/* TODO: add ADC_TO_DAC multiplication and verify */ #include #include #include "control_loop_math_implementation.h" #include "Vcontrol_loop_math.h" using ModType = Vcontrol_loop_math; uint32_t main_time = 0; double sc_time_stamp() { return main_time; } ModType *mod; static void run_clock() { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { mod->clk = !mod->clk; mod->eval(); main_time++; } } static void init(int argc, char **argv) { Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv); Verilated::traceEverOn(true); mod = new ModType; mod->clk = 0; } #define MASK(n) ((1 << (n)) - 1) using V = int64_t; constexpr V per100 = 0b010101011110011000; constexpr V adc_to_dac = 0b0100000110001001001101110100101111000110101; static void calculate() { /* Multiplication adds an extra CONSTS_FRAC bits to the end, * truncate them. */ V err_cur = mulsat((V)mod->setpt - (V)mod->measured, adc_to_dac, 64, CONSTS_FRAC); V dt = mulsat(per100, (V)mod->cycles << CONSTS_FRAC, 64, CONSTS_FRAC); V idt = mulsat(dt, mod->cl_I, 64, CONSTS_FRAC); V epidt = mulsat(err_cur << CONSTS_FRAC, mod->cl_P + idt, 64, CONSTS_FRAC); V ep = mulsat((V)mod->e_prev << CONSTS_FRAC, mod->cl_P, 64, CONSTS_FRAC); V new_adjval = mod->adjval_prev + epidt - ep; mod->arm = 1; do { run_clock(); } while (!mod->finished); mod->arm = 0; run_clock(); run_clock(); /* Stupid bug: verilator does not sign-extend signed ports */ printf("err_cur %ld %ld\n", err_cur, sign_extend(mod->e_cur, E_WID)); printf("dt %ld %ld\n", dt, mod->dt_reg); printf("idt %ld %ld\n", idt, mod->idt_reg); printf("epidt %ld %ld\n", epidt, mod->epidt_reg); printf("ep %ld %ld\n", ep, mod->ep_reg); printf("adj %ld %ld\n", new_adjval, mod->adj_val); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { init(argc, argv); mod->arm = 0; run_clock(); Transfer func = Transfer{150, 0, 2, 1.1, 10, -1}; /* Initial conditions */ mod->setpt = 10000; mod->cl_P = 0b11010111000010100011110101110000101000111; /* 0.21 */ mod->cl_I = (V)12 << CONSTS_FRAC; mod->cycles = 20; /* dummy number for now */ mod->e_prev = 0; mod->adjval_prev = 0; V setting = 100000; printf("running\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { mod->measured = func.val(setting); mod->stored_dac_val = setting; calculate(); mod->e_prev = mod->e_cur; mod->adjval_prev = mod->adj_val; /* C++ has no standard arithmetic right shift */ V adj; if ((V)mod->adj_val > 0) { adj = mod->adj_val >> CONSTS_FRAC; } else { adj = -((-mod->adj_val) >> CONSTS_FRAC); } printf("#%d: setting: %ld, measured: %ld, setpt: %ld, adj: %ld\n", i, setting, mod->measured, mod->setpt, adj); setting += adj; printf("new_dac_val %ld %ld\n", setting, mod->new_dac_val); } mod->final(); delete mod; return 0; }