""" Copyright 2023 (C) Peter McGoron This file is a part of Upsilon, a free and open source software project. For license terms, refer to the files in `doc/copying` in the Upsilon source distribution. """ from math import log10, floor from decimal import * def sign_extend(value, bits): """ Interpret ``value`` as a twos-complement integer of ``bits`` length. :param value: Twos-complement integer with finite bit width. :param bits: Bit length of ``value``. :return: ``value`` converted to a Python integer. """ # Check the sign bit of the integer. is_signed = (value >> (bits - 1)) & 1 == 1 # If not signed, just return the integer. if not is_signed: return value # Otherwise, # 1. Do an explicit twos-complement negation # 2. Mask all the non-sign bits # This returns the positive value as a standard Python integer. # Then the function negates the positive integer to get the negative # one back. return -((~value + 1) & ((1 << (bits - 1)) - 1)) def connect_execute(f, *arg): from pssh.clients import SSHClient # require parallel-ssh print('connecting') client = SSHClient('', user='root', pkey='~/.ssh/upsilon_key') # Upload the script. print('connected') client.scp_send(f'../linux/{f}', '/root/') # Run the script. args = f'micropython {f} {" ".join([str(s) for s in arg])}' print(f"running {args}") return client.run_command(args) # Functions for converting to and from fixed point in Python. def string_to_fixed_point(s, fracnum): l = s.split('.') if len(l) == 1: return int(s) << fracnum elif len(l) != 2: return None dec = 10 frac = 0 frac_decimal = Decimal(f'0.{l[1]}') # get the smallest power of ten higher then frac_decimal frac = 0 # Example: # 0.4567 = 0.abcdefgh... # where abcdefgh are binary digits. # multiply both sides by two: # 0.9134 = a.bcdefgh ... # therefore a = 0. Then remove the most significant digit. # Then multiply by 2 again. Then # 1.8268 = b.cdefgh ... # therefore b = 1. Then take 8268, and so on. for i in range(0,fracnum): frac_decimal = frac_decimal * 2 div = floor(frac_decimal) frac = div | (frac << 1) frac_decimal = frac_decimal - div whole = int(l[0]) if whole < 0: return -((-whole) << fracnum | frac) else: return whole << fracnum | frac def fixed_point_to_string(fxp, fracnum): whole = str(fxp >> fracnum) mask = (1 << fracnum) - 1 fracbit = fxp & mask n = 1 frac = "" if fracbit == 0: return whole # The same method can be applied backwards. # 0.1110101 = 0.abcdefgh ... # where abcdefgh... are decimal digits. Then multiply by 10 to # get # 1001.0010010 = a.bcdefgh ... # therefore a = 0b1001 = 9. Then use a bitmask to get # 0.0010010 = 0.bcdefgh ... # etc. for i in range(0, fracnum): fracbit = fracbit * 10 frac = frac + str(fracbit >> fracnum) fracbit = fracbit & mask return whole + "." + frac