This commit is contained in:
Peter McGoron 2024-08-29 22:24:33 -04:00
parent 1b56759726
commit f160ecaae1
5 changed files with 436 additions and 6 deletions

View file

@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
(dl:set-head! ctr next)
(if was-tail?
(dl:set-tail! ctr tail)
(dl:set-tail! ctr prev)

View file

@ -114,3 +114,63 @@
(if (< (char->integer x) (char->integer y))
(define max
(lambda (curmax . rest)
(if (null? rest)
(let ((next-num (car rest)))
(apply max
(cons (if (> next-num curmax) next-num curmax)
(cdr rest)))))))
(define all
(lambda (f l)
((null? l) #t)
((not (f (car l))) (all f (cdr l)))
(else #f))))
(define any
(lambda (f l)
((null? l) #f)
((f (car l)) #t)
(else (any f (cdr l))))))
(lambda (body)
(lambda (body)
(if (null? body)
(let ((elem (car body)))
((eqv? (car elem) 'else)
(cons 'begin (cdr elem)))
((and (pair? elem)
(passes? (car elem)))
(cons 'begin (cdr elem)))
(else (loop (cdr body))))))))
(lambda (boolean-form)
((eqv? boolean-form 'miniscm-unslisp) #t)
((eqv? boolean-form 'r3rs) #t)
((symbol? boolean-form) #f)
((not (pair? boolean-form)) (error "invalid boolean form"))
((eqv? (car boolean-form) 'and)
(all passes? (cdr boolean-form)))
((eqv? (car boolean-form) 'or)
(any passes? (cdr boolean-form)))
((eqv? (car boolean-form) 'not)
(not (passes? (cadr boolean-form))))
(else (error "invalid boolean function"))))))
(loop (cdr body)))))
(define (abs x)
(if (< x 0)
(- x)

View file

@ -79,7 +79,6 @@
* Define or undefine following symbols as you need.
/* #define VERBOSE */ /* define this if you want verbose GC */
#define VERBOSE
#define AVOID_HACK_LOOP /* define this if your compiler is poor
* enougth to complain "do { } while (0)"
* construction.
@ -91,6 +90,8 @@
#define USE_MACRO /* undef this if you do not need macro */
#define USE_MACRO
* If your machine can't support "forward single quotation character"

