
61 lines
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/* Copyright 2023 (C) Peter McGoron
* This file is a part of Upsilon, a free and open source software project.
* For license terms, refer to the files in `doc/copying` in the Upsilon
* source distribution.
/* This module is a co-operative crossbar for the wires only. Each end
* implements its own SPI master.
* This crossbar is entirely controlled by the kernel.
module spi_switch #(
parameter PORTS = 3
) (
/* verilator lint_off UNUSEDSIGNAL */
input [PORTS-1:0] select,
/* verilator lint_on UNUSEDSIGNAL */
output reg mosi,
input miso,
output reg sck,
output reg ss_L,
input [PORTS-1:0] mosi_ports,
output reg [PORTS-1:0] miso_ports,
input [PORTS-1:0] sck_ports,
input [PORTS-1:0] ss_L_ports
/* Avoid using for loops, they might not synthesize correctly.
* Do things the old, dumb way instead.
* TODO: Instead of bit vector, use regular numbers
`define do_select(n) \
mosi = mosi_ports[n]; \
miso_ports = {{(PORTS-1){1'b0}},miso} << n; \
sck = sck_ports[n]; \
ss_L = ss_L_ports[n]
`define check_select(n) \
if (select[n]) begin \
`do_select(n); \
generate if (PORTS == 3) always @(*) begin
else `check_select(1)
else begin
end else always @(*) begin
else begin
end endgenerate