/* gb_ini.h - v0.93 - public domain ini file loader library - no warranty implied; use at your own risk A Simple Ini File Loader Library for C and C++ Version History: 0.93 - C90 support 0.92 - ?? 0.91 - New styling 0.91a - Error handling fix 0.91 - Add extern "C" if compiling as C++ 0.90 - Initial Version LICENSE This software is in the public domain. Where that dedication is not recognized, you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy, distribute, and modify this file as you see fit. How to use: Do this: #define GB_INI_IMPLEMENTATION before you include this file in *one* C++ file to create the implementation i.e. it should look like this: #include ... #include ... #include ... #define GB_INI_IMPLEMENTATION #include "gb_ini.h" If you prefer to use C++, you can use all the same functions in a namespace instead, do this: #define GB_INI_CPP before you include the header file i.e it should look like this: #define GB_INI_CPP #include "gb_ini.h" */ /* Examples: */ /* test.ini contents*/ #if 0 ; This is a Comment # This is also name=gb_ini.h version = 01337 # Look mum, a comment! [license] name = Public Domain [author] name = Ginger Bill #endif /* C example */ #if 0 #define GB_INI_IMPLEMENTATION #include "gb_ini.h" #include #include struct Library { char const *name; int version; char const *license; char const *author; }; // The below macro expands to this: // static test_ini_handlerchar const *data, char const *section, char const *name, char const *value) static GB_INI_HANDLER(test_ini_handler) { struct Library *lib = (struct Library *)data; #define TEST(s, n) (strcmp(section, s) == 0 && strcmp(name, n) == 0) if (TEST("", "name")) lib->name = strdup(value); else if (TEST("", "version")) lib->version = atoi(value); else if (TEST("license", "name")) lib->license = strdup(value); else if (TEST("author", "name")) lib->author = strdup(value); else return 0; #undef TEST return 1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct Library lib = {0}; gbIniError err = gb_ini_parse("test.ini", &test_ini_handler, &lib); if (err.type != GB_INI_ERROR_NONE) { if (err.line_num > 0) printf("Line (%d): ", err.line_num); printf("%s\n", gb_ini_error_string(err)); return 1; } printf("Name : %s\n", lib.name); // Name : gb_init.h printf("Version : %d\n", lib.version); // Version : 1337 printf("License : %s\n", lib.license); // License : Public Domain printf("Author : %s\n", lib.author); // Author : Ginger Bill return 0; } #endif /* C++ example */ #if 0 #define GB_INI_CPP #define GB_INI_IMPLEMENTATION #include "gb_ini.h" #include #include struct Library { char const *name; int version; char const *license; char const *author; }; // The below macro expands to this: // static test_ini_handler(void *data, char const *section, char const *name, char const *value) static GB_INI_HANDLER(test_ini_handler) { Library* lib = (Library*)data; #define TEST(s, n) (strcmp(section, s) == 0 && strcmp(name, n) == 0) if (TEST("", "name")) lib->name = strdup(value); else if (TEST("", "version")) lib->version = atoi(value); else if (TEST("license", "name")) lib->license = strdup(value); else if (TEST("author", "name")) lib->author = strdup(value); else return 0; #undef TEST return 1; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { Library lib = {}; using namespace gb; Ini_Error err = ini_parse("test.ini", &test_ini_handler, &lib); if (err.type != INI_ERROR_NONE) { if (err.line_num > 0) printf("Line (%d): ", err.line_num); printf("%s\n", ini_error_string(err)); return 1; } printf("Name : %s\n", lib.name); // Name : gb_init.h printf("Version : %d\n", lib.version); // Version : 90 printf("License : %s\n", lib.license); // License : Public Domain printf("Author : %s\n", lib.author); // Author : Ginger Bill return 0; } #endif #ifndef GB_INI_INCLUDE_GB_INI_H #define GB_INI_INCLUDE_GB_INI_H #ifndef GB_INI_MAX_LINE_LENGTH #define GB_INI_MAX_LINE_LENGTH 1024 #endif #ifndef GB_INI_MAX_SECTION_LENGTH #define GB_INI_MAX_SECTION_LENGTH 256 #endif #ifndef GB_INI_MAX_NAME_LENGTH #define GB_INI_MAX_NAME_LENGTH 256 #endif #ifndef GB_INI_CHECK_FOR_UTF8_BOM #define GB_INI_CHECK_FOR_UTF8_BOM 1 #endif #ifndef _MSC_VER #ifdef __cplusplus #define gbini_inline inline #else #define gbini_inline #endif #else #define gbini_inline __forceinline #endif #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif enum { GB_INI_ERROR_NONE = 0, GB_INI_ERROR_FILE_ERROR, GB_INI_ERROR_MISSING_SECTION_BRACKET, GB_INI_ERROR_ASSIGNMENT_MISSING, GB_INI_ERROR_HANDLER_ERROR, GB_INI_ERROR_COUNT }; typedef struct gbIniError { int type; size_t line_num; } gbIniError; #ifndef GB_INI_HANDLER_RETURN_TYPE #define GB_INI_HANDLER_RETURN_TYPE typedef int gbIniHRT; #endif /* This