set.scm Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
;;; Copyright (C) Peter McGoron 2024
;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Persistent AVL sets and maps using JOIN.
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;; Nodes, direction
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;; Returns the slot number for
;;; =: The node data
;;; h: the height
;;; <: the left child
;;; >: the right child
(define %set:accessor
(lambda (sym)
((eq? sym '=) 0)
((eq? sym 'h) 1)
((eq? sym '<) 2)
((eq? sym '>) 3)
(else (error "invalid direction")))))
;;; Gets data from node value given accessor symbol.
(define %set:get
(lambda (t sym)
(vector-ref t (%set:accessor sym))))
(define %set->sexpr
(lambda (node)
(if (null? node)
(list (list 'data (%set:get node '=))
(list '< (%set->sexpr (%set:get node '<)))
(list '> (%set->sexpr (%set:get node '>)))))))
;;; Get the height of a node, handling the empty node.
(define %set:height
(lambda (node)
(if (null? node)
(%set:get node 'h))))
;;; Get the difference between the heights of two trees.
(define %set:height-diff
(lambda (t1 t2)
(- (%set:height t1) (%set:height t2))))
;;; Get the balance factor of a tree.
(define %set:bal
(lambda (t) (%set:height-diff (%set:get t '<)
(%set:get t '>))))
;;; Set data in node given accessor symbol.
(define %set:set!
(lambda (node dir x)
(vector-set! node (%set:accessor dir) x)))
;;; Construct a new tree with data VAL.
(define %set:node
(lambda (val dir1 node1 dir2 node2)
(let ((node (vector val (+ 1
(max (%set:height node1)
(%set:height node2)))
'() '())))
(%set:set! node dir1 node1)
(%set:set! node dir2 node2)
(define %set:invdir
(lambda (dir)
((eq? dir '<) '>)
((eq? dir '>) '<)
(else (error "invalid direction")))))
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;; Tree rotations
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;; Rotate NODE to the left (dir = '>) or right (dir = '<).
(define %set:rotate
(lambda (node dir)
(if (null? node)
(let ((invdir (%set:invdir dir)))
(let ((child (%set:get node invdir)))
(let ((to-swap (%set:get child dir)))
(%set:node (%set:get child '=)
dir (%set:node (%set:get node '=)
dir (%set:get node dir)
invdir to-swap)
invdir (%set:get child invdir))))))))
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;; JOIN function for AVL trees.
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;; Handles rebalancing of the tree.
(define %set:join
(lambda (heavier val lighter heavier-dir)
(let ((heavy-val (%set:get heavier '=))
(lighter-dir (%set:invdir heavier-dir)))
(let ((heavy-heavy (%set:get heavier heavier-dir))
(heavy-light (%set:get heavier lighter-dir)))
(if (<= (abs (%avl:diff heavy-light lighter) 1))
(let ((node (%set:node val
heavier-dir heavy-light
lighter-dir lighter)))
(if (<= (abs (%set:bal node)) 1)
(%set:node heavy-val
heavier-dir heavy-heavy
lighter-dir node)
(%set:rotate (%set:node heavy-val
heavier-dir heavy-heavy
(%set:rotate node lighter-dir))
(let ((new-light (%set:join heavy-light val lighter heavier-dir)))
(let ((node (%set:node heavy-val
heavier-dir heavy-heavy
lighter-dir new-light)))
(if (<= (abs (%set:bal node)) 1)
(%set:rotate node heavier-dir)))))))))
;;; JOIN takes two trees and the data for a node, such that all nodes
;;; in LEFT are less than or equal to VAL, and all nodes in RIGHT are
;;; greater than or equal to VAL, and outputs a balanced binary search
;;; tree.
(define set:join
(lambda (left val right)
(let ((diff (%set:diff left right)))
((> diff 1) (%set:join left val right '<))
((< diff -1) (%set:join right val left '>))
(else (set:node val '< left '> right))))))
(define set:join2
(lambda (left right)
(if (null? left)
(let ((split-last-tree (split-last left)))
(set:join (bst:get split-last-tree '<)
(bst:get split-last-tree '=)
(lambda (tree)
(let ((right (set:get tree '>)))
(if (null? right)
(let ((last (split-last right)))
(bst:node (set:get last '=)
(join (set:get tree '<)
(set:get tree '=)
(set:get last '<))
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;; Element functions
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;; (SET:IN <=>) generates a search function for comparison function <=>.
;;; (SEARCH TREE DATA) searches TREE for a node that matches DATA.
;;; It will return the node that contains the matched DATA, or #F.
(define set:in
(lambda (<=>)
(lambda (tree data)
(lambda (tree)
(if (null? tree)
(let ((dir (<=> (%set:get tree '=) data)))
(if (eq? dir '=)
(loop (set:get tree dir))))))))
(loop tree)))))
;;; (SET:INSERT <=>) generates an insert function for comparison function
;;; <=>.
;;; (INSERT TREE NODE) inserts NODE into TREE. It returns
