// gb_string.h - v0.94 - public domain string library - no warranty implied; use at your own risk // A Simple Dynamic Strings Library for C and C++ // // Version History: // 0.94 - Remove "declare anywhere" // 0.93 - Fix typos and errors // 0.92 - Add extern "C" if compiling as C++ // 0.91 - Remove `char * cstr` from String_Header // 0.90 - Initial Version // // LICENSE // // This software is in the public domain. Where that dedication is not // recognized, you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy, // distribute, and modify this file as you see fit. // // How to use: // // Do this: // #define GB_STRING_IMPLEMENTATION // before you include this file in *one* C++ file to create the implementation // // i.e. it should look like this: // #include ... // #include ... // #include ... // #define GB_STRING_IMPLEMENTATION // #include "gb_string.h" // // You can #define GB_ALLOC, and GB_FREE to avoid using malloc,free. // // If you prefer to use C++, you can use all the same functions in a // namespace instead, do this: // #define GB_STRING_CPP // before you include the header file // // i.e it should look like this: // #define GB_STRING_CPP // #include "gb_string.h" // // The C++ version has the advantage that you do not need to reassign variables // i.e. // // /* C version */ // str = gb_append_cstring(str, "another string"); // /* C++ version */ // gb::append_cstring(str, "another string"); // // This could be achieved in C by passing a pointer to the string but for // simplicity and consistency, reassigning the variable is better. // Reasoning: // // By default, strings in C are null terminated which means you have to count // the number of character up to the null character to calculate the length. // Many "better" C string libraries will create a struct for a string. // i.e. // // struct String // { // size_t length; // size_t capacity; // char * cstring; // }; // // This library tries to augment normal C strings in a better way that is still // compatible with C-style strings. // // +--------+-----------------------+-----------------+ // | Header | Binary C-style String | Null Terminator | // +--------+-----------------------+-----------------+ // | // +-> Pointer returned by functions // // Due to the meta-data being stored before the string pointer and every gb string // having an implicit null terminator, gb strings are full compatible with c-style // strings and read-only functions. // // Advantages: // // * gb strings can be passed to C-style string functions without accessing a struct // member of calling a function, i.e. // // printf("%s\n", gb_str); // // Many other libraries do either of these: // // printf("%s\n", string->cstr); // printf("%s\n", get_cstring(string)); // // * You can access each character just like a C-style string: // // printf("%c %c\n", str[0], str[13]); // // * gb strings are singularly allocated. The meta-data is next to the character // array which is better for the cache. // // Disadvantages: // // * In the C version of these functions, many return the new string. i.e. // // str = gb_append_cstring(str, "another string"); // // In the C++ version, this is made easier with the use of references. i.e. // // gb::append_cstring(str, "another string"); // // * Custom allocators must redefine GB_ALLOC and GB_FREE which can be annoying. // realloc is not used for compatibility with many custom allocators that do not // have a reallocation function. // // // Examples: // // C example #if 0 #include #include #define GB_STRING_IMPLEMENTATION #include "gb_string.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { gbString str = gb_make_string("Hello"); gbString other_str = gb_make_string_length(", ", 2); str = gb_append_string(str, other_str); str = gb_append_cstring(str, "world!"); printf("%s\n", str); // Hello, world! printf("str length = %d\n", gb_string_length(str)); str = gb_set_string(str, "Potato soup"); printf("%s\n", str); // Potato soup str = gb_set_string(str, "Hello"); other_str = gb_set_string(other_str, "Pizza"); if (gb_strings_are_equal(str, other_str)) printf("Not called\n"); else printf("Called\n"); str = gb_set_string(str, "Ab.;!...AHello World ??"); str = gb_trim_string(str, "Ab.;!. ?"); printf("%s\n", str); // "Hello World" gb_free_string(str); gb_free_string(other_str); } #endif // // C++ example #if 0 #include #include #define GB_STRING_CPP #define GB_STRING_IMPLEMENTATION #include "gb_string.