OS X gbPlatform Support (missing some things)

This commit is contained in:
Ginger Bill 2016-06-07 16:21:48 +01:00
parent 86c941ddb7
commit 051ff73626
3 changed files with 776 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ gb single-file public domain libraries for C & C++
library | latest version | category | description
**gb.h** | 0.24b | misc | Helper library (Standard library _improvement_)
**gb_math.h** | 0.06g | math | Vector math library geared towards game development
**gb.h** | 0.25 | misc | Helper library (Standard library _improvement_)
**gb_math.h** | 0.06h | math | Vector math library geared towards game development
**gb_gl.h** | 0.05 | graphics | OpenGL Helper Library
**gb_string.h** | 0.95a | strings | A better string library (this is built into gb.h too with custom allocator support!)
**gb_ini.h** | 0.93 | misc | Simple ini file loader library

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* gb.h - v0.24b - Ginger Bill's C Helper Library - public domain
/* gb.h - v0.25 - Ginger Bill's C Helper Library - public domain
- no warranty implied; use at your own risk
This is a single header file with a bunch of useful stuff
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ TODOS
- More date & time functions
0.25 - OS X gbPlatform Support (missing some things)
0.24b - Compile on OSX (excluding platform part)
0.24a - Minor additions
0.24 - Enum convention change
@ -126,15 +127,14 @@ extern "C" {
#define GB_EXTERN extern
#define GB_DLL_EXPORT GB_EXTERN __declspec(dllexport)
#if defined(_WIN32)
#define GB_DLL_EXPORT GB_EXTERN __declspec(dllexport)
#define GB_DLL_IMPORT GB_EXTERN __declspec(dllimport)
#define GB_DLL_EXPORT GB_EXTERN __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#define GB_DLL_IMPORT GB_EXTERN __declspec(dllimport)
// NOTE(bill): Redefine for DLL, etc.
#ifndef GB_DEF
#ifdef GB_STATIC
@ -2284,6 +2284,18 @@ GB_DEF isize gb_count_set_bits(u64 mask);
// TODO(bill): Proper documentation for this with code examples
// Window Support - Complete
// OS X Support - Missing:
// * Sofware framebuffer
// * (show|hide) window
// * show_cursor
// * toggle (fullscreen|borderless)
// * set window position
// * Clipboard
// * GameControllers
// Linux Support - None
// Other OS Support - None
@ -2349,11 +2361,11 @@ typedef enum gbKeyType {
gbKey_Lcontrol, // Left Control
gbKey_Lshift, // Left Shift
gbKey_Lalt, // Left Alt
gbKey_Lsystem, // Left OS specific: window (Windows and Linux), apple (MacOS X), ...
gbKey_Lsystem, // Left OS specific: window (Windows and Linux), apple/cmd (MacOS X), ...
gbKey_Rcontrol, // Right Control
gbKey_Rshift, // Right Shift
gbKey_Ralt, // Right Alt
gbKey_Rsystem, // Right OS specific: window (Windows and Linux), apple (MacOS X), ...
gbKey_Rsystem, // Right OS specific: window (Windows and Linux), apple/cmd (MacOS X), ...
gbKey_Menu, // Menu
gbKey_Return, // Return
gbKey_Backspace, // Backspace
@ -2382,8 +2394,8 @@ typedef enum gbKeyType {
gbKey_Numpad7, // Numpad 7
gbKey_Numpad8, // Numpad 8
gbKey_Numpad9, // Numpad 9
gbKey_NumpadDot, // Numpad .
gbKey_NumpadEnter, // Numpad Enter
gbKey_NumpadDot, // Numpad .
gbKey_NumpadEnter, // Numpad Enter
gbKey_F1, // F1
gbKey_F2, // F2
gbKey_F3, // F3
@ -2492,12 +2504,8 @@ typedef enum gbRendererType {
} gbRendererType;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4201)
#if !defined(_WINDOWS_)
#if defined(GB_SYSTEM_WINDOWS) && !defined(_WINDOWS_)
typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER {
unsigned long biSize;
long biWidth;
@ -2534,6 +2542,8 @@ typedef struct gbPlatform {
#if defined(GB_SYSTEM_WINDOWS)
void *win32_dc;
#elif defined(GB_SYSTEM_OSX)
void *osx_autorelease_pool; // TODO(bill): Is this really needed?