macro can be use to declare this type of function without * needing to define all the of the parameters */ #define GB_INI_HANDLER(func_name) gbIniHRT func_name(void *data, char const *section, char const *name, char const *value) typedef GB_INI_HANDLER(gbIniHandler); extern char const *GB_ERROR_STRINGS[GB_INI_ERROR_COUNT]; gbIniError gb_ini_parse(char const *filename, gbIniHandler* handler_func, void *data); gbIniError gb_ini_parse_file(FILE *file, gbIniHandler* handler_func, void *data); gbini_inline char const *gb_ini_error_string(gbIniError const err) { return GB_ERROR_STRINGS[err.type]; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #ifdef GB_INI_CPP #if !defined(__cplusplus) #error You need to compile as C++ for the C++ version of gb_ini.h to work #endif namespace gb { typedef gbIniError IniError; typedef gbIniHandler IniHandler; /* Just a copy but with the GB_ prefix stripped */ enum { INI_ERROR_NONE = 0, INI_ERROR_FILE_ERROR, INI_ERROR_MISSING_SECTION_BRACKET, INI_ERROR_ASSIGNMENT_MISSING, INI_ERROR_HANDLER_ERROR /* No need for enum count */ }; inline Ini_Error ini_parse(char const *filename, Ini_Handler *handler_func, void *data) { return gb_ini_parse(filename, handler_func, data); } inline Ini_Error ini_parse(FILE *file, Ini_Handler *handler_func, void *data) { return gb_ini_parse_file(file, handler_func, data); } inline char const *ini_error_string(const Ini_Error err) { return GB_ERROR_STRINGS[err.type]; } } /* namespace gb */ #endif /* GB_INI_CPP */ #endif /* GB_INI_INCLUDE_GB_INI_H */ #ifdef GB_INI_IMPLEMENTATION #include #include char const *GB_ERROR_STRINGS[GB_INI_ERROR_COUNT] = { "", "Error in opening file", "Missing closing section bracket ']'", "Missing assignment operator '='", "Error in handler function", }; static gbini_inline char* gb__left_whitespace_skip(char const *str) { while (*str && isspace((unsigned char)(*str))) str++; return (char*)str; } static gbini_inline char* gb__right_whitespace_strip(char* str) { char* end = str + strlen(str); while (end > str && isspace((unsigned char)(*--end))) *end = '\0'; return str; } static gbini_inline char* gb__find_char_or_comment_in_string(char const *str, char c) { int was_whitespace = 0; while (*str && *str != c && !(was_whitespace && *str == ';')) { was_whitespace = isspace((unsigned char)(*str)); str++; } return (char*)str; } static gbini_inline char* gb__string_copy(char* dst, char const *src, size_t size) { strncpy(dst, src, size); dst[size - 1] = '\0'; return dst; } gbIniError gb_ini_parse(char const *filename, gbIniHandler *handler_func, void *data) { gbIniError err = {GB_INI_ERROR_FILE_ERROR, 0}; FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!file) return err; err = gb_ini_parse_file(file, handler_func, data); fclose(file); return err; } gbIniError gb_ini_parse_file(FILE *file, gbIniHandler *handler_func, void *data) { char line[GB_INI_MAX_LINE_LENGTH] = ""; size_t line_num = 0; char section[GB_INI_MAX_SECTION_LENGTH] = ""; char prev_name[GB_INI_MAX_NAME_LENGTH] = ""; char *start; char *end; struct gbIniError err = {GB_INI_ERROR_NONE, 0}; while (fgets(line, GB_INI_MAX_LINE_LENGTH, file) != 0) { line_num++; start = line; #if GB_INI_CHECK_FOR_UTF8_BOM /* Check for UTF-8 Byte Order Mark */ if (line_num == 1 && (unsigned char)start[0] == 0xef && (unsigned char)start[1] == 0xbb && (unsigned char)start[2] == 0xbf) { start += 3; } #endif start = gb__left_whitespace_skip(gb__right_whitespace_strip(start)); if (start[0] == ';' || start[0] == '#') continue; /* Allow '#' and ';' comments at start of line */ if (start[0] == '[') { /* [section] */ end = gb__find_char_or_comment_in_string(start+1, ']'); if (*end == ']') { char *sect = start + 1; *end = '\0'; sect = gb__left_whitespace_skip(gb__right_whitespace_strip(sect)); gb__string_copy(section, sect, sizeof(section)); *prev_name = '\0'; } else if (!err.type) { err.type = GB_INI_ERROR_MISSING_SECTION_BRACKET; err.line_num = line_num; } } else if (start[0] && start[0] != ';') { end = gb__find_char_or_comment_in_string(start, '='); if (*end == '=') { char *name, *value; *end = '\0'; name = gb__right_whitespace_strip(start); value = gb__left_whitespace_skip(end + 1); end = gb__find_char_or_comment_in_string(value, '\0'); if (*end == ';') *end = '\0'; gb__right_whitespace_strip(value); gb__string_copy(prev_name, name, sizeof(prev_name)); if (!handler_func(data, section, name, value) && !err.type) { err.type = GB_INI_ERROR_HANDLER_ERROR; err.line_num = line_num; } } else if (!err.type) { /* No '=' found on name=value line */ err.type = GB_INI_ERROR_ASSIGNMENT_MISSING; err.line_num = line_num; continue; } } if (err.type) break; } return err; } #endif /* GB_INI_IMPLEMENTATION */