.TH dumpiso 1 "libraw1394 @VERSION@" "" "Linux IEEE 1394" .SH NAME dumpiso \- dump IEEE 1394 isochronous channel packets .SH SYNOPSIS .B dumpiso [ \fIoptions\fR ] [ \fIFILE\fR ] .SH DESCRIPTION dumpiso listens on a selected range of channels and dumps all received packets into the file \fIFILE\fR or, if not given, to standard output. While dumping, the current number of received packets is written to standard error and updated with every packet. .PP It uses a simple file format for the dumps which is described in \fBisodump\fR(5). The dumped packets can be sent out again with \fBsendiso\fR(1). .SH OPTIONS .TP .B -c\fR,\fB --channels=\fICHANNELS Sets the channels to listen on. \fICHANNELS\fR can be either a single number, in which case this is the only channel to listen on, or a range of channels in the form X-Y. Channel numbers can range from 0 to 63. You can give this option multiple times, new channels are added to the list of already set channels. Defaults to all channels. .TP .B -p\fR,\fB --port=\fIPORT Choose port \fIPORT\fR for receiving. A port is a 1394 card or chip and represents one connected bus, therefore this is only relevant when you have multiple of these. Defaults to 0. .TP .B -h\fR,\fB --help Show help text and exit. .SH BUGS None known. .SH SEE ALSO .B sendiso\fR(1), .B isodump\fR(5) .SH AUTHOR Andreas Bombe