gbRendererType renderer_type;
@ -2572,7 +2582,7 @@ typedef struct gbPlatform {
i32 mouse_x, mouse_y;
i32 mouse_dx, mouse_dy; // NOTE(bill): Not raw mouse movement
i32 mouse_raw_dx, mouse_raw_dy; // NOTE(bill): Raw mouse movement
i32 mouse_wheel_delta;
f32 mouse_wheel_delta;
gbKeyState mouse_buttons[gbMouseButton_Count];
gbGameController game_controllers[GB_MAX_GAME_CONTROLLER_COUNT];
@ -2589,9 +2599,6 @@ typedef struct gbPlatform {
} gbPlatform;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(pop)
typedef struct gbVideoMode {
i32 width, height;
@ -2613,7 +2620,7 @@ GB_DEF b32 gb_platform_init_with_opengl (gbPlatform *p, char const *
GB_DEF void gb_platform_update (gbPlatform *p);
GB_DEF void gb_platform_display (gbPlatform *p);
GB_DEF void gb_platform_destroy (gbPlatform *p);
GB_DEF void gb_platform_show_cursor (gbPlatform *p, i32 show);
GB_DEF void gb_platform_show_cursor (gbPlatform *p, b32 show);
GB_DEF void gb_platform_set_mouse_position (gbPlatform *p, i32 x, i32 y);
GB_DEF void gb_platform_set_controller_vibration (gbPlatform *p, isize index, f32 left_motor, f32 right_motor);
GB_DEF b32 gb_platform_has_clipboard_text (gbPlatform *p);
@ -2696,7 +2703,7 @@ extern "C" {
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_WINDOWS_)
#if defined(GB_COMPILER_MSVC) && !defined(_WINDOWS_)
// Bill's Mini Windows.h
@ -3717,9 +3724,9 @@ extern "C" {
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-braces"
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4201)
#pragma warning(disable:4127) // Conditional expression is constant
@ -8280,7 +8287,8 @@ gb_inline gbDllProc gb_dll_proc_address(gbDllHandle dll, char const *proc_name)
gb__timestart = mach_absolute_time();
result = (mach_absolute_time() - gb__timestart) *gb__timebase;
// NOTE(bill): mach_absolute_time() returns things in nanoseconds
result = 1.0e-9 * (mach_absolute_time() - gb__timestart) * gb__timebase;
return result;
struct timespec t;
@ -9317,7 +9325,7 @@ void gb_platform_destroy(gbPlatform *p) {
void gb_platform_show_cursor(gbPlatform *p, i32 show) {
void gb_platform_show_cursor(gbPlatform *p, b32 show) {
@ -9533,6 +9541,726 @@ char *gb_platform_get_clipboard_text(gbPlatform *p, gbAllocator a) {
return text;
#elif defined(GB_SYSTEM_OSX)
#include <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
#include <objc/objc.h>
#include <objc/message.h>
#include <objc/NSObjCRuntime.h>
#define NSIntegerEncoding "q"
#define NSUIntegerEncoding "L"
#define NSIntegerEncoding "i"
#define NSUIntegerEncoding "I"
#ifdef __OBJC__
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
typedef CGPoint NSPoint;
typedef CGSize NSSize;
typedef CGRect NSRect;
extern id NSApp;
extern id const NSDefaultRunLoopMode;
#if defined(__OBJC__) && __has_feature(objc_arc)
#error TODO(bill): Cannot compile as objective-c code just yet!
// ABI is a bit different between platforms
#ifdef __arm64__
#define abi_objc_msgSend_stret objc_msgSend
#define abi_objc_msgSend_stret objc_msgSend_stret
#ifdef __i386__
#define abi_objc_msgSend_fpret objc_msgSend_fpret
#define abi_objc_msgSend_fpret objc_msgSend
#define objc_msgSend_id ((id (*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend)
#define objc_msgSend_void ((void (*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend)
#define objc_msgSend_void_id ((void (*)(id, SEL, id))objc_msgSend)
#define objc_msgSend_void_bool ((void (*)(id, SEL, BOOL))objc_msgSend)
#define objc_msgSend_id_char_const ((id (*)(id, SEL, char const *))objc_msgSend)
gb_internal NSUInteger gb__osx_application_should_terminate(id self, SEL _sel, id sender) {
// NOTE(bill): Do nothing
return 0;
gb_internal void gb__osx_window_will_close(id self, SEL _sel, id notification) {
NSUInteger value = true;
object_setInstanceVariable(self, "closed", cast(void *)value);
gb_internal void gb__osx_window_did_become_key(id self, SEL _sel, id notification) {
gbPlatform *p = NULL;
object_getInstanceVariable(self, "gbPlatform", cast(void **)&p);
if (p) {
// TODO(bill):
b32 gb__platform_init(gbPlatform *p, char const *window_title, gbVideoMode mode, gbRendererType type, u32 window_flags) {
if (p->is_initialized)
return true;
// Init Platform
{ // Initial OSX State
Class appDelegateClass;
