_arm <= 1; state <= CALCULATE_DAC_E; end CALCULATE_DAC_E: if (mul_fin) begin /* Discard other bits. This works without saturation because * CONSTS_WHOLE = E_WID. */ e_cur <= mul_out[M4_CONSTS_WID-1:CONSTS_FRAC]; a1 <= SEC_PER_CYCLE; /* No sign extension, cycles is positive */ a2 <= {{(CONSTS_WHOLE - CYCLE_COUNT_WID){1'b0}}, cycles, {(CONSTS_FRAC){1'b0}}}; mul_arm <= 0; state <= WAIT_ON_CALCULATE_DT; end WAIT_ON_CALCULATE_DT: if (!mul_arm) begin mul_arm <= 1; end else if (mul_fin) begin mul_arm <= 0; `ifdef DEBUG_CONTROL_LOOP_MATH dt_reg <= mul_out; `endif a1 <= mul_out; /* a1 = Δt */ a2 <= cl_I; state <= CALCULATE_IDT; end CALCULATE_IDT: if (!mul_arm) begin mul_arm <= 1; end else if (mul_fin) begin mul_arm <= 0; add_sat <= (mul_out + cl_P); `ifdef DEBUG_CONTROL_LOOP_MATH idt_reg <= mul_out; `endif a2 <= {{(CONSTS_WHOLE-M4_E_WID){e_cur[M4_E_WID-1]}},e_cur, {(CONSTS_FRAC){1'b0}}}; state <= CALCULATE_EPIDT; end CALCULATE_EPIDT: if (!mul_arm) begin a1 <= saturated_add; mul_arm <= 1; end else if (mul_fin) begin mul_arm <= 0; tmpstore <= {mul_out[M4_CONSTS_WID-1],mul_out}; `ifdef DEBUG_CONTROL_LOOP_MATH epidt_reg <= mul_out; `endif a1 <= cl_P; a2 <= {{(CONSTS_WHOLE-M4_E_WID){e_prev[M4_E_WID-1]}},e_prev, {(CONSTS_FRAC){1'b0}}}; state <= CALCULATE_EP; end CALCULATE_EP: if (!mul_arm) begin mul_arm <= 1; end else if (mul_fin) begin `ifdef DEBUG_CONTROL_LOOP_MATH ep_reg <= mul_out; `endif mul_arm <= 0; add_sat <= (tmpstore_view - mul_out); state <= CALCULATE_A_PART_1; end CALCULATE_A_PART_1: begin tmpstore <= saturated_add + adjval_prev; state <= CALCULATE_A_PART_2; end CALCULATE_A_PART_2: begin add_sat <= tmpstore; state <= CALCULATE_NEW_DAC_VALUE_PART_1; end CALCULATE_NEW_DAC_VALUE_PART_1: begin adj_sat <= saturated_add[M4_CONSTS_WID-1:CONSTS_FRAC]; adj_val <= saturated_add; state <= CALCULATE_NEW_DAC_VALUE_PART_2; end CALCULATE_NEW_DAC_VALUE_PART_2: begin add_sat_dac <= adj_final + stored_dac_val; state <= WAIT_ON_DISARM; end WAIT_ON_DISARM: begin adj_val <= saturated_add; if (!arm) begin state <= WAIT_ON_ARM; finished <= 0; end else begin finished <= 1; end end endcase end `ifdef VERILATOR initial begin $dumpfile("control_loop_math.fst"); $dumpvars; end `endif endmodule