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { using namespace gb; String str = make_string("Hello"); String other_str = make_string(", ", 2); append_string(str, other_str); append_cstring(str, "world!"); printf("%s\n", str); // Hello, world! printf("str length = %d\n", string_length(str)); set_string(str, "Potato soup"); printf("%s\n", str); // Potato soup set_string(str, "Hello"); set_string(other_str, "Pizza"); if (strings_are_equal(str, other_str)) printf("Not called\n"); else printf("Called\n"); set_string(str, "Ab.;!...AHello World ??"); trim_string(str, "Ab.;!. ?"); printf("%s\n", str); // "Hello World" free_string(str); free_string(other_str); } #endif #ifndef GB_STRING_INCLUDE_GB_STRING_H #define GB_STRING_INCLUDE_GB_STRING_H #ifndef GB_ALLOC #define GB_ALLOC(sz) malloc(sz) #define GB_FREE(ptr) free(ptr) #endif #ifndef _MSC_VER #ifdef __cplusplus #define gb_inline inline #else #define gb_inline #endif #else #define gb_inline __forceinline #endif #include // Needed for memcpy and cstring functions #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef char *gbString; typedef int gbBool; #if !defined(GB_TRUE) || !defined(GB_FALSE) #define GB_TRUE 1 #define GB_FALSE 0 #endif #ifndef GB_SIZE_TYPE #define GB_SIZE_TYPE typedef size_t gbUsize; #endif #ifndef GB_NULLPTR #if __cplusplus #if __cplusplus >= 201103L #define GB_NULLPTR nullptr #else #define GB_NULLPTR 0 #endif #else #define GB_NULLPTR (void*)0 #endif #endif typedef struct gbStringHeader { gbUsize len; gbUsize cap; } gbStringHeader; #define GB_STRING_HEADER(s) ((gbStringHeader *)s - 1) gbString gb_make_string(char const *str); gbString gb_make_string_length(void const *str, gbUsize len); void gb_free_string(gbString str); gbString gb_duplicate_string(gbString const str); gbUsize gb_string_length(gbString const str); gbUsize gb_string_capacity(gbString const str); gbUsize gb_string_available_space(gbString const str); void gb_clear_string(gbString str); gbString gb_append_string_length(gbString str, void const *other, gbUsize len); gbString gb_append_string(gbString str, gbString const other); gbString gb_append_cstring(gbString str, char const *other); gbString gb_set_string(gbString str, char const *cstr); gbString gb_string_make_space_for(gbString str, gbUsize add_len); gbUsize gb_string_allocation_size(gbString const str); gbBool gb_strings_are_equal(gbString const lhs, gbString const rhs); gbString gb_trim_string(gbString str, char const *cut_set); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #if defined(GB_STRING_CPP) #if !defined(__cplusplus) #error You need to compile as C++ for the C++ version of gb_string.h to work #endif namespace gb { typedef gbString String; typedef gbUsize usize; gb_inline String make_string(char const *str = "") { return gb_make_string(str); } gb_inline String make_string(void const *str, usize len) { return gb_make_string_length(str, len); } gb_inline void free_string(String& str) { gb_free_string(str); str = GB_NULLPTR; } gb_inline String duplicate_string(const String str) { return gb_duplicate_string(str); } gb_inline usize string_length(const String str) { return gb_string_length(str); } gb_inline usize string_capacity(const String str) { return gb_string_capacity(str); } gb_inline usize string_available_space(const String str) { return gb_string_available_space(str); } gb_inline void clear_string(String str) { gb_clear_string(str); } gb_inline void append_string_length(String& str, void const *other, usize len) { str = gb_append_string_length(str, other, len); } gb_inline void append_string(String& str, const String other) { str = gb_append_string(str, other); } gb_inline void append_cstring(String& str, char const *other) { str = gb_append_cstring(str, other); } gb_inline void set_string(String& str, char const *cstr) { str = gb_set_string(str, cstr); } gb_inline void string_make_space_for(String& str, usize add_len) { str = gb_string_make_space_for(str, add_len); } gb_inline usize string_allocation_size(const String str) { return gb_string_allocation_size(str); } gb_inline bool strings_are_equal(const String lhs, const String rhs) { return gb_strings_are_equal(lhs, rhs) == GB_TRUE; } gb_inline void trim_string(String& str, char const *cut_set) { str = gb_trim_string(str, cut_set); } } // namespace gb #endif // GB_STRING_CPP #endif // GB_STRING_H #ifdef GB_STRING_IMPLEMENTATION static void gb_set_string_length(gbString str, gbUsize len) { GB_STRING_HEADER(str)->len = len; } static void gb_set_string_capacity(gbString str, gbUsize cap) { GB_STRING_HEADER(str)->cap = cap; } gbString gb_make_string_length(void const *init_str, gbUsize len) { gbString str; gbStringHeader *header; gbUsize header_size = sizeof(gbStringHeader); void *ptr = GB_ALLOC(header_size + len + 1); if (!init_str) memset(ptr, 0, header_size + len + 1); if (ptr == GB_NULLPTR) return GB_NULLPTR; str = (char *)ptr + header_size; header = GB_STRING_HEADER(str); header->len = len; header->cap = len; if (len && init_str) memcpy(str, init_str, len); str[len] = '\0'; return str; } gbString gb_make_string(char const *str) { gbUsize len = str ? strlen(str) : 0; return gb_make_string_length(str, len); } void gb_free_string(gbString str) { if (str == GB_NULLPTR) return; GB_FREE((gbStringHeader *)str - 1); } gbString gb_duplicate_string(gbString const str) { return gb_make_string_length(str, gb_string_length(str)); } gbUsize gb_string_length(gbString const str) { return GB_STRING_HEADER(str)->len; } gbUsize gb_string_capacity(gbString const str) { return GB_STRING_HEADER(str)->cap; } gbUsize gb_string_available_space(gbString const str) { gbStringHeader *h = GB_STRING_HEADER(str); if (h->cap > h->len) return h->cap - h->len; return 0; } void gb_clear_string(gbString str) { gb_set_string_length(str, 0); str[0] = '\0'; } gbString gb_append_string_length(gbString str, void const *other, gbUsize other_len) { gbUsize curr_len = gb_string_length(str); str = gb_string_make_space_for(str, other_len); if (str == GB_NULLPTR) return GB_NULLPTR; memcpy(str + curr_len, other, other_len); str[curr_len + other_len] = '\0'; gb_set_string_length(str, curr_len + other_len); return str; } gbString gb_append_string(gbString str, gbString const other) { return gb_append_string_length(str, other, gb_string_length(other)); } gbString gb_append_cstring(gbString str, char const *other) { return gb_append_string_length(str, other, strlen(other)); } gbString gb_set_string(gbString str, char const *cstr) { gbUsize len = strlen(cstr); if (gb_string_capacity(str) < len) { str = gb_string_make_space_for(str, len - gb_string_length(str)); if (str == GB_NULLPTR) return GB_NULLPTR; } memcpy(str, cstr, len); str[len] = '\0'; gb_set_string_length(str, len); return str; } static gb_inline void *gb__string_realloc(void *ptr, gbUsize old_size, gbUsize new_size) { void *new_ptr; if (!ptr) return GB_ALLOC(new_size); if (new_size < old_size) new_size = old_size; if (old_size == new_size) return ptr; new_ptr = GB_ALLOC(new_size); if (!new_ptr) return GB_NULLPTR; memcpy(new_ptr, ptr, old_size); GB_FREE(ptr); return new_ptr; } gbString gb_string_make_space_for(gbString str, gbUsize add_len) { gbUsize len = gb_string_length(str); gbUsize new_len = len + add_len; void *ptr, *new_ptr; gbUsize available, old_size, new_size; available = gb_string_available_space(str); if (available >= add_len) // Return if there is enough space left return str; ptr = (char *)str - sizeof(gbStringHeader); old_size = sizeof(gbStringHeader) + gb_string_length(str) + 1; new_size = sizeof(gbStringHeader) + new_len + 1; new_ptr = gb__string_realloc(ptr, old_size, new_size); if (new_ptr == GB_NULLPTR) return GB_NULLPTR; str = (char *)new_ptr + sizeof(gbStringHeader); gb_set_string_capacity(str, new_len); return str; } gbUsize gb_string_allocation_size(gbString const s) { gbUsize cap = gb_string_capacity(s); return sizeof(gbStringHeader) + cap; } gbBool gb_strings_are_equal(gbString const lhs, gbString const rhs) { gbUsize lhs_len, rhs_len, i; lhs_len = gb_string_length(lhs); rhs_len = gb_string_length(rhs); if (lhs_len != rhs_len) return GB_FALSE; for (i = 0; i < lhs_len; i++) { if (lhs[i] != rhs[i]) return GB_FALSE; } return GB_TRUE; } gbString gb_trim_string(gbString str, char const *cut_set) { char *start, *end, *start_pos, *end_pos; gbUsize len; start_pos = start = str; end_pos = end = str + gb_string_length(str) - 1; while (start_pos <= end && strchr(cut_set, *start_pos)) start_pos++; while (end_pos > start_pos && strchr(cut_set, *end_pos)) end_pos--; len = (start_pos > end_pos) ? 0 : ((end_pos - start_pos)+1); if (str != start_pos) memmove(str, start_pos, len); str[len] = '\0'; gb_set_string_length(str, len); return str; } #endif // GB_STRING_IMPLEMENTATION