b32 resultAddProtoc, resultAddMethod;
id dgAlloc, dg, menubarAlloc, menubar;
id appMenuItemAlloc, appMenuItem;
id appMenuAlloc, appMenu;
#if defined(ARC_AVAILABLE)
#error TODO(bill): This code should be compiled as C for now
id poolAlloc = objc_msgSend_id(cast(id)objc_getClass("NSAutoreleasePool"), sel_registerName("alloc"));
p->osx_autorelease_pool = objc_msgSend_id(poolAlloc, sel_registerName("init"));
objc_msgSend_id(cast(id)objc_getClass("NSApplication"), sel_registerName("sharedApplication"));
((void (*)(id, SEL, NSInteger))objc_msgSend)(NSApp, sel_registerName("setActivationPolicy:"), 0);
appDelegateClass = objc_allocateClassPair((Class)objc_getClass("NSObject"), "AppDelegate", 0);
resultAddProtoc = class_addProtocol(appDelegateClass, objc_getProtocol("NSApplicationDelegate"));
resultAddMethod = class_addMethod(appDelegateClass, sel_registerName("applicationShouldTerminate:"), cast(IMP)gb__osx_application_should_terminate, NSUIntegerEncoding "@:@");
dgAlloc = objc_msgSend_id(cast(id)appDelegateClass, sel_registerName("alloc"));
dg = objc_msgSend_id(dgAlloc, sel_registerName("init"));
objc_msgSend_void(dg, sel_registerName("autorelease"));
objc_msgSend_void_id(NSApp, sel_registerName("setDelegate:"), dg);
objc_msgSend_void(NSApp, sel_registerName("finishLaunching"));
menubarAlloc = objc_msgSend_id(cast(id)objc_getClass("NSMenu"), sel_registerName("alloc"));
menubar = objc_msgSend_id(menubarAlloc, sel_registerName("init"));
objc_msgSend_void(menubar, sel_registerName("autorelease"));
appMenuItemAlloc = objc_msgSend_id(cast(id)objc_getClass("NSMenuItem"), sel_registerName("alloc"));
appMenuItem = objc_msgSend_id(appMenuItemAlloc, sel_registerName("init"));
objc_msgSend_void(appMenuItem, sel_registerName("autorelease"));
objc_msgSend_void_id(menubar, sel_registerName("addItem:"), appMenuItem);
((id (*)(id, SEL, id))objc_msgSend)(NSApp, sel_registerName("setMainMenu:"), menubar);
appMenuAlloc = objc_msgSend_id(cast(id)objc_getClass("NSMenu"), sel_registerName("alloc"));
appMenu = objc_msgSend_id(appMenuAlloc, sel_registerName("init"));
objc_msgSend_void(appMenu, sel_registerName("autorelease"));
id processInfo = objc_msgSend_id(cast(id)objc_getClass("NSProcessInfo"), sel_registerName("processInfo"));
id appName = objc_msgSend_id(processInfo, sel_registerName("processName"));
id quitTitlePrefixString = objc_msgSend_id_char_const(cast(id)objc_getClass("NSString"), sel_registerName("stringWithUTF8String:"), "Quit ");
id quitTitle = ((id (*)(id, SEL, id))objc_msgSend)(quitTitlePrefixString, sel_registerName("stringByAppendingString:"), appName);
id quitMenuItemKey = objc_msgSend_id_char_const(cast(id)objc_getClass("NSString"), sel_registerName("stringWithUTF8String:"), "q");
id quitMenuItemAlloc = objc_msgSend_id(cast(id)objc_getClass("NSMenuItem"), sel_registerName("alloc"));
id quitMenuItem = ((id (*)(id, SEL, id, SEL, id))objc_msgSend)(quitMenuItemAlloc, sel_registerName("initWithTitle:action:keyEquivalent:"), quitTitle, sel_registerName("terminate:"), quitMenuItemKey);
objc_msgSend_void(quitMenuItem, sel_registerName("autorelease"));
objc_msgSend_void_id(appMenu, sel_registerName("addItem:"), quitMenuItem);
objc_msgSend_void_id(appMenuItem, sel_registerName("setSubmenu:"), appMenu);
{ // Init Window
NSRect rect = {{0, 0}, {cast(CGFloat)mode.width, cast(CGFloat)mode.height}};
id windowAlloc, window, wdgAlloc, wdg, contentView, titleString;
Class WindowDelegateClass;
b32 resultAddProtoc, resultAddIvar, resultAddMethod;
windowAlloc = objc_msgSend_id(cast(id)objc_getClass("NSWindow"), sel_registerName("alloc"));
window = ((id (*)(id, SEL, NSRect, NSUInteger, NSUInteger, BOOL))objc_msgSend)(windowAlloc, sel_registerName("initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:"), rect, 15, 2, NO);
objc_msgSend_void(window, sel_registerName("autorelease"));
// when we are not using ARC, than window will be added to autorelease pool
// so if we close it by hand (pressing red button), we don't want it to be released for us
// so it will be released by autorelease pool later
objc_msgSend_void_bool(window, sel_registerName("setReleasedWhenClosed:"), NO);
WindowDelegateClass = objc_allocateClassPair((Class)objc_getClass("NSObject"), "WindowDelegate", 0);