;;; (CONS NEWTREE FOUND), where FOUND is the node that was replaced by
;;; NODE, and #F otherwise, and NEWTREE is the new root of the tree.
(define set:insert
(lambda (<=>)
(lambda (tree node)
(let ((found #f))
(lambda (tree)
(if (null? tree)
(let ((dir (<=> (%set:get tree '=)
(%set:get node '=)))
(left (%set:get tree '<))
(right (%set:get tree '>)))
(if (eq? dir '=)
(set! found tree)
(set:node (set:get node '=)
'< left '> right))
(join (set:node (%set:get tree '=)
dir (loop left)
(set:invdir dir) right))))))))
(let ((newtree (loop tree)))
(cons newtree found)))))))
;;; (SET:DELETE <=>) generates a delete function for comparison function
;;; <=>.
;;; (DELETE TREE DATA) deletes a node from TREE that compares equal to
;;; DATA. The function returns (CONS NEWTREE FOUND), where FOUND is the
;;; deleted node, or #F if not found, and NEWTREE is the root of the new
;;; tree.
(define set:delete
(lambda (<=>)
(lambda (tree node)
(let ((found #f))
(lambda (tree)
(if (null? tree)
(let ((dir (<=> (%set:get tree '=)
(%set:get node '=)))
(left (%set:get tree '<))
(right (%set:get tree '>)))
(if (eq? dir '=)
(set! found tree)
(set:join2 left right))
(join (set:node (%set:get tree '=)
dir (loop left)
(set:invdir dir) right))))))))
(let ((newtree (loop tree)))
(cons newtree found)))))))
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;
;;; For strings
;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;
((not miniscm-unslisp)
(define (string<=> x y)
((string<? x y) '<)
((string>? x y) '>)
(else '=)))))
(define map:string<=>
(lambda (x y)
(string<=> (car x) (car y))))
(define %smap:insert (set:insert map:string<=>))
(define smap:insert
(lambda (tree key val)
(%smap:insert tree (%set:node (cons key val)
'< '()
'> '()))))
(define %smap:search (set:in map:string<=>))
(define smap:search
(lambda (tree key)
(%smap:search tree (cons key '()))))
(define %smap:delete (set:delete map:string<=>))
(define smap:delete
(lambda (tree key)
(%smap:delete tree (%set:node (cons key '())
'< '() '> '()))))
(define smap:key
(lambda (node) (car (%set:get node '=))))
(define smap:val
(lambda (node) (cdr (%set:get node '=))))
(define %set:tests
(cons "rotate right"
(lambda ()
(let ((right (%set:rotate (%set:node 1
'< (%set:node 2
'< (%set:node 3
'< '()
'> '())
'> (%set:node 4
'< '()
'> '()))
'> (%set:node 5 '< '() '> '()))
((not (eqv? (%set:get right '=) 2)) "bad parent")
((not (eqv? (%set:get (%set:get right '>) '=) 1)) "bad right child")
((not (eqv? (%set:get (%set:get right '<) '=) 3)) "bad left child")
((not (eqv? (%set:get (%set:get (%set:get right '>) '>) '=) 5))
"bad right child of right child")
((not (eqv? (%set:get (%set:get (%set:get right '>) '<) '=) 4))
"bad left child of right child")
(else #t)))))
(cons "rotate left"
(lambda ()
(let ((right (%set:rotate (%set:node 1
'> (%set:node 2
'< (%set:node 3
'< '()
'> '())
'> (%set:node 4
'< '()
'> '()))
'< (%set:node 5 '< '() '> '()))
((not (eqv? (%set:get right '=) 2)) "bad parent")
((not (eqv? (%set:get (%set:get right '>) '=) 4)) "bad right child")
((not (eqv? (%set:get (%set:get right '<) '=) 1)) "bad left child")
((not (eqv? (%set:get (%set:get (%set:get right '<) '>) '=) 3))
"bad right child of left child")
((not (eqv? (%set:get (%set:get (%set:get right '<) '<) '=) 5))
"bad left child of left child")
(else #t)))))
(cons "insert then delete"
(lambda ()
(let ((insert-return (smap:insert '() (string #\a) 5)))
((not (pair? insert-return)) "invalid insert return")
((cdr insert-return) "string found in empty tree")
(let ((tree (car insert-return)))
(let ((found (smap:search tree (string #\a))))
((not found) "string not in tree")
((not (equal? (smap:key tree) (string #\a)))
"returned key not equal to a")
((not (equal? (smap:val tree) 5))
"returned value not equal to 5")
(let ((delete-return (smap:delete tree (string #\a))))
((not (pair? delete-return))
"invalid delete return")
((not (cdr delete-return)) "string not found")
((not (eqv? (car delete-return) '()))
"returned tree not null")
(else #t))))))))))))))

View file

@ -48,10 +48,22 @@
(loop (cdr rest)))))))))
(loop tests))))
(define report-tests
(lambda (tests)
(let ((res (run-tests tests)))
(if (eq? res #t)
(display "passed")
(display "failed: ")
(display res))))
(load "doubly-linked-list.scm")
(display "running doubly linked list tests")
(display "running doubly linked list tests: ")
(if (run-tests %dl:tests)
(display "doubly linked list tests: passed")
(display "doubly linked list tests: failed"))
(report-tests %dl:tests)
(load "set.scm")
(display "running string BST-AVL tests")
(report-tests %set:tests)