""" Copyright 2023 (C) Peter McGoron This file is a part of Upsilon, a free and open source software project. For license terms, refer to the files in `doc/copying` in the Upsilon source distribution. """ from pssh.clients import SSHClient import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import sys def sign_extend(value, bits): is_signed = (value >> (bits - 1)) & 1 == 1 if not is_signed: return value return -((~value + 1) & ((1 << (bits - 1)) - 1)) client = SSHClient('', user='root', pkey='~/.ssh/upsilon_key') client.scp_send('../linux/noise_test.py', '/root/noise_test.py') out = client.run_command('micropython noise_test.py') current_dac = None current_adc = [] x_ax = [] y_ax = [] for line in out.stdout: l = line.split(' ') if l[0] != current_dac: if current_dac is not None: m = np.mean(current_adc) sdev = np.std(current_adc) print(current_dac, m, sdev) x_ax.append(current_dac) y_ax.append(m) current_adc = [sign_extend(int(l[1]), 18)] current_dac = l[0] else: current_adc.append(sign_extend(int(l[1]),18)) df = pd.DataFrame({"x": x_ax, "y": y_ax}) df.to_csv(f"{sys.argv[1]}.csv") plt.plot(df.x, df.y) plt.show()