resultAddProtoc = class_addProtocol(WindowDelegateClass, objc_getProtocol("NSWindowDelegate"));
resultAddIvar = class_addIvar(WindowDelegateClass, "closed", gb_size_of(NSUInteger), rint(log2(gb_size_of(NSUInteger))), NSUIntegerEncoding);
resultAddIvar = class_addIvar(WindowDelegateClass, "gbPlatform", gb_size_of(void *), rint(log2(gb_size_of(void *))), "ˆv");
resultAddMethod = class_addMethod(WindowDelegateClass, sel_registerName("windowWillClose:"), cast(IMP)gb__osx_window_will_close, "v@:@");
resultAddMethod = class_addMethod(WindowDelegateClass, sel_registerName("windowDidBecomeKey:"), cast(IMP)gb__osx_window_did_become_key, "v@:@");
wdgAlloc = objc_msgSend_id(cast(id)WindowDelegateClass, sel_registerName("alloc"));
wdg = objc_msgSend_id(wdgAlloc, sel_registerName("init"));
objc_msgSend_void(wdg, sel_registerName("autorelease"));
objc_msgSend_void_id(window, sel_registerName("setDelegate:"), wdg);
contentView = objc_msgSend_id(window, sel_registerName("contentView"));
NSPoint point = {20, 20};
((void (*)(id, SEL, NSPoint))objc_msgSend)(window, sel_registerName("cascadeTopLeftFromPoint:"), point);
titleString = objc_msgSend_id_char_const(cast(id)objc_getClass("NSString"), sel_registerName("stringWithUTF8String:"), window_title);
objc_msgSend_void_id(window, sel_registerName("setTitle:"), titleString);
if (type == gbRenderer_Opengl) {
// TODO(bill): Make sure this works correctly
u32 opengl_hex_version = (p->opengl.major << 12) | (p->opengl.minor << 8);
u32 gl_attribs[] = {
8, 24, // NSOpenGLPFAColorSize, 24,
11, 8, // NSOpenGLPFAAlphaSize, 8,
5, // NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer,
73, // NSOpenGLPFAAccelerated,
//72, // NSOpenGLPFANoRecovery,
//55, 1, // NSOpenGLPFASampleBuffers, 1,
//56, 4, // NSOpenGLPFASamples, 4,
99, opengl_hex_version, // NSOpenGLPFAOpenGLProfile, NSOpenGLProfileVersion3_2Core,
id pixel_format_alloc, pixel_format;
id opengl_context_alloc, opengl_context;
pixel_format_alloc = objc_msgSend_id(cast(id)objc_getClass("NSOpenGLPixelFormat"), sel_registerName("alloc"));
pixel_format = ((id (*)(id, SEL, const uint32_t*))objc_msgSend)(pixel_format_alloc, sel_registerName("initWithAttributes:"), gl_attribs);
objc_msgSend_void(pixel_format, sel_registerName("autorelease"));
opengl_context_alloc = objc_msgSend_id(cast(id)objc_getClass("NSOpenGLContext"), sel_registerName("alloc"));
opengl_context = ((id (*)(id, SEL, id, id))objc_msgSend)(opengl_context_alloc, sel_registerName("initWithFormat:shareContext:"), pixel_format, nil);
objc_msgSend_void(opengl_context, sel_registerName("autorelease"));
objc_msgSend_void_id(opengl_context, sel_registerName("setView:"), contentView);
objc_msgSend_void_id(window, sel_registerName("makeKeyAndOrderFront:"), window);
objc_msgSend_void_bool(window, sel_registerName("setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:"), YES);
p->window_handle = cast(void *)window;
p->opengl.context = cast(void *)opengl_context;
} else {
GB_PANIC("TODO(bill): Software rendering");
id blackColor = objc_msgSend_id(cast(id)objc_getClass("NSColor"), sel_registerName("blackColor"));
objc_msgSend_void_id(window, sel_registerName("setBackgroundColor:"), blackColor);
objc_msgSend_void_bool(NSApp, sel_registerName("activateIgnoringOtherApps:"), YES);
object_setInstanceVariable(wdg, "gbPlatform", cast(void *)p);
p->is_initialized = true;
return true;
// NOTE(bill): Software rendering
b32 gb_platform_init_with_software(gbPlatform *p, char const *window_title, i32 width, i32 height, u32 window_flags) {
GB_PANIC("TODO(bill): Software rendering in not yet implemented on OS X\n");
return gb__platform_init(p, window_title, gb_video_mode(width, height, 32), gbRenderer_Software, window_flags);
// NOTE(bill): OpenGL Rendering
b32 gb_platform_init_with_opengl(gbPlatform *p, char const *window_title, i32 width, i32 height, u32 window_flags,
i32 major, i32 minor, b32 core, b32 compatible) {
p->opengl.major = major;
p->opengl.minor = minor;
p->opengl.core = core;
p->opengl.compatible = compatible;
return gb__platform_init(p, window_title, gb_video_mode(width, height, 32), gbRenderer_Opengl, window_flags);
// NOTE(bill): Reverse engineering can be fun!!!
gb_internal gbKeyType gb__osx_from_key_code(u16 key_code) {
switch (key_code) {
default: return gbKey_Unknown;
case 0x1d: return gbKey_0;
case 0x12: return gbKey_1;
case 0x13: return gbKey_2;
case 0x14: return gbKey_3;
case 0x15: return gbKey_4;
case 0x17: return gbKey_5;
case 0x16: return gbKey_6;
case 0x1a: return gbKey_7;
case 0x1c: return gbKey_8;
case 0x19: return gbKey_9;
case 0x00: return gbKey_A;
case 0x0b: return gbKey_B;
case 0x08: return gbKey_C;
case 0x02: return gbKey_D;
case 0x0e: return gbKey_E;
case 0x03: return gbKey_F;
case 0x05: return gbKey_G;
case 0x04: return gbKey_H;
case 0x22: return gbKey_I;
case 0x26: return gbKey_J;
case 0x28: return gbKey_K;
case 0x25: return gbKey_L;
case 0x2e: return gbKey_M;
case 0x2d: return gbKey_N;
case 0x1f: return gbKey_O;
case 0x23: return gbKey_P;
case 0x0c: return gbKey_Q;
case 0x0f: return gbKey_R;
case 0x01: return gbKey_S;
case 0x11: return gbKey_T;
case 0x20: return gbKey_U;
case 0x09: return gbKey_V;
case 0x0d: return gbKey_W;
case 0x07: return gbKey_X;
case 0x10: return gbKey_Y;
case 0x06: return gbKey_Z;
case 0x21: return gbKey_Lbracket;
case 0x1e: return gbKey_Rbracket;
case 0x29: return gbKey_Semicolon;
case 0x2b: return gbKey_Comma;
case 0x2f: return gbKey_Period;
case 0x27: return gbKey_Quote;
case 0x2c: return gbKey_Slash;
case 0x2a: return gbKey_Backslash;
case 0x32: return gbKey_Grave;
case 0x18: return gbKey_Equals;
case 0x1b: return gbKey_Minus;
case 0x31: return gbKey_Space;
case 0x35: return gbKey_Escape; // Escape
case 0x3b: return gbKey_Lcontrol; // Left Control
case 0x38: return gbKey_Lshift; // Left Shift
case 0x3a: return gbKey_Lalt; // Left Alt
case 0x37: return gbKey_Lsystem; // Left OS specific: window (Windows and Linux), apple/cmd (MacOS X), ...
case 0x3e: return gbKey_Rcontrol; // Right Control
case 0x3c: return gbKey_Rshift; // Right Shift
case 0x3d: return gbKey_Ralt; // Right Alt
// case 0x37: return gbKey_Rsystem; // Right OS specific: window (Windows and Linux), apple/cmd (MacOS X), ...
case 0x6e: return gbKey_Menu; // Menu
case 0x24: return gbKey_Return; // Return
case 0x33: return gbKey_Backspace; // Backspace
case 0x30: return gbKey_Tab; // Tabulation
case 0x74: return gbKey_Pageup; // Page up
case 0x79: return gbKey_Pagedown; // Page down
case 0x77: return gbKey_End; // End
case 0x73: return gbKey_Home; // Home
case 0x72: return gbKey_Insert; // Insert
case 0x75: return gbKey_Delete; // Delete
case 0x45: return gbKey_Plus; // +
case 0x4e: return gbKey_Subtract; // -
case 0x43: return gbKey_Multiply; // *
case 0x4b: return gbKey_Divide; // /
case 0x7b: return gbKey_Left; // Left arrow
case 0x7c: return gbKey_Right; // Right arrow
case 0x7e: return gbKey_Up; // Up arrow
case 0x7d: return gbKey_Down; // Down arrow
case 0x52: return gbKey_Numpad0; // Numpad 0
case 0x53: return gbKey_Numpad1; // Numpad 1
case 0x54: return gbKey_Numpad2; // Numpad 2
case 0x55: return gbKey_Numpad3; // Numpad 3
case 0x56: return gbKey_Numpad4; // Numpad 4
case 0x57: return gbKey_Numpad5; // Numpad 5
case 0x58: return gbKey_Numpad6; // Numpad 6
case 0x59: return gbKey_Numpad7; // Numpad 7
case 0x5b: return gbKey_Numpad8; // Numpad 8
case 0x5c: return gbKey_Numpad9; // Numpad 9
case 0x41: return gbKey_NumpadDot; // Numpad .
case 0x4c: return gbKey_NumpadEnter; // Numpad Enter
case 0x7a: return gbKey_F1; // F1
case 0x78: return gbKey_F2; // F2
case 0x63: return gbKey_F3; // F3
case 0x76: return gbKey_F4; // F4
case 0x60: return gbKey_F5; // F5
case 0x61: return gbKey_F6; // F6
case 0x62: return gbKey_F7; // F7
case 0x64: return gbKey_F8; // F8
case 0x65: return gbKey_F9; // F8
case 0x6d: return gbKey_F10; // F10
case 0x67: return gbKey_F11; // F11
case 0x6f: return gbKey_F12; // F12
case 0x69: return gbKey_F13; // F13
case 0x6b: return gbKey_F14; // F14
case 0x71: return gbKey_F15; // F15
// case : return gbKey_Pause; // Pause // NOTE(bill): Not possible on OS X
gb_internal void gb__osx_on_cocoa_event(gbPlatform *p, id event, id window) {
if (!event) {
} else if (objc_msgSend_id(window, sel_registerName("delegate"))) {
NSUInteger event_type = ((NSUInteger (*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend)(event, sel_registerName("type"));
switch (event_type) {
case 1: gb_key_state_update(&p->mouse_buttons[gbMouseButton_Left], true); break; // NSLeftMouseDown
case 2: gb_key_state_update(&p->mouse_buttons[gbMouseButton_Left], false); break; // NSLeftMouseUp
case 3: gb_key_state_update(&p->mouse_buttons[gbMouseButton_Right], true); break; // NSRightMouseDown
case 4: gb_key_state_update(&p->mouse_buttons[gbMouseButton_Right], false); break; // NSRightMouseUp
case 25: { // NSOtherMouseDown
// TODO(bill): Test thoroughly
NSInteger number = ((NSInteger (*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend)(event, sel_registerName("buttonNumber"));
if (number == 2) gb_key_state_update(&p->mouse_buttons[gbMouseButton_Middle], true);
if (number == 3) gb_key_state_update(&p->mouse_buttons[gbMouseButton_X1], true);
if (number == 4) gb_key_state_update(&p->mouse_buttons[gbMouseButton_X2], true);
} break;
case 26: { // NSOtherMouseUp
NSInteger number = ((NSInteger (*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend)(event, sel_registerName("buttonNumber"));
if (number == 2) gb_key_state_update(&p->mouse_buttons[gbMouseButton_Middle], false);
if (number == 3) gb_key_state_update(&p->mouse_buttons[gbMouseButton_X1], false);
if (number == 4) gb_key_state_update(&p->mouse_buttons[gbMouseButton_X2], false);
} break;
// TODO(bill): Scroll wheel
case 22: { // NSScrollWheel
CGFloat dx = ((CGFloat (*)(id, SEL))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret)(event, sel_registerName("scrollingDeltaX"));
CGFloat dy = ((CGFloat (*)(id, SEL))abi_objc_msgSend_fpret)(event, sel_registerName("scrollingDeltaY"));
BOOL precision_scrolling = ((BOOL (*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend)(event, sel_registerName("hasPreciseScrollingDeltas"));
if (precision_scrolling) {
dx *= 0.1f;
dy *= 0.1f;
// TODO(bill): Handle sideways
p->mouse_wheel_delta = dy;
// p->mouse_wheel_dy = dy;
// gb_printf("%f %f\n", dx, dy);
} break;
case 12: { // NSFlagsChanged
#if 0
// TODO(bill): Reverse engineer this properly
NSUInteger modifiers = ((NSUInteger (*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend)(event, sel_registerName("modifierFlags"));
u32 upper_mask = (modifiers & 0xffff0000ul) >> 16;
b32 shift = (upper_mask & 0x02) != 0;
b32 control = (upper_mask & 0x04) != 0;
b32 alt = (upper_mask & 0x08) != 0;
b32 command = (upper_mask & 0x10) != 0;
// gb_printf("%u\n", keys.mask);
// gb_printf("%x\n", cast(u32)modifiers);
} break;
case 10: { // NSKeyDown
u16 key_code;
id input_text = objc_msgSend_id(event, sel_registerName("characters"));
char const *input_text_utf8 = ((char const *(*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend)(input_text, sel_registerName("UTF8String"));
p->char_buffer_count = gb_strnlen(input_text_utf8, gb_size_of(p->char_buffer));
gb_memcopy(p->char_buffer, input_text_utf8, p->char_buffer_count);
key_code = ((unsigned short (*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend)(event, sel_registerName("keyCode"));
gb_key_state_update(&p->keys[gb__osx_from_key_code(key_code)], true);
} break;
case 11: { // NSKeyUp
u16 key_code = ((unsigned short (*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend)(event, sel_registerName("keyCode"));
gb_key_state_update(&p->keys[gb__osx_from_key_code(key_code)], false);
} break;
default: break;
objc_msgSend_void_id(NSApp, sel_registerName("sendEvent:"), event);
void gb_platform_update(gbPlatform *p) {
id window, key_window, content_view;
NSRect original_frame;
window = cast(id)p->window_handle;
key_window = objc_msgSend_id(NSApp, sel_registerName("keyWindow"));
p->window_has_focus = key_window == window; // TODO(bill): Is this right
if (p->window_has_focus) {
isize i;
p->char_buffer_count = 0; // TODO(bill): Reset buffer count here or else where?
// NOTE(bill): Need to update as the keys only get updates on events
for (i = 0; i < gbKey_Count; i++) {
b32 is_down = (p->keys[i] & gbKeyState_Down) != 0;
gb_key_state_update(&p->keys[i], is_down);
for (i = 0; i < gbMouseButton_Count; i++) {
b32 is_down = (p->mouse_buttons[i] & gbKeyState_Down) != 0;
gb_key_state_update(&p->mouse_buttons[i], is_down);
{ // Handle Events
id distant_past = objc_msgSend_id(cast(id)objc_getClass("NSDate"), sel_registerName("distantPast"));
id event = ((id (*)(id, SEL, NSUInteger, id, id, BOOL))objc_msgSend)(NSApp, sel_registerName("nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:"), NSUIntegerMax, distant_past, NSDefaultRunLoopMode, YES);
gb__osx_on_cocoa_event(p, event, window);
if (p->window_has_focus) {
p->key_modifiers.control = p->keys[gbKey_Lcontrol] | p->keys[gbKey_Rcontrol];
p->key_modifiers.alt = p->keys[gbKey_Lalt] | p->keys[gbKey_Ralt];
p->key_modifiers.shift = p->keys[gbKey_Lshift] | p->keys[gbKey_Rshift];
{ // Check if window is closed
id wdg = objc_msgSend_id(window, sel_registerName("delegate"));
if (!wdg) {
p->window_is_closed = false;
} else {
NSUInteger value = 0;
object_getInstanceVariable(wdg, "closed", cast(void **)&value);
p->window_is_closed = (value != 0);
content_view = objc_msgSend_id(window, sel_registerName("contentView"));
original_frame = ((NSRect (*)(id, SEL))abi_objc_msgSend_stret)(content_view, sel_registerName("frame"));
{ // Window
NSRect frame = original_frame;
frame = ((NSRect (*)(id, SEL, NSRect))abi_objc_msgSend_stret)(content_view, sel_registerName("convertRectToBacking:"), frame);
p->window_width = frame.size.width;
p->window_height = frame.size.height;
frame = ((NSRect (*)(id, SEL, NSRect))abi_objc_msgSend_stret)(window, sel_registerName("convertRectToScreen:"), frame);
p->window_x = frame.origin.x;
p->window_y = frame.origin.y;
{ // Mouse
NSRect frame = original_frame;
NSPoint mouse_pos = ((NSPoint (*)(id, SEL))objc_msgSend)(window, sel_registerName("mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream"));
mouse_pos.x = gb_clamp(mouse_pos.x, 0, frame.size.width-1);
mouse_pos.y = gb_clamp(mouse_pos.y, 0, frame.size.height-1);
i32 x = mouse_pos.x;
i32 y = mouse_pos.y;
p->mouse_dx = x - p->mouse_x;
p->mouse_dy = y - p->mouse_y;
p->mouse_x = x;
p->mouse_y = y;
if (p->mouse_clip) {
b32 update = false;
i32 x = p->mouse_x;
i32 y = p->mouse_y;
if (p->mouse_x < 0) {
x = 0;
update = true;
} else if (p->mouse_y > p->window_height-1) {
y = p->window_height-1;
update = true;
if (p->mouse_y < 0) {
y = 0;
update = true;
} else if (p->mouse_x > p->window_width-1) {
x = p->window_width-1;
update = true;
if (update)
gb_platform_set_mouse_position(p, x, y);
{ // TODO(bill): Controllers
// TODO(bill): Is this in the correct place?
objc_msgSend_void(NSApp, sel_registerName("updateWindows"));
if (p->renderer_type == gbRenderer_Opengl) {
objc_msgSend_void(cast(id)p->opengl.context, sel_registerName("update"));
void gb_platform_display(gbPlatform *p) {
// TODO(bill): Do more
if (p->renderer_type == gbRenderer_Opengl) {
objc_msgSend_void(cast(id)p->opengl.context, sel_registerName("flushBuffer"));
} else if (p->renderer_type == gbRenderer_Software) {
// TODO(bill):
} else {
GB_PANIC("Invalid window rendering type");
f64 prev_time = p->curr_time;
f64 curr_time = gb_time_now();
p->dt_for_frame = curr_time - prev_time;
p->curr_time = curr_time;
void gb_platform_destroy(gbPlatform *p) {
objc_msgSend_void(cast(id)p->window_handle, sel_registerName("close"));
#if defined(ARC_AVAILABLE)
// TODO(bill): autorelease pool
objc_msgSend_void(cast(id)p->osx_autorelease_pool, sel_registerName("drain"));
void gb_platform_show_cursor(gbPlatform *p, b32 show) {
if (show ) {
// objc_msgSend_void(class_registerName("NSCursor"), sel_registerName("unhide"));
} else {
// objc_msgSend_void(class_registerName("NSCursor"), sel_registerName("hide"));
void gb_platform_set_mouse_position(gbPlatform *p, i32 x, i32 y) {
// TODO(bill):
CGPoint pos = {cast(CGFloat)x, cast(CGFloat)y};
pos.x += p->window_x;
pos.y += p->window_y;
void gb_platform_set_controller_vibration(gbPlatform *p, isize index, f32 left_motor, f32 right_motor) {
// TODO(bill):
b32 gb_platform_has_clipboard_text(gbPlatform *p) {
// TODO(bill):
return false;
void gb_platform_set_clipboard_text(gbPlatform *p, char const *str) {
// TODO(bill):
char *gb_platform_get_clipboard_text(gbPlatform *p, gbAllocator a) {
// TODO(bill):
return NULL;
void gb_platform_set_window_position(gbPlatform *p, i32 x, i32 y) {
// TODO(bill):
void gb_platform_set_window_title(gbPlatform *p, char const *title, ...) {
id title_string;
char buf[256] = {0};
va_list va;
va_start(va, title);
gb_snprintf_va(buf, gb_count_of(buf), title, va);
title_string = objc_msgSend_id_char_const(cast(id)objc_getClass("NSString"), sel_registerName("stringWithUTF8String:"), buf);
objc_msgSend_void_id(cast(id)p->window_handle, sel_registerName("setTitle:"), title_string);
void gb_platform_toggle_fullscreen(gbPlatform *p, b32 fullscreen_desktop) {
// TODO(bill):
void gb_platform_toggle_borderless(gbPlatform *p) {
// TODO(bill):
void gb_platform_make_opengl_context_current(gbPlatform *p) {
objc_msgSend_void(cast(id)p->opengl.context, sel_registerName("makeCurrentContext"));
void gb_platform_show_window(gbPlatform *p) {
// TODO(bill):
void gb_platform_hide_window(gbPlatform *p) {
// TODO(bill):
i32 gb__osx_mode_bits_per_pixel(CGDisplayModeRef mode) {
i32 bits_per_pixel = 0;
CFStringRef pixel_encoding = CGDisplayModeCopyPixelEncoding(mode);
if(CFStringCompare(pixel_encoding, CFSTR(IO32BitDirectPixels), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) == kCFCompareEqualTo) {
bits_per_pixel = 32;
} else if(CFStringCompare(pixel_encoding, CFSTR(IO16BitDirectPixels), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) == kCFCompareEqualTo) {
bits_per_pixel = 16;
} else if(CFStringCompare(pixel_encoding, CFSTR(IO8BitIndexedPixels), kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) == kCFCompareEqualTo) {
bits_per_pixel = 8;
return bits_per_pixel;
i32 gb__osx_display_bits_per_pixel(CGDirectDisplayID display) {
CGDisplayModeRef mode = CGDisplayCopyDisplayMode(display);
i32 bits_per_pixel = gb__osx_mode_bits_per_pixel(mode);
return bits_per_pixel;
gbVideoMode gb_video_mode_get_desktop(void) {
CGDirectDisplayID display = CGMainDisplayID();
return gb_video_mode(CGDisplayPixelsWide(display),
isize gb_video_mode_get_fullscreen_modes(gbVideoMode *modes, isize max_mode_count) {
CFArrayRef cg_modes = CGDisplayCopyAllDisplayModes(CGMainDisplayID(), NULL);
CFIndex i, count;
if (cg_modes == NULL) {
return 0;
count = gb_min(CFArrayGetCount(cg_modes), max_mode_count);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
CGDisplayModeRef cg_mode = cast(CGDisplayModeRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(cg_modes, i);
modes[i] = gb_video_mode(CGDisplayModeGetWidth(cg_mode),
gb_sort_array(modes, count, gb_video_mode_dsc_cmp);
return cast(isize)count;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
/* gb_math.h - v0.06g - public domain C math library - no warranty implied; use at your own risk
/* gb_math.h - v0.06h - public domain C math library - no warranty implied; use at your own risk
A C math library geared towards game development
use '#define GB_MATH_IMPLEMENTATION' before including to create the implementation in _ONE_ file
Version History:
0.06h - Ignore silly warnings
0.06g - Remove memzero
0.06f - Remove warning on MSVC
0.06e - Change brace style and fix some warnings
@ -748,11 +749,21 @@ inline gbVec3 operator*(gbQuat q, gbVec3 v) { gbVec3 r; gb_quat_rotate_vec3(&r,
#if (defined(__GCC__) || defined(__GNUC__)) && !defined(__clang__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wattributes"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-braces"
#elif __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wattributes"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-braces"
/* NOTE(bill): To remove the need for memcpy */
static void gb__memcpy_4byte(void *dest, void const *src, size_t size) {
@ -2057,5 +2068,12 @@ int gb_random_range_int(int min_inc, int max_inc) {
return result;
#if defined(__GCC__) || defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#